Naher Osten – Europas Rolle
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Botschafter des Staates Israel in Österreich und Slowenien, Wien
1973-1975 | Lehrer an der "Kfar Hanoar Hadati" Schule in Kfar Hassidim |
1975 | Eintritt in den diplomatischen Dienst Israels |
1978-1983 | Botschaftssekretär, Botschaft des Staates Israel, Bonn |
1983-1986 | Stellvertretender Sprecher des Außenministeriums, Jerusalem |
1986-1989 | Botschaftsrat (Wien), stellvertretender Chef der Mission |
1989-1992 | Botschaftsrat und Pressesprecher in der Botschaft in London |
1992-1994 | Leiter der Ausbildungsabteilung, Außenministerium Jerusalem |
1994-1996 | Ausbilder in Israels College für Nationale Sicherheit |
1996-1997 | Leiter der Europa-Abteilung II, Außenministerium Jerusalem |
1997-2000 | Generalkonsul Israels für die Mittelatlantische Region Philadelphia, USA |
2000-2005 | Leiter der Abteilung für Multilaterale Europäische Organisationen, Außenministerium, Jerusalem |
2005 | Botschafter des Staates Israel in Österreich, UNOV und OSZE |
2006 | Botschafter des Staates Israel in Slowenien |
Dr. Zuheir ELWAZER
Ambassador of Palestine
1965 | Joined El-Fatah movement in Gaza |
1967-1972 | Worked full-time in different fields of El-Fatah movement |
1972 | Received scholarship from Romania and continued studies in medicine |
1972-1979 | Worked as elected leading member of the General Union of Palestine Students (GUPS) in Romania and was also engaged in El-Fatah´s political activities |
1979 | Graduated from Romanian Jash University Institute of Medicine and Pharmacy with university degree in Medicine and Surgery |
1979-1994 | Elected as Member of the Executive Committee of the General Union of Palestine Students´ Headquarters in Lebanon and later on in Tunis |
1980-1995 | Full Member of the Palestinian National Council (PNC), the "Parliament in Exile", then Observer of the PNC |
since 1989 | Elected as Member of the Revolutionary Council of El-Fatah, the highest organ between the General Conference and the Central Committee of El- Fatah |
since 1996 | Full Member of the Palestinian National Council (PNC) as one of El-Fatah´s representatives |
1995-2005 | Head of Palestine General Delegation in Helsinki; Non-resident Representative of Palestine to Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania |
since 2005 | Ambassador of Palestine and Representative of the PLO to the Federal Government of Austria, and Permanent Observer of Palestine to the International Organizations in Vienna. |
Ph.D. Ahmet EVIN
Founding Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Sabanci University, Istanbul; Senior Fellow, Transatlantic Academy, Washington, D.C.
1966 | B.A. Columbia University |
1971-1972 | Lecturer, New York University |
1972-1973 | Taught at Harvard University |
1973 | Ph.D. Columbia University |
1973-1974 | Fellow, Harvard University |
1974-1976 | Taught at Hacettepe University, Ankara |
1977-1986 | Taught at the University of Pennsylvania |
1983-1986 | Director, Middle East Center, University of Pennsylvania |
1985-1986 | Professor, University of Hamburg |
1986-1992 | Director of Education, Aga Khan Trust for Culture, Paris and Geneva |
1992-1993 | Head, Ankara Corporate Affairs Office, Philip Morris International |
1994-1995 | Visiting Professor, University of Hamburg |
1994 | Initiated a policy dialogue on the future European architecture, Turkey s place in that architecture, EU enlargement, and the effects of the customs union agreement with Turkey. Based on that initiative he established, in cooperation with a broad network of European research institutes and universities, Turkey s EU Membership Observatory now based at the Istanbul Policy Center at Sabanci University |
1995-1997 | Professor of Political Science, Bilkent, Ankara (also headed 1995-96 the Department of Political Science and Public Administration) |
since 2007 | Senior Faculty, Arts and Social Sciences, Sabanci University |
1997-2001 | Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Sabanci University, Istanbul |
2001 | Founding and Executive Board Member of the Istanbul Policy Center |
2004 | Visiting Professor, Northwestern University |
2004-2005 | Alexander Onassis senior fellow and visiting scholar at ELIAMEP: the Hellenic Foundation for European Foreign Policy, Athens |
since 2009 | Senior Fellow, Transatlantic Academy, Washington. D.C. |
MEP, EFTA, Head of Israel Delegation
1991-1997 | Director, MEA department, MFA, Czech |
1997-2001 | Ambassador to Slovenia |
2001-2002 | Advisor to State Secretary, MFA, Czech Rep. |
2002-2004 | Ambassador to Kuwait and Qatar |
2004-2005 | MEP, Foreign Affairs Commission, EPP-ED |
Dr. Albert ROHAN
Secretay-General ret., Austrian Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs, Vienna
Studium der Rechtswissenschaften in Wien und Graz | |
1960 | Promotion zum Doktor der Rechtswissenschaften |
1960-1961 | Versicherungsgesellschaft Le Monde, Paris |
1961-1962 | Europa Kolleg in Brügge, Belgien |
1963 | Eintritt in das Bundesministerium für auswärtige Angelegenheiten |
1963-1966 | Multilaterale Wirtschaftsabteilung |
1966-1968 | Botschaft Belgrad |
1968-1974 | Botschaft London (sukzessive Erster Sekretär, Botschaftsrat, Generalkonsul) |
1975-1976 | Multilaterale Wirtschaftsabteilung |
1977-1981 | Direktor im Kabinett des UNO Generalsekretärs, New York |
1982-1985 | Leiter der Abteilung II.5 (Internationale Organisationen) |
1985-1990 | Botschafter in Argentinien, Uruguay und Paraguay |
1990-1995 | Leiter der Abteilung II.3 (Zentral-, Ost- und Südosteuropa) |
1993-1995 | Stellvertretender Politischer Direktor |
1994-1995 | Nationaler Koordinator, Zentraleuropäische Initiative |
1996-2001 | Generalsekretär für auswärtige Angelegenheiten |
2005-2008 | Stv. Sonderbeauftragter des UNO Generalsekretärs für den künftigen Status Prozess für Kosovo |
seit 2002 | Außenpolitischer Kommentator in Printmedien, Radio und Fernsehen |
Vortragstätigkeit in Universitäten und politischen Institutionen in Europa und USA |