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Networking und Lobbying in der Europäischen Kommission

Alpbacher Hauptschule (Turnsaal)
Plenary /
in englischer Sprache
Leiterin, Referat Durchsetzung und Verfahrensreform, GD Wettbewerb, Europäische Kommission, Brüssel
Director, Directorate D Markets and Cases III: Financial Services, Directorate-General Competition, European Commission, Brussels
Former Director-General, DG TAXUD - Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union, European Commission, Brussels
Former Head, EU-Office of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, Brussels Chair

Mag. Barbara BRANDTNER

Leiterin, Referat Durchsetzung und Verfahrensreform, GD Wettbewerb, Europäische Kommission, Brüssel

 Studied Law at the University of Vienna, the College of Europe (Bruges, Belgium) and the University of Michigan Law School (LLM 1992).
1993-1995 Associate at Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton LLP, Brussels
since 1996 European Commission at the Legal Service
2002-2004 Member of the Cabinet of the Hon. Chris Patten, European Commissioner for External Relations
2004-2008 Member, then Deputy Head of Cabinet of Neelie Kroes, European Commissioner for Competition
since 2008 Head of Unit "Enforcement and Procedural Reform" in DG Competition (COMP.H.4)

Dr. Irmfried SCHWIMANN

Director, Directorate D Markets and Cases III: Financial Services, Directorate-General Competition, European Commission, Brussels

 University degree in law and political science
1984-1989 Diplomatic Service, Austrian Ministry for Foreign Affairs, posts in Vienna, New Delhi, Brussels
1989-1999 Head of service "International relations", Bundesländer Insurance Company; after merger/restructuring: UNIQA insurance group
since 1999 European Commission
1999-2006 DG Internal Market
1999-2002 Desk officer, Unit "Payment Systems and Retail Issues"
2002-2003 Member, Commissioner Bolkestein' s cabinet
2003-2006 Head, Unit "Financial Services Policy"
since 2006 Directorate General Competition
2006-2009 Head, Unit "Financial Services" (Antitrust)
2007-2009 Acting Director, "Financial Services and Health-related markets"
since 2009 Director, "Markets and Cases III: Financial Services,
  Head, Financial Crisis Task Force

Mag. Heinz ZOUREK

Former Director-General, DG TAXUD - Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union, European Commission, Brussels

 Studied Economics, University of Vienna
 Started his professional life in the Chamber of Labour in Vienna, where he became Director of the department for External Trade and European Integration
1990-1993 Director, Economic Policy Department, Confederation of Austrian Trade Unions, Vienna
1993-1995 Member of the College, EFTA Surveillance Authority
1995-2001 Deputy Director General, Directorate General for the Internal Market, European Commission, Brussels
2001-2005 Deputy Director-General, DG Enterprise and Industry, European Commission, Brussels
2005-2012 Director-General, DG Enterprise and Industry, European Commission, Brussels
2012-2016 Director-General, DG TAXUD - Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union, European Commission, Brussels
since 2016 Retired, Special Advisor for Commissioner Moscovici

Mag. Barbara SCHENNACH

Former Head, EU-Office of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, Brussels

1998 Eintritt in das EU-Traineeprogramm der Wirtschaftskammer Österreich, Wirtschaftspolitische Abteilung, Abt. für Integrations-
  und Handelspolitik
2000 Entsendung an das EU-Büro der Wirtschaftskammer Österreich in Brüssel
2002 Leitung, EU-Büro des Österreichischen Sparkassenverbandes, Brüssel
2003 Stellvertretende Leiterin, EU-Büro der Wirtschaftskammer Österreich
seit 2005 Leiterin, EU-Büro der Wirtschaftskammer Österreich