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Let’s Talk About It – Round Table of the EU Institutions

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German and English language

VertreterInnen der Europäischen Institutionen werden die Entscheidungsfindungsprozesse in der EU anhand ihrer täglichen Arbeitserfahrung innerhalb ihrer eigenen sowie mit den anderen Institutionen erläutern.

Member, Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats), European Parliament; Secretary-General, OSB - Austrian Senior Citizens' Association, Brussels
Former Head, Permanent Representation of Austria to the EU; Head, Department III.5, Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs of the Repubic of Austria, Vienna
Director, Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs, European Commission, Brussels
Digital Communications Manager, Council of the European Union; President, IABC Belgium, International Association of Business Communicators, Brussels Chair


Member, Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats), European Parliament; Secretary-General, OSB - Austrian Senior Citizens' Association, Brussels

1970-1974 Assistant to the Japanese manager responsible for the COMECON market; Marubeni Corporation, Japanese export-
  import Company, Berlin and Vienna
1974-1977 Account Manager and Account Director/Group Account Director; Gramm & Grey, advertising agency, Vienna
1977-1980 Advertising Manager for the audio and home electronics sector; Österreichische Philips Industrie, Vienna
1980-1985 Account Director/Group Account Director and Authorised Signatory; GGK International, advertising agency, Vienna
1985-1988 Agency Head and Account Director; Grey Group, advertising agency, Vienna
1986 Professional examinations in advertising consultancy and advertising media
1988 Founder and Chief Executive; MediaCom, media agency
1988-1992 Agency Head; Member of the Executive Board; BZW Advertising, advertising agency, Vienna
1992 Self-employed: BECKER. advertising agency, Vienna and Perchtoldsdorf
  Handover of management to spouse Anna (2002)
  Transfer of business to spouse, termination of all business licences (2011)
since 2001 Secretary-General, Austrian Senior Citizens' Association (ÖSB)
since 2011 Member of European Parliament
  Transfer of business to spouse, termination of all business licences (2011)
since 2001 Austrian Senior Citizens' Association (ÖSB); Secretary-General
since 2011 Member of European Parliament

Dr. Willy KEMPEL

Former Head, Permanent Representation of Austria to the EU; Head, Department III.5, Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs of the Repubic of Austria, Vienna

1985 Legal Adviser, Family Court Vienna
1986 Austrian Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs: Protocol and Eastern Europe Departments
1987 Austrian Embassy Kinshasa (then Zaire): Stage (security and development policies regarding nine Central African countries)
1987-1991 First Secretary, Austrian Permanent Mission to the United Nations and Specialised Organisations, Geneva (environment and disarmament issues)
1991-1994 Counsellor and alternate to the Ambassador, Austrian Embassy Tel Aviv
1994-1997 Counsellor and Deputy Head of the Middle East Department, Austrian Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs
1997-1999 Counsellor, Deputy Head of the Department for Arms Control and Disarmament as well as of the Austrian Permanent Mission
  to the IAEA and the CTBTO, Austrian Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs
1999-2003 Minister, alternate, Permanent Representation of Austria to the European Union
2003-2007 National detached expert/ diplomatic rank minister, European Commission, DG Relex
2007-2010 Head of Office of the Ministry of the Interior, Permanent Representation of Austria to the EU,
2010-2011 Minister, senior adviser regarding Lisbon Treaty, relations with the European Parliament, EU information, Post-
  Fukushima policies, Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs of the Republic of Austria
since 2011 Deputy Head, Department COREPER I affairs and economic relations with EU Member States; EU information, Post-
  Fukushima policies
since 2012 Head, Department COREPER I affairs and economic relations with EU Member States; EU information

Dr Jürgen KRÖGER

Director, Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs, European Commission, Brussels

1977-1983 Promotion; Assistant Professor, University of Hamburg
1981 European Department, IMF - International Monetary Fund
1995-1996 Cabinet of Yves-Thibault de Silguy, Commissioner responsible for creating the Economic and Monetary Union
since 1983 Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs, European Commission, Brussels

Aurelie VALTAT

Digital Communications Manager, Council of the European Union; President, IABC Belgium, International Association of Business Communicators, Brussels

1998-2002 M.A., in Political Science and International Relations, Institut d'Etudes politiques de Paris
2002 Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) Summer University, Chulalongkorn Mahawitthayalai
2002-2003 B.A., Anthropology, Université René Descartes (Paris V)
Post Graduate Degree, International Public Administration, Université Panthéon Sorbonne (Paris I)
1999-2000 Head of internal and external communications, Alliance Française
2003-2004 Consultant Editor, UNESCO World Heritage Centre
2005-2007 Communications Manager, PostEurop
2007-2009 Corporate Web Editor, EUROCONTROL
2009-2011 Online Communications Manager, Eurocontrol
since 2009 Lecturer, Université de Haute-Bretagne (France), Erasmus University College (Belgium)
since 2011 Digital Communications Manager, Council of the European Union, Brussels
since 2012 President, Belgian Chapter, IABC, Brussels
since 2013 Co-founder, Meditation Day Brussels, Brussels