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New ways of combating organised crime

Plenary /
Head of the Operational Support Department of the SECI Regional Center for Combating Transborder Crime
Deputy Director-General, Federal Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Austria
U.S. Customs Attache, Vienna
Technical Attaché, World Customs Organisation
Director of Europol
Crime Intelligence Officer, Interpol

Dr. Ferenc BANFI

Head of the Operational Support Department of the SECI Regional Center for Combating Transborder Crime

 studied at the Police College and the University of Law (summa cum laude)
 Professional experience
1980 Policeman (Csongrad County)
1987 Head of Traffic Department (Csongrad County)
1990 Senior expert advisor of Home Office
1991-92 Deputy director of Police Training School (Szeged)
1993 Head of Sarkad Police Headquarters (Bekes County)
-95 Deputy Chief of Hajdu Bihar County Police
1996 Chief of Nograd County Police
1997-98 Deputy Chief of Hungarian National Police
1999 Special language and professional course in England
Head of the department of the Ministry of Interior of the Hungarian Republic
2000 Head of the Operational Support Department of the SECI Regional Center


Deputy Director-General, Federal Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Austria

1969-1973: Lehre als Kraftfahrzeugmechaniker;
1974: Gesellenprüfung; anschließend Bundesheer (Grundwehrdienst)
: 6 Monate UNO Einsatz im Nahen Osten im Rahmen des Bundesheeres
1975-1981: Sicherheitswachebeamter bei der Bundespolizeidirektion Linz
1975-1980: Bundesgymnasium für Berufstätige in Linz (Matura: 1980)
1982-1989: Kriminalbeamter bei der BPD Linz
1982-1987: Studium an der Universität Linz (Promotion zum Dr.iur. 1987)
1989-1992: Jurist im Strafamt der BPD Linz
1992-1994: Leiter des Bundesasylamtes Oberösterreich
1994-2000: Leiter der Abteilung Staats-, Personen- und Objektschutz bei der Sicherheitsdirektion für das Bundesland OÖ und 2. Stellvertreter des Sicherheitsdirektors
2000: Leiter des Bereiches Generaldirektion für die öffentliche Sicherheit im Kabinett des Bundesministers für Inneres
 Ab 1.10.2000: Leiter der Gruppe II/D (Kriminalpolizei - Interpol)


U.S. Customs Attache, Vienna

 Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA


Technical Attaché, World Customs Organisation

 Fields of Study:
 1) Applied Physics at Cambridge College of Arts & Technology;
 2) Criminal investigation and intelligence whilst in HM Customs & Excise, London
 Will Robinson is a Technical Attaché to the World Customs Organisation and responsible for management of a number of WCO enforcement initiatives including, anti-terrorism, security and assurance at the frontier. The development of a global intelligence strategy for Customs Administrations and the provision of information and intelligence to Customs Administrations in 159 WCO Member countries through the WCO Customs Enforcement Network and Regional Intelligence Offices is an important aspect of his work. Under the title The WCO Business Partnership", a trade co-operation program, he leads a joint Customs-business initiative, working on two fronts. Firstly, with the International Chamber of Commerce he is developing the Business Anti-Smuggling Coalition (BASC), a business led, Customs supported initiative, intended to limit risks in international trade. Secondly, he is developing a number of innovations in Customs-business communication in the field of Intellectual Property Rights enforcement
 Will has over twenty five years experience of Customs investigation and intelligence work and was responsible for the development of UK intelligence policy and strategy whilst working at H M Customs & Excise National Intelligence Division. The identification and investigation of international Customs related fraud has provided an important focus to his much of his career. Will also believes that the Customs relationship with legitimate business is a key foundation to effective enforcement and is particularly keen to facilitate continuous improvement in this area of work.


Director of Europol

 University state degree in law
1977-93 Responsible in several positions in the Bundeskriminalamt, among others:
 Seconded as senior German representative to the ICPO-Interpol General Secretariat
 Head of the sub-Department "Drugs-Intelligence and undercover operations"
 Assistant Head of the Drugs Department
 Head of the National Central Bureau Interpol in Wiesbaden
 Head of the International Relations Division of the Bundeskriminalamt
 Head of Department "Organised Crime, Economic Crime and Violent Crime"
1992-93 Head of the Europol Project Team based in Strasbourg, France
 June 1994 appointed to the position of Co-ordinator of the Europol Drugs Unit in The Hague, The Netherlands
1998 appointed as acting Director of Europol
1999 appointed as Director of Europol
1990 Chairman of the United Nations HONLEA Working Group on "Heroin and the Balkan Route" in Moscow
Member of the Project Team of the Federal Ministry of Interior in Berlin responsible for the reorganisation of the C.I.D. on the territory of the former GDR
1991 Chairman of ICPO-Interpol Conference of European Heads of Drug Services


Crime Intelligence Officer, Interpol

 University degree on Faculty of Political Science in Zagreb Croatia
 Professional experience in police: 25 years of service, starting as police inspector working in various crime areas, mostly on economic crime;
 promoted in 1988 at the post of Deputy Chief of Police Station for crime matters, and in 1990 as Chief of Police Station.
 International police co-operation started in 1993 working as a contact officer for organised crime and in 1995 taking over the post of Head of National Central Bureau Interpol Zagreb.
 In 1999 seconded from Croatian Ministry of the Interior to Interpol General Secretariat in Lyon to the Organised Crime Projects Branch as Specialised Officer for organised crime. Managing Project Bridge on organised crime involvement in people smuggling and post smuggling activities.
 In 2001 relocated to Trafficking in Human Beings sub/directorate of Specialised Crime Directorate with the same tasks.
 Constantly participating at conferences, expert s, meetings, symposiums on organised crime and organised people smuggling, representing Interpol General Secretariat.