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News and Information in Times of Violence and Deeply Held Differences of Beliefs and Rules

ORF Atrium
in englischer Sprache
Editor Chief of Koha Ditore, Kosovo
Director, Ziarul de Garda, Moldova
Director, Media Law Institute, Ukraine


Editor Chief of Koha Ditore, Kosovo

 Agron Bajrami is editor in chief of Koha Ditore, the biggest Kosovar daily newspaper. He has been working as editor of various sections at Koha Ditore since 1997, when the daily was first published. His previous duties included being editor of culture, news-desk editor, and deputy editor in chief. Prior to 1997, he worked as a journalist covering cultural issues in KOHA, a weekly magazine. He graduated with a bachelor's degree from the University of Prishtina in 1991.


Director, Ziarul de Garda, Moldova

 Alina Radu is an investigative journalist and the director of Moldovan weekly Ziarul de Garda (www.zdg.md). She has published most of her stories on trafficking in human beings and organs, working in cooperation with many international organizations and media. Alina Radu is member of the board of the International Association of Women in Radio and TV (www.IAWRT.org), the head of IAWRT Moldova, member of the board of Moldovan Association of Independent Press (www.api.md).


Director, Media Law Institute, Ukraine

 Taras Shevchenko is the Head of Public Council of the National Council on TV and Radio, an advisory group to the state audiovisual regulator. He is also the director of NGO Media Law Institute, a think-tank focusing on legislation drafting. Mr. Shevchenko drafted a number of important media laws adopted by the Ukrainian Parliament related to defamation, media and elections, TV regulation, and advertising. He teaches Media Law for journalism students at Kyiv National University. He is also a member of the National Commission on the Freedom of Speech, an advisory group to the President of Ukraine.