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Naher Osten – Europas Rolle

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German and English language
Botschafter des Staates Israel in Österreich und Slowenien, Wien
Prince, The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Amman
Ambassador of Palestine
Founding Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Sabanci University, Istanbul; Senior Fellow, Transatlantic Academy, Washington, D.C.
MEP, EFTA, Head of Israel Delegation
Secretay-General ret., Austrian Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs, Vienna Chair


Botschafter des Staates Israel in Österreich und Slowenien, Wien

1973-1975 Lehrer an der "Kfar Hanoar Hadati" Schule in Kfar Hassidim
1975 Eintritt in den diplomatischen Dienst Israels
1978-1983 Botschaftssekretär, Botschaft des Staates Israel, Bonn
1983-1986 Stellvertretender Sprecher des Außenministeriums, Jerusalem
1986-1989 Botschaftsrat (Wien), stellvertretender Chef der Mission
1989-1992 Botschaftsrat und Pressesprecher in der Botschaft in London
1992-1994 Leiter der Ausbildungsabteilung, Außenministerium Jerusalem
1994-1996 Ausbilder in Israels College für Nationale Sicherheit
1996-1997 Leiter der Europa-Abteilung II, Außenministerium Jerusalem
1997-2000 Generalkonsul Israels für die Mittelatlantische Region Philadelphia, USA
2000-2005 Leiter der Abteilung für Multilaterale Europäische Organisationen, Außenministerium, Jerusalem
2005 Botschafter des Staates Israel in Österreich, UNOV und OSZE
2006 Botschafter des Staates Israel in Slowenien

Dr. Zuheir ELWAZER

Ambassador of Palestine

1965 Joined El-Fatah movement in Gaza
1967-1972 Worked full-time in different fields of El-Fatah movement
1972 Received scholarship from Romania and continued studies in medicine
1972-1979 Worked as elected leading member of the General Union of Palestine Students (GUPS) in Romania and was also engaged in El-Fatah´s political activities
1979 Graduated from Romanian Jash University Institute of Medicine and Pharmacy with university degree in Medicine and Surgery
1979-1994 Elected as Member of the Executive Committee of the General Union of Palestine Students´ Headquarters in Lebanon and later on in Tunis
1980-1995 Full Member of the Palestinian National Council (PNC), the "Parliament in Exile", then Observer of the PNC
since 1989 Elected as Member of the Revolutionary Council of El-Fatah, the highest organ between the General Conference and the Central Committee of El- Fatah
since 1996 Full Member of the Palestinian National Council (PNC) as one of El-Fatah´s representatives
1995-2005 Head of Palestine General Delegation in Helsinki; Non-resident Representative of Palestine to Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania
since 2005 Ambassador of Palestine and Representative of the PLO to the Federal Government of Austria, and Permanent Observer of Palestine to the International Organizations in Vienna.

Ph.D. Ahmet EVIN

Founding Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Sabanci University, Istanbul; Senior Fellow, Transatlantic Academy, Washington, D.C.

1966 B.A. Columbia University
1971-1972 Lecturer, New York University
1972-1973 Taught at Harvard University
1973 Ph.D. Columbia University
1973-1974 Fellow, Harvard University
1974-1976 Taught at Hacettepe University, Ankara
1977-1986 Taught at the University of Pennsylvania
1983-1986 Director, Middle East Center, University of Pennsylvania
1985-1986 Professor, University of Hamburg
1986-1992 Director of Education, Aga Khan Trust for Culture, Paris and Geneva
1992-1993 Head, Ankara Corporate Affairs Office, Philip Morris International
1994-1995 Visiting Professor, University of Hamburg
1994 Initiated a policy dialogue on the future European architecture, Turkey s place in that architecture, EU enlargement, and the effects of the customs union agreement with Turkey. Based on that initiative he established, in cooperation with a broad network of European research institutes and universities, Turkey s EU Membership Observatory now based at the Istanbul Policy Center at Sabanci University
1995-1997 Professor of Political Science, Bilkent, Ankara (also headed 1995-96 the Department of Political Science and Public Administration)
since 2007 Senior Faculty, Arts and Social Sciences, Sabanci University
1997-2001 Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Sabanci University, Istanbul
2001 Founding and Executive Board Member of the Istanbul Policy Center
2004 Visiting Professor, Northwestern University
2004-2005 Alexander Onassis senior fellow and visiting scholar at ELIAMEP: the Hellenic Foundation for European Foreign Policy, Athens
since 2009 Senior Fellow, Transatlantic Academy, Washington. D.C.


MEP, EFTA, Head of Israel Delegation

1991-1997 Director, MEA department, MFA, Czech
1997-2001 Ambassador to Slovenia
2001-2002 Advisor to State Secretary, MFA, Czech Rep.
2002-2004 Ambassador to Kuwait and Qatar
2004-2005 MEP, Foreign Affairs Commission, EPP-ED

Dr. Albert ROHAN

Secretay-General ret., Austrian Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs, Vienna

 Studium der Rechtswissenschaften in Wien und Graz
1960 Promotion zum Doktor der Rechtswissenschaften
1960-1961 Versicherungsgesellschaft Le Monde, Paris
1961-1962 Europa Kolleg in Brügge, Belgien
1963 Eintritt in das Bundesministerium für auswärtige Angelegenheiten
1963-1966 Multilaterale Wirtschaftsabteilung
1966-1968 Botschaft Belgrad
1968-1974 Botschaft London (sukzessive Erster Sekretär, Botschaftsrat, Generalkonsul)
1975-1976 Multilaterale Wirtschaftsabteilung
1977-1981 Direktor im Kabinett des UNO Generalsekretärs, New York
1982-1985 Leiter der Abteilung II.5 (Internationale Organisationen)
1985-1990 Botschafter in Argentinien, Uruguay und Paraguay
1990-1995 Leiter der Abteilung II.3 (Zentral-, Ost- und Südosteuropa)
1993-1995 Stellvertretender Politischer Direktor
1994-1995 Nationaler Koordinator, Zentraleuropäische Initiative
1996-2001 Generalsekretär für auswärtige Angelegenheiten
2005-2008 Stv. Sonderbeauftragter des UNO Generalsekretärs für den künftigen Status Prozess für Kosovo
seit 2002 Außenpolitischer Kommentator in Printmedien, Radio und Fernsehen
  Vortragstätigkeit in Universitäten und politischen Institutionen in Europa und USA

Politische Gespräche

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