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18: Vielfalt als Mittel gegen Korruption – Traum oder Wirklichkeit?

Breakout /
in englischer Sprache

Korruption beeinträchtigt Menschenrechte und nachhaltige Entwicklung, verschärft Armut und erhöht Transaktionskosten. Ebenso ist Korruption eine nachhaltige Bedrohung für Frieden, Sicherheit und Stabilität mit wirtschaftlichen, sozialen, politischen und kulturellen Dimensionen.
Erhöhte Resilienz gegenüber diesem globalen Phänomen erfordert die Berücksichtigung unterschiedlicher Erfahrungen in verschiedenen Ländern und Regionen sowie internationale Zusammenarbeit und eine umfassende Strategie des öffentlichen und privaten Sektors, der Zivilgesellschaft, der Wissenschaft und der Medien.
Was sind also die Merkmale erfolgreicher Multi-Stakeholder-Ansätze, und können sie global repliziert werden? Wie gehen wir mit der zunehmenden Komplexität gemeinsamer Antikorruptionsmaßnahmen um? Und wie gelingt die Quadratur des Kreises von internationalen Normen und lokalen Spezifitäten?

Jornalist, DOSSIER and Puls4, Vienna
Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Officer, Conference Support Section, Corruption and Economic Crime Branch, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Vienna
Vienna Correspondent, France24, Vienna
Research Fellow, IACA - International Anti-Corruption Academy, Laxenburg
Dean and Executive Secretary, IACA - International Anti Corruption Academy, Laxenburg Chair

B.A. M.A. Mag. Julia HERRNBÖCK

Jornalist, DOSSIER and Puls4, Vienna

2004-2006 President and Chief Executive Officer, uniforce Consulting Junior Enterprise, Vienna
2006-2009 Senior Consultant, Business Transformation and Change Management, Capgemini Consulting, Berlin; itheca group, Zürich
2010 Internship, Der Spiegel and Taz - Die Tageszeitung, Berlin
2010-2015 Editor and Journalist, Der Standard, Vienna
2014 Visiting fellow journalist, ProPublica, New York
since 2016 Journalist, Dossier, Vienna
since 2017 Lecturer, University of Vienna and University of Applied Science, Eisenstadt
2015-2017 Managing Editor and Journalist, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Vienna
since 2016 Journalist, Dossier, Vienna
since 2017 Lecturer, University of Vienna and University of Applied Science, Eisenstadt
2004-2006 President and Chief Executive Officer, uniforce Consulting Junior Enterprise, Vienna
2006-2009 Senior Consultant, Business Transformation and Change Management, Capgemini Consulting, Berlin; itheca group, Zürich
2010 Internship, Der Spiegel and Taz - Die Tageszeitung, Berlin
2010-2015 Editor and Journalist, Der Standard, Vienna
2014 Visiting fellow journalist, ProPublica, New York
2015-2017 Managing Editor and Journalist, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Vienna
since 2016 Journalist, Dossier, Vienna
since 2017 Lecturer, University of Vienna and University of Applied Science, Eisenstadt
Lecturer, University of Vienna and University of Applied Science, Eisenstadt
since 2018 Editor and Journalist, Puls4News, Vienna
Editor and Journalist, Puls4News, Vienna

Mmag. Sophie MEINGAST

Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Officer, Conference Support Section, Corruption and Economic Crime Branch, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Vienna

 Sophie Meingast graduated from the University of Vienna in Law and Political Science. She worked for various non-governmental organizations delivering humanitarian aid in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, South Sudan, and the Philippines, focusing on the prevention of and support to survivors of sexual and gender-based violence. Since 2014, she has been working for the Conference Support Section of the Corruption and Economic Crime Branch of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in Vienna. In this position, her main focus lies on supporting the review of implementation of the United Nations Convention against Corruption.

Anthony MILLS

Vienna Correspondent, France24, Vienna

 Anthony Mills is the Vienna correspondent of France 24 English, the international television news broadcaster based in Paris. A former CNN correspondent in Beirut, he is also a university journalism lecturer, and an independent communications and media consultant, and has lectured regularly on the role of the media in the fight against corruption. He is currently completing his PhD in journalism at the University of Vienna, Austria. His research focuses on the impact of state surveillance on journalism. He holds a BA in International Relations from Brown University, and an MA in International Journalism from City University, London.


Research Fellow, IACA - International Anti-Corruption Academy, Laxenburg

since 2007 Research Fellow, International Anti-Corruption Academy, Laxenburg
2009-2014 Bachelor, International Cooperation and Economic Development, University of Palermo, Italy
2015-2017 Master, Human Rights, University of Vienna

Mag. M.Sc. Martin KREUTNER

Dean and Executive Secretary, IACA - International Anti Corruption Academy, Laxenburg

 Mr. Kreutner is Dean and Executive Secretary of the International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA). He was Director of the Austrian Federal Bureau for Internal Affairs and President of the European Partners against Corruption (EPAC/EACN) network. He extensively lectured worldwide on anti-corruption, international humanitarian law, and security topics. He is/was member of several international boards and a senior reviewer for the United Nations, the Council of Europe, OECD, Transparency International, and the World Bank. He holds a Master in Law from the University of Innsbruck and a Master in Policing and Public Order Studies from the University of Leicester.


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