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Menschenrechte auf der Flucht I

Plenary /
in deutscher Sprache

Die Flüchtlingsbewegungen werfen die Frage auf, ob und in welchem Umfang auch den Flüchtlingen grundlegende Menschenrechte zustehen und wie sie gewährleistet werden. Zugleich zeigt sich eine zunehmende Tendenz, das Asylrecht zu beschränken. Geraten die Menschenrechte, Errungenschaften der Aufklärung, gerade in Not?

President, Federal Administrative Court, Vienna Key Note
Former Justice, Court of Justice of the European Union, Luxembourg
Professor for Fundamental and Human Rights Law, Deputy Director, Research Centre Human Rights, University of Vienna; Scientific Co-Director, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights, Vienna
Judge of the Appeals Chamber, Special Court for Sierra Leone, Freetown; Vice President, UN Committee on the Right of the Child, Geneva
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Home Affairs, Justice and Economic Affairs, Principality of Liechtenstein, Vaduz
Journalist and Presenter, Ö1 Journals and ORF Weltjournal, ORF - Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, Vienna Chair
Humanitarian Advisor to Refugees, Red Cross Austria, Vienna; London School of Economics, London Comment

Mag. Harald PERL

President, Federal Administrative Court, Vienna

1977 Offizier auf Zeit/Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung
1983 Berufungsreferent im Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung
1986 Hauptreferatsleiter im Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung
1988 Wechsel ins Kabinett des Bundeskanzlers als Mitarbeiter und Berater von Bundeskanzler Dr. Franz VRANITZKY
1996 Büroleiter des Bundeskanzlers
1997 Bestellung zum Vorsitzenden des Unabhängigen Bundesasylsenats
2008 Bestellung zum Präsidenten des Asylgerichtshofs
2014 Bestellung zum Präsidenten des Bundesverwaltungsgerichts

Dr. Maria BERGER

Former Justice, Court of Justice of the European Union, Luxembourg

1975-1979 Dr. jur., Rechtswissenschaften & Volkswirtschaftslehre, Universität Innsbruck
1979-1984 Universitätsassistentin, Institut für Öffentliches Recht und Politikwissenschaften, Universität Innsbruck
1984-1988 Stellvertretende Abteilungsleiterin, Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung, Wien
1988-1989 Sachbearbeiterin für EU-Fragen, Bundeskanzleramt, Wien
1989-1992 Leiterin, Abteilung für Integrationspolitische Koordination, Bundeskanzleramt, Wien
  (Vorbereitung des Beitritts Österreichs zur Europäischen Union)
1993-1994 Direktorin, EFTA-Überwachungsbehörde, Genf und Brüssel
1995-1996 Vizepräsidentin, Donau-Universität Krems
1996-2007 Abgeordnete, Europäischen Parlaments & Mitglied des Rechtsausschusses
1997-2009 Mitglied, Gemeinderat der Stadtgemeinde Perg
2002-2003 Stellvertretendes Mitglied, Europäischen Konvents zur Zukunft Europas
2007-2008 Bundesministerin für Justiz, Wien
2008-2009 Abgeordnete, Europäischen Parlaments & Mitglied des Rechtsausschusses
2009-2019 Richterin, Europäisches Gerichtshof, Luxembourg

Dr. Hannes TRETTER

Professor for Fundamental and Human Rights Law, Deputy Director, Research Centre Human Rights, University of Vienna; Scientific Co-Director, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights, Vienna

since 1992 Administrative Director and Scientific Co-Director, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights (BIM), Vienna
2000-2006 Head, Deputy Head, Respectively Member of an Independent Commission of the Austrian Human Rights Advisory Board within the Federal Ministry of Interior, Vienna
2004 Habilitation, Fundamental and Human Rights Law, University of Vienna
since 2004 Associate Professor for Human and Fundamental Rights Law, Faculty of Law, Vienna
2007-2012 Director, Austrian RAXEN Focal Point of the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia in Vienna -EUMC, Vienna
since 2013 Director, Straniak Academy for Democracy and Human Rights, Vienna
since 2014 Deputy Head, Research Centre Human Rights, University of Vienna

Mag. Renate WINTER

Judge of the Appeals Chamber, Special Court for Sierra Leone, Freetown; Vice President, UN Committee on the Right of the Child, Geneva

1962-1968 University of Vienna - studies in law and interpretation in French
1967 Master degrees in Law and Interpretation
1977-1981 Postgraduate education as judge
1967-1968 Assistant to the Chief Executive of Rhône-Poulenc Company Department in Vienna
1968-1969 Supervisor for senior residence homes of the Vienna Chamber of Commerce
1969-1977 University of Vienna. Language teacher. German for foreigners,
1981 Appointed Judge at the Vienna Youth Court
1981-1996 Judge for family and penal affairs (including juveniles and adults), Investigating judge, Sitting judge on penal affairs, President of Chamber of Penal Affairs, President of Juries on Penal Affairs
1996-2000 Consultant at UNOV (United Nations, Vienna), UN Center for International Crime Prevention (CICP); provided advice to government officials on the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in, for example, Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Burundi; Estonia, Federation of Republica Srpska, Guatemala, Iran, Lebanon, Lithuania, Nigeria, Rwanda and Senegal; founding member of the Institute for Children's Rights (IDE), which is dedicated to the worldwide training of judicial personnel and dissemination of information on child rights (Sion, Switzerland); drafted model international law on juvenile justice and its commentary; finalized the United Nations Manual on Juvenile Justice; undertook needs assessment missions in various countries; contributed to the implementation of projects on juvenile justice in the Republic of South Africa and Lebanon; developed juvenile justice projects in various countries; Rapporteur at the Council of Europe on Family Mediation; drafted a project to accord the dispositions of the Convention of the Rights of the Child with the Islamic Law in Iran
2000-2002 Leave of absence from Vienna Youth Court; International Judge of Mitrovica Regional District Court with the United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) and Justice at the Supreme Court in Kosovo; member of the Media Appeals Board, President of the Judicial and Prosecutorial Council. As Presiding Judge, Reporting Judge, Investigating Judge or Member of trial panels of first instance courts and for seven months as Supreme Court Judge, handled approximately 90 criminal cases (among them War Crime cases, Genocide cases and cases of Crime Against Humanity) and conducted trials and other criminal proceedings on murders, organized crime, rape, illegal border crossings, ethnic crimes, juvenile crimes and other matters referred by Presidents of first instance Courts and of the Supreme Court, as well as by other International and Local Judges and Prosecutors and by the police. As the Chairwoman of the Judicial and Prosecutorial Council, dealt with disciplinary matters concerning judges and prosecutors and other matters referred to the Council in accordance with its jurisdiction and authority. Organized and chaired numerous workshops with local and international judiciary representatives in order to work towards the reestablishment of the judiciary system in the region. Drafted legal opinions and assisted in the issuance of the appropriate required regulations and amendments to update existing legislation, in order to improve the existing legal framework and promote respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms without any discrimination. Provided legal advice to the UNMIK Department of Justice on legal issues regarding inter ethnic cases.
since 2002 Appointed by the UN Secretary General to the Appeals Chamber of the Special Court of Sierra Leone (Member of the Appeals Chamber)
2008-2010 Elected President of the Special Court of Sierra Leone, currently member of the Appeals chamber of the SCSL


Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Home Affairs, Justice and Economic Affairs, Principality of Liechtenstein, Vaduz

1989-1996 Architekturstudium, ETH Zürich
1996-1998 Architekt und Projektleiter, ZRH Architekten AG, Zollikon
1998-2000 Rechtswissenschaften, Universität St. Gallen
2000-2013 Jurist, ATU - Allgemeines Treuunternehmen, Vaduz
2002 Treuhandwesen, Fachhochschule Liechtenstein, Vaduz
2003-2011 Dozent, Corporate Governance & Compliance, Fachhochschule / Hochschule / Universität Liechtenstein
2007 Promotion, Universität St. Gallen
2007-2011 Gemeinderat der Gemeinde Vaduz
2007-2013 Honorarkonsul, Republik Polen im Fürstentum Liechtenstein
2009-2010 CAS Nationales und Internationales Steuerrecht, Universität Liechtenstein, Vaduz

Mag. Cornelia VOSPERNIK

Journalist and Presenter, Ö1 Journals and ORF Weltjournal, ORF - Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, Vienna

1985 Erstes Praktikum beim ORF, Slowenische Abteilung, Landesstudio Kärnten; danach Aktueller Dienst Kärnten
1986-1988 United World College of the Adriatic, Abschluss: International Baccalaureate
1989-1994 Studium Dolmetsch für Slowenisch und Italienisch, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Abschluss Mag. phil
1996 Wechsel in die Zeit im Bild 1 Redaktion mit Schwerpunkten Innenpolitik und Außenpolitik
1999-2001 Leiterin Korrespondentenbüro London, danach Außenpolitik ZiB und Moderatorin diverser Sendungen (ZiB1, Weltjournal)
2007-2010 Leiterin des ORF-Büros in Peking
2011-2012 Leiterin der Nachrichten ORFeins
seit 2012 Leiterin des neu gegründeten Büros Nordosteuropa
seit 2013 Moderatorin Ö1 Journale
seit 2014 Moderatorin ORF Weltjournal

Mirwais WAKIL

Humanitarian Advisor to Refugees, Red Cross Austria, Vienna; London School of Economics, London


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