Migration und Multikulturalität
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Mag. Dr. Emil BRIX
Austrian Ambassador to the United Kingdom, London
1975-1979 | Studium der Geschichte und Anglistik, Universität Wien |
1979-1980 | Forschungsprojekt "Soziale und kulturelle Konflikte in der Donaumonarchie" |
seit 1982 | Österreichischer Diplomatischer Dienst |
1982-1984 | Bundesgeschäftsführer des Management Clubs des Österreichischen Wirtschaftsbundes |
1984-1986 | Klubsekretär im Parlamentsklub der Österreichischen Volkspartei |
1986-1989 | Leiter des Ministerbüros im Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung |
1990-1995 | Generalkonsul der Republik Österreich in Krakau/Polen |
1995-1999 | Direktor des Österreichischen Kulturinstitutes in London |
2000-2003 | Leiter der Abteilung "Durchführung kultureller und wissenschaftlicher Veranstaltungen im Ausland" (Gesandter) in der Kulturpolitischen Sektion des Bundesministeriums für auswärtige Angelegenheiten |
2002-2010 | Botschafts Leiter der Kulturpolitische Sektion im Bundesministerium für europäische und internationale Angelegenheiten |
2007 | , 2008 Präsident von EUNIC (European Union National Institutes of Culture) |
seit 2010 | Botschafter der Republik Österreich im Vereinigten Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland |
Dr. Rainer MÜNZ
Member, Advisory Committee, Financial Market Symposium, European Forum Alpbach, Vienna
1978 | Ph.D., University of Vienna |
1979-1989 | Research Fellow, Austrian Academy of Sciences |
1980-1998 | Lecturer, Alpen-Adria-University Klagenfurt and University of Vienna |
1986-1987 | Visiting Professor, University of Bamberg |
1986 | , 1989 and 1997-1998 Visiting Professor, University of California at Berkeley |
1988-1989 | Visiting Professor, University of Frankfurt am Main |
1989-1997 | Lecturer, Technical University, Vienna |
1990-1992 | Director, Institute of Demography, Austrian Academy of Science |
1992 | Visiting Professor, University of Zurich |
1992-2003 | Head, Department of Demography, Humboldt University, Berlin |
1995 | , 1997 Visiting Professor, Alpen-Adria-University Klagenfurt |
2000-2001 | Visiting Professor, University of Vienna |
2001-2002 | Senior Research Fellow, Department of Mathematics of Finance, Technical University, Vienna |
since 2003 | Senior Fellow, HWWI - Hamburg Institute of International Economics |
since 2005 | Senior Researcher, Erste Group Bank AG |
2008-2010 | Member, Reflection Group Horizon 2020-2030, European Union |
since 2009 | Senior Fellow, Migration Policy Center, Washington, D.C. |
since 2010 | Visiting Professor, University of St. Gallen |
Member of the Advisory Committee, Alpbach Financial Market Symposium, Vienna |
Member of the European Parliament
After studies of journalism, contemporary history and political science she became foreign policy editor in the ORF (Austrian Broadoasting Corportation /Radio and Television). | |
She worked in TV as single editor and was the first anchor woman to present the main news on Austrian TV. She did many reports on Spain and the Middle East and travelled widely in Europe. | |
Ursula Stenzel won two elections to the European Parliament on top of the list of the Austrian People s Party. |
International Centre for Migration Policy Development, Director General
1967 | Graduation from Stockholm University, BA in philosophy |
1971 | -74 Secretary General of the parliamentary Commission |
1978 | -82 Director of the immigration policy Division of the Ministry of Labour |
1982 | -87 Secretary of State at the Ministry of Labour, deputy to Minister |
1983 | -87 chair in the OECD Working Party on Migration |
1987 | joined UNHCR as Senior Adviser to the High Commissioner for Refugees |
1991 | -93 Head of Secretariat to finding solutions to the asylum crisis in Europe as Coordinator for the Intergovernmental Consultations (IGC) |
consultant on international refugee and migration matters to the UN, ILO, UNESCO, OECD, IOM, Council of Europe and others | |
1995 | -98 External Adviser to the Cabinet of the EU Commissioner responsible for immigration and asylum affairs |
since 1993 | Director General of the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), Vienna |
Mag. Dr. Kurt SCHOLZ
Vorsitzender, Österreichischer Zukunftsfonds; Stadtschulratspräsident i. R., Wien
Studium der Geschichte und Germanistik, | |
Tätigkeit an Schulen und in der Erwachsenenbildung | |
1975-1984 | Referatsleiter für Zeitgeschichte und Politische Bildung im Bundesministerium für Unterricht und Kunst |
1984-1992 | Koordinator der Stadtaußenpolitik und Bereichsleiter für Kultur und Schule in Wien |
1992-2001 | Amtsführender Präsident des Stadtschulrates für Wien |
seit 2001 | Bereichsleiter für Restitutionsangelegenheiten beim Magistrat der Stadt Wien |