Beeinflussen, Überzeugen, Manipulieren? Öffentlichkeitsarbeit im Rechtsstreit
Wie werden Litigation-PR und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit der Justiz eingesetzt? Welche Ziele verfolgen die Medienarbeit über Recht? Wer soll und darf überhaupt prozessbegleitende Öffentlichkeitsarbeit betreiben und in welchem Umfang ist sie gerechtfertigt?
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Dr. Walter BERKA
Professor for Public Law, University of Salzburg; Full Member, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
1967-1972 | Studies in Political Science, Communication Science and Law, University Salzburg |
1972 | Doctorate in Law, University Salzburg |
1992-1994 | Full Professor, University Linz |
1994 | Full Professor for Constitutional and Administrative Law, University Salzburg |
1998-2004 | Dean of the Law School, University Salzburg |
since 2005 | Member of the Austrian Science Council |
since 2008 | Full Member of the Austrian Academy of Science |
since 2010 | Vice President of the Science Council |
2011-2013 | Head of the Academy Council |
Dr. Gerald GANZGER
Attorney-at-Law and Managing Partner, Lansky, Ganzger & Partner Rechtsanwälte GmbH, Vienna
1984 | Doctorate in Law, University of Vienna |
1984-1985 | Court year |
1985 | Studies in Law, University of Vienna |
1985-1989 | Trainee lawyer |
1989 | Independent lawyer |
2002 | Managing Partner, LANSKY, GANZGER & Partner Rechtsanwälte GmbH |
2010 | Lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences in Vienna |
Austrian Delegate. International ISO-Committee for Brand Evaluation | |
Head, working group for compliance in health care, Karl Landsteiner Gesellschaft | |
Delegato, Italian Chamber of Commerce in Germany/Austrian Desk | |
Columnist for legal topics, Austrian Journal for Media and Marketing "Horizont" |
Dr. Florian KLENK
Editor-in-Chief, Falter, Vienna
1991-1996 | Studies of Law at University of Vienna |
1996 | Erasmus Fellowship, University of Leiden |
1996-1997 | Legal Advisor, Refugee-Organisation "Helping Hands" |
1997-1998 | Redaktionslehrgang Magazinjournalismus (school of journalism), University of Vienna/ Profil-Trend Verlag |
1998 | Editor, Falter Magazine, Vienna (specialised in human-rights-issues and legal affairs) |
2000 | Dissertation (PhD-Thesis) University of Vienna (Presumption of Innocence vs. Freedom of Press) |
2003 | 3-month-internship at Die Zeit, Hamburg |
2005-2007 | Editor, Die Zeit, Hamburg |
2007-2012 | Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Head of Political Desk, Falter Magazine, Vienna |
2012 | Editor-in-Chief, Falter Magazine |
Dr. Irmgard GRISS
Speaker of the Senate, ELI - European Law Institute; Former President, Supreme Court of Justice, Vienna
1978 | Bar exam |
1975 | LL.M., Harvard University |
1974-1975 | International Legal Studies, Harvard Law School |
1970 | LL.D. |
1966-1970 | Law studies, University of Graz |
1971-1975 | Department Assistant, University of Graz |
1976-1979 | Law clerk in the law firm Dr. Mosing, Vienna |
1979-1980 | Judge, Commercial District Court Vienna |
1981-1987 | Judge, Commercial Court Vienna |
1987-1992 | Judge, Court of Appeal Vienna |
1993-2011 | Judge, Austrian Supreme Court |
2007-2011 | President of the Supreme Court |