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Neues Vertrauen in der Transatlantischen Zusammenarbeit

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German and English language
Member of the European Parliament, Deputy Chairman of the Greens/EFA Group, Strasbourg
Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations, New York
Founding Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Sabanci University, Istanbul; Senior Fellow, Transatlantic Academy, Washington, D.C.
Senior Fellow, Center for Transatlantic Relations, SAIS - School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University; Senior Advisor, McLarty Associates, Washington, D.C.
Ambassador ret.; President, Austrian UNESCO Commission, Vienna Chair


Member of the European Parliament, Deputy Chairman of the Greens/EFA Group, Strasbourg

 School education in Speyer, Rheinland-Pfalz, and Kenosha, Wisconsin, USA
 Studied Philosophy, History, Ancient History and some Sinology at Heidelberg University
1984-1988 Member of City Council in Heidelberg
1988-1996 Member of State Parliament of Baden-Wuerttemberg
1997-1998 Chairman of Green Party Baden-Wuerttemberg
1998-2002 Political Director of German Green Party
2002-2008 Chairman of German Green Party

Ph.D. Vitaly I. CHURKIN

Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations, New York

1974 Graduated from the Moscow Institute for Foreign Affairs
1981 PhD in history from the USSR Diplomatic Academy
1974 Joined the USSR Foreign Ministry
1974-1979 Staff member of the USSR delegation to the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
1979-1982 Third secretary, US desk, USSR Foreign Ministry
1982-1987 Second, first secretary, USSR Embassy in Washington DC
1987-1989 Staff member, International Department, CPSU Central Committee
1989-1990 Special adviser to the USSR Minister of Foreign Affairs
1990-1991 Director, Information Department, Spokesman of the USSR Foreign Ministry
1992-1994 Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation, Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation to the talks on Former Yugoslavia
1994-1998 Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Belgium, Liaison Ambassador to NATO and WEU
1998-2003 Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Canada
2003-2006 Ambassador at Large, MFA, Chairman of Senior Arctic Officials, Arctic Council, Senior Official of Russia at the Barents/Euro-Arctic Council
since 2006 Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations, Representative of the Russian Federation at the UN Security Council Diplomatic rank - Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (1990)

Ph.D. Ahmet EVIN

Founding Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Sabanci University, Istanbul; Senior Fellow, Transatlantic Academy, Washington, D.C.

1966 B.A. Columbia University
1971-1972 Lecturer, New York University
1972-1973 Taught at Harvard University
1973 Ph.D. Columbia University
1973-1974 Fellow, Harvard University
1974-1976 Taught at Hacettepe University, Ankara
1977-1986 Taught at the University of Pennsylvania
1983-1986 Director, Middle East Center, University of Pennsylvania
1985-1986 Professor, University of Hamburg
1986-1992 Director of Education, Aga Khan Trust for Culture, Paris and Geneva
1992-1993 Head, Ankara Corporate Affairs Office, Philip Morris International
1994-1995 Visiting Professor, University of Hamburg
1994 Initiated a policy dialogue on the future European architecture, Turkey s place in that architecture, EU enlargement, and the effects of the customs union agreement with Turkey. Based on that initiative he established, in cooperation with a broad network of European research institutes and universities, Turkey s EU Membership Observatory now based at the Istanbul Policy Center at Sabanci University
1995-1997 Professor of Political Science, Bilkent, Ankara (also headed 1995-96 the Department of Political Science and Public Administration)
since 2007 Senior Faculty, Arts and Social Sciences, Sabanci University
1997-2001 Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Sabanci University, Istanbul
2001 Founding and Executive Board Member of the Istanbul Policy Center
2004 Visiting Professor, Northwestern University
2004-2005 Alexander Onassis senior fellow and visiting scholar at ELIAMEP: the Hellenic Foundation for European Foreign Policy, Athens
since 2009 Senior Fellow, Transatlantic Academy, Washington. D.C.

Ph.D. M.A. B.A. Michael HALTZEL

Senior Fellow, Center for Transatlantic Relations, SAIS - School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University; Senior Advisor, McLarty Associates, Washington, D.C.

1969-1971 Tutor and Teaching Fellow, Harvard University, Massachusetts
1971-1975 Assistant Professor of History, Hamilton College, New York
1975-1978 Deputy Director, Aspen Institute Berlin
1982-1984 Vice President for Academic Affairs, Longwood College, Virginia
1984-1985 Senior Vice President, International Management and Development Institute, Washington, D.C.
1985-1992 Director, West European Studies, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, D.C.
1990 Member of the U.S. delegation to the Copenhagen CSCE Conference
1991 Guest Professor at the Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Ebenhausen
1992-1994 Chief, European Division, Library of Congress
1994-2005 Democratic Staff Director for European Affairs, U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee and Senior Advisor to U.S. Vice President (then-Senator) Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
1993, 2000, 2006 Member of the U.S. delegation to the Wehrkunde Security Conference, Munich
2000 Speech at Assemblée Nationale, Paris
2004 Member of the U.S. delegation to the inauguration of Boris Tadic as President of Serbia
Speech at Deutscher Bundestag, Berlin
2005 Speech at NATO Parliamentary Assembly, Copenhagen
2005-2006 Senior Foreign Policy Advisor and Principal, DLA Piper Rudnick Gray Cary U.S. LLP
since 2006 Senior Fellow, Center for Transatlantic Relations, School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, Washington, D.C.
since 2007 Senior Advisor, McLarty Associates (formerly Kissinger McLarty Associates), Washington, D.C.
2009 Speech at OSCE Permanent Council, Vienna
Head of the U.S. Delegation to the 2009 OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meeting in Warsaw
2010 Head of the U.S. Delegation to the OSCE 20th Anniversary Conference in Copenhagen


Ambassador ret.; President, Austrian UNESCO Commission, Vienna

1962-1968 Student of history and German philology and literature at the University of Vienna, 1968 Promotion to Doctor of Philosophy (major in modern European history)
1969-1973 Assistant Professor at the University of Vienna
1973 Entry into the Austrian Foreign Service
1975-1978 Minister Counselor at the Permanent Mission of Austria to the United Nations, New York
1983-1992 Foreign Policy Advisor to the Austrian Federal Chancellor
1992-1999 Ambassador of the Republic of Austria to France
1997-1999 Ambassador of the Republic of Austria at the Court of St. James
1999-2003 Director General for European Integration and Economic Affairs in the Austrian Ministry for Foreign Affairs
2003-2008 Ambassador of the Republic of Austria to the United States of America, Permanent Observer of the Republic of Austria to the Organization of American States (OAS), Non-resident Ambassador of the Republic of Austria to the Commonwealth of the Bahamas
2009 Appointment as President of the Austrian UNESCO Commission
2013 Appointment as Chair of the University Board of the University of Vienna

Politische Gespräche

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