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Möglichkeiten von Kleinen und Großen in der Politik

Plenary /
German and English language
Minister of European Integration, Republic of Montenegro, Podgorica
Minister of State at the Department of the Taoiseach and at the Department of Foreign Affairs with responsibility for European Affairs
Member of the European Parliament
Generaldirektor, SRG SSR - Schweizerische Radio- und Fernsehgesellschaft, Zürich Chair

Dr. Gordana DJUROVIC

Minister of European Integration, Republic of Montenegro, Podgorica

 Prof Dr. Gordana Djurovi is a full professor on the Faculty of Economics in Podgorica, where she teaches Economic Development, International Economic Relations, and Regional Economy on basic studies. She is the Head of the post-graduate studies in the field of European Economic Integration, where she teaches Economics of the EU and Enlargement Policy. Dr Djurovi was also project manager and associate on projects in the field of economic policy planning and sustainable development, especially on strategic developmental projects of the Government of the Republic of Montenegro:  Regional development of Montenegro (1998),  Programme on utility services transformation and restructuring in Montenegro (1999) and  Development and poverty reduction strategy in Montenegro (2003). In the previous capacity of the Government of Montenegro, she was the Minister for International Economic Relations (February 2004-October 2006). By the decision of the Government of Montenegro adopted in June 2005, she was appointed for the Head of Negotiating Team for negotiations on stabilization and association process, which was successfully completed with signing of the Agreement (SAA) on 15 October 2007. In February 2005, she was appointed for the Head of Negotiating team for the negotiation of accession of Montenegro to World Trade Organization. In period 2006-2009, she held position of the Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration in the Government of Montenegro. On the session held on 10 June 2009, the Parliament of Montenegro appointed her as Minister for European Integration.


Minister of State at the Department of the Taoiseach and at the Department of Foreign Affairs with responsibility for European Affairs

1978 Former Public Servant, served in the Departments of Post and Telegraphs, Transport and Power, Finance and in the Department of Economic Planning and Development.
won a United Nations Human Rights Fellowship
Appointed College Lecturer in Public Administration and Public Finance at UCD
since 1978 Member of the Irish Commission for Justice and Peace. Later served as chairman of the Commission.
 Represented the Irish Government as an official parliamentary observer at the final appeal of the Birmingham Six in the old Bailey, London
 Patron of the Irish-East Timor Solidarity Campaign
 A past member of the Eastern Health Board, served for a numver of years as chaiman of the Community Care Programm Committee of the Board.
1984 elected to the first Greystones Town Commission.
1985 elected to Wicklow County Council
 Re-elected to the Council and Town Commission in each election since then.
1987 First elected to the Dail Eireann, was re-elected in 1989 and again in 1997.
1992 Elected to Seanad Eireann
 Chairman of the All-party Oireachtas Committee on the Strategic Management Initiative, the Committee which oversees the process of reform of the public service
 Serves on the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Public Enterprise and Transport and on the Dail Committee on Procedures and Priveleges.
 Former Chairman of the Oireaches Joint Committee on State Sponsored Bodies. Leader of the Irish Observer Delegation to the Assembly of the Western European Union and serves on the Assembly's Presidential Commission.
 Serves the constituency of Wicklow on the County Wicklow VEC
 A member of the Irish Council of the European Movement


Member of the European Parliament

 After studies of journalism, contemporary history and political science she became foreign policy editor in the ORF (Austrian Broadoasting Corportation /Radio and Television).
 She worked in TV as single editor and was the first anchor woman to present the main news on Austrian TV. She did many reports on Spain and the Middle East and travelled widely in Europe.
 Ursula Stenzel won two elections to the European Parliament on top of the list of the Austrian People s Party.


Generaldirektor, SRG SSR - Schweizerische Radio- und Fernsehgesellschaft, Zürich

1976 Abschluss, Wirtschaftsstudium, St. Gallen
1992-1997 Chefredakteur des Zürcher "Tages-Anzeigers" und Mitglied der Tamedia-Unternehmensleitung
1997-2000 Chefredakteur, Die Zeit, Hamburg
seit 2000 Publizist in Zürich und Berlin
seit 2001 Gastprofessor am Europa-Kolleg, Brügge und Warschau
seit 2002 Moderator der TV-Sendung "Sternstunden" (SF1 und 3SAT)
seit 2004 Chairman of the Board, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies HEID, Genf
seit 2010 Generaldirektor SRG SSR, Schweizerische Radio- und Fernsehgesellschaft, Bern
 Dozent, College of Europe, Brügge und Warschau/Natolin
 Stiftungsrat Internationaler Karlspreis Aachen
 Groupe de veille France-Allemagne, Institut Montaigne Paris
 Wissenschaftlicher Beirat der Zeitschrift "Critique internationale", Paris
 Herausgeber der außenpolitischen Buchreihe "Standpunkte" (Edition Körber-Stiftung Hamburg)
 Kuratorium Theodor-Heuss-Stiftung Stuttgart

Politische Gespräche

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