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Krisenmanagement und Krisenintervention – Schwerpunkt Südosteuropa

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German and English language
Member of the European Parliament Vice President of the UEF (Union of European Federalists) Chairman of the Council of the Nova Slovenija party since 2001 President of the Society for United Europe, Slovenia
Deputy Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Hellenic Republic
Member, Assembly of Kosovo, Pristina
Secretay-General ret., Austrian Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs, Vienna Chair


Member of the European Parliament Vice President of the UEF (Union of European Federalists) Chairman of the Council of the Nova Slovenija party since 2001 President of the Society for United Europe, Slovenia

 Studies of Geography and History at the University of Ljubljana
 graduate economist (1st degree)
1990, 1992, 1996 and 2000 elected MP to the National Assembly
1990-1992 Prime Minister of the first democratically elected Slovene Government
1993 Deputy-Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs
1996 Chairman of the Parliamentary Commission for European Affairs
1996-1999 Vice-President of the European Union of Christian Democrats
since 1999 Member of the board, European State Legislative Leaders Foundation
2000 Chairman of the European State Legislative Leaders Foundation
 June-November 2000 re-elected Minister of Foreign Affairs
1990-2000 President of the Christian Democrats of Slovenija
since 2002 elected representative of the National Assembly to the European Convention
 On 15 April 2002 he was elected a member of presidency of the National Assembly to the European Convention.


Deputy Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Hellenic Republic

1984-1989 Democretus University of Thrace, Komotini, Greece, Law School, Bachelor Degree
1991-1994 University of Hamburg, Germany, Law School, PhD in Constitutional Law
Worked with the Foreign Ministry in the Greek General Consulate in Hamburg, Germany
1995-1996 Special Advisor to the President of the New Democracy Party on Young People's issues and Cultural Diplomacy
1997-1998 Teaching at the National and Capodistrian University of Athens Law School, Masters' Degree Programme in Public law, as an EPLC fellow
1997-2000 Researcher, European Public Law Center


Member, Assembly of Kosovo, Pristina

1989 Founder of the first opposition group in Kosova, the local chapter of the UJDI (Association of a Yugoslav Democratic Initiative)
Founder of the first Independent Trade Unions of Kosova
1990 Founder and editor in chief of the independent weekly KOHA (since 1997, Daily KOHA Ditore)
1991-1992 President of the second strongest political party in Kosova (PPK)
1999 Leading member of the kosovar Albanian negotiating delegation at the Rambouillet and Paris talks

Dr. Albert ROHAN

Secretay-General ret., Austrian Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs, Vienna

 Studium der Rechtswissenschaften in Wien und Graz
1960 Promotion zum Doktor der Rechtswissenschaften
1960-1961 Versicherungsgesellschaft Le Monde, Paris
1961-1962 Europa Kolleg in Brügge, Belgien
1963 Eintritt in das Bundesministerium für auswärtige Angelegenheiten
1963-1966 Multilaterale Wirtschaftsabteilung
1966-1968 Botschaft Belgrad
1968-1974 Botschaft London (sukzessive Erster Sekretär, Botschaftsrat, Generalkonsul)
1975-1976 Multilaterale Wirtschaftsabteilung
1977-1981 Direktor im Kabinett des UNO Generalsekretärs, New York
1982-1985 Leiter der Abteilung II.5 (Internationale Organisationen)
1985-1990 Botschafter in Argentinien, Uruguay und Paraguay
1990-1995 Leiter der Abteilung II.3 (Zentral-, Ost- und Südosteuropa)
1993-1995 Stellvertretender Politischer Direktor
1994-1995 Nationaler Koordinator, Zentraleuropäische Initiative
1996-2001 Generalsekretär für auswärtige Angelegenheiten
2005-2008 Stv. Sonderbeauftragter des UNO Generalsekretärs für den künftigen Status Prozess für Kosovo
seit 2002 Außenpolitischer Kommentator in Printmedien, Radio und Fernsehen
  Vortragstätigkeit in Universitäten und politischen Institutionen in Europa und USA

Politische Gespräche

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