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Möglichkeiten und Risiken des Marktes

Wirtschaftskammer Österreich - Rudolf Sallinger-Saal
Plenary /
German and English language
President of the Management Board - Raiffeisenbank Austria d.d. Zagreb
Appointed State Secretary for traffic, Ministry of the Sea, Tourism, Transport and Development
Vorstandsdirektor, Flughafen Wien AG
Consultant, Bouygues Group, Paris
Österreichischer Handelsdelegierter für Kroatien in Zagreb
Professor, Department of Economics, Johannes Kepler Universität, Linz; Director of Research, The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, Vienna
State secretary in the Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship
Verleger "Privredni Vjesnik" Chair


President of the Management Board - Raiffeisenbank Austria d.d. Zagreb

1981-1985 "Jasinje" agriculture company, export-import department
1985-1986 "Slavonijatrans", transport company; Chief Financial Officer
1986-1990 "Privredna Banka Zagreb", Assistant Manager
1989 Financial Manager for a road construction project in Malaysia
1990-1991 Head of Investment Banking Department in "Privredna Banka Zagreb"
1991 Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Deputy Managing Director of "Privredna Banka Zagreb"
1995 Executive Vice president "Privredna Banka Zagreb"
 Since 1996 President of the Management Board - Raiffeisenbank Austria d.d. Zagreb


Appointed State Secretary for traffic, Ministry of the Sea, Tourism, Transport and Development

 Engineer of chemical technology
1988-1997 Nafta Lendava Company (Technologic and Commercial Department)
1997-2003 - Mayor of Town of Mursko Sredisce
 Since 2003 Appointed State Secretary for traffic in the Ministry of Sea, Tourism, Transportation and Development of the Republic of Croatia

Mag. Christian DOMANY

Vorstandsdirektor, Flughafen Wien AG

 Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (BWL)
1977 Sponsion zum Magister der Betriebswirtschaft
1978-1984 Creditanstalt Bankverein - Bereiche "Privatkunden", "Wohnraumservice", "Jugend- und Studentenservice"
1984 Industriellenvereinigung, Stabstellenleiter, Assistent des Generalsekretärs
1989 Industriellenvereinigung, Leiter des Bereichs "Personal, Finanzen und Organisation"
1996 Stv. Generalsekretär der Industriellenvereinigung
1997 Generalsekretär des Österr. Sparkassenverbandes
2000 Generalsekretär der Wirtschaftskammer Österreich
seit 2004 Mitglied des Vorstands, Flughafen Wien AG


Consultant, Bouygues Group, Paris

1980-1985 Vorstandsvorsitzender "Donau Chemie", Wien
1986-1990 Chairman "Ceo Viscosuisse", Luzern (CH)
1991-1996 International Director "Rhome Poulenc Group"
 Since 1997 International Consultant
 Chairman "Donau Chemie", Wien
 Since 2002 Adviser Bouygues Group General Management


Österreichischer Handelsdelegierter für Kroatien in Zagreb

 Doktorats- und Diplomstudium der Betriebswirtschaft und Wirtschaftswissenschaften an der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
1989-1992 Projektleiter für Auslandsveranstaltungen in der WKÖ
1992-1993 Ausbildungsprogramm für die Laufbahn des Handelsdelegierten
1993-1996 Stellvertretender österreichischer Handelsdelegierter für Dänemark in Kopenhagen
1996-1997 Projektmanager für Exportmarktanalysen mit den Schwerpunkten Osteuropa und Südostasien bei der IMMUNO AG, Wien
1997-2000 Stellvertretender österreichischer Handelsdelegierter für Polen in Warschau
2000-2001 Regionalmanager Südosteuropa in der Wirtschaftskammer Österreich (WKÖ)
 Seit 2001 Österreichischer Handelsdelegierter für Kroatien in Zagreb

M.A. D. phil. Dr. Michael LANDESMANN

Professor, Department of Economics, Johannes Kepler Universität, Linz; Director of Research, The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, Vienna

1970-1974 University of Vienna, economics
1972-1973 Brandeis University, Mass., USA, Fulbright Scholarship
1974-1975 Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS), Vienna
1975-1978 University of Oxford, Balliol College
1978-1980 Lecturer in economics, University of Vienna
1980-1986 Research Officer at the Department of Applied Economics, University of Cambridge
1981-1987 Fellow and Lecturer in economics, Girton College, Cambridge
1986-1993 Senior Research Officer at the Department of Applied Economics, University of Cambridge, continues as Research Associate of the same department
1990-1994 Fellow and Lecturer in economics, Jesus College, Cambridge
 Since 1993 Professor of economics, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria
 Since 1994 Honorary Research Associate, Department of Applied Economics, University of Cambridge
 Since 1996 Research Director, The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (WIIW)
 Visiting fellow and professor at Visiting Fellows Programme, European Commission, Brussels; Brandeis University, USA; Harvard University, USA; Bombay University, India; University of Modena, Italy; Central European University, Prague; CERGE, Charles University, Paris; University of Padua, Italy; Osaka City University, Japan


State secretary in the Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship

 Postgraduate study "Project Engineering" in Zagreb Management School
 Graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and naval Architecture in Rijeka
1976-1983 Maintenance engineer-specialist in Diesel engines factory, "3. Maj", Rijeka
1983-1987 Production manager of "Engines and Cranes", "3. Maj", Rijeka
1987-1990 Manager of Engines and Cranes in Diesel engines factory "3. Maj, Rijeka
1990-1991 Vice-president of Managing Board of "3. Maj, Shipbuliding Industry" and Director of sector "Machine Construction", Rijeka
1991-1996 Director of "3. Maj-Engines and Cranes", Rijeka
1996-1997 Project manager for restructuring in " CROATIAN SHIPBUILDING", Zagreb
1997-1998 Counsellor for recovery and restructuring in "CROATIAN SHIPBUILDING-JADRANBROD", Zagreb
1998 Managing director of Shipyard Kraljevica
 Since 2004 State secretary in the Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship


Verleger "Privredni Vjesnik"

 Seit 1954 tätig als Journalist
1967-1972 Chefredakteur von "Privredni Vjesnik"
1972-1981 Chefredakteur und Direktor von "Privredni Vjesnik"
1981-1991 Direktor von "Privredni Vjesnik"
1991-1995 Mitglied des Vorstandes von "Koncar"
 Seit 1997 Präsident der Verwaltung von "Privredni Vjesnik"