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in englischer Sprache
Director, CFDP - Center for Foreign and Defence Policy; Chairman of the Board, Strategy and Security Policy, Federal Ministry of Defence and Sports of the Republic of Austria, Vienna

Mag. Ph.D. Friedrich KORKISCH

Director, CFDP - Center for Foreign and Defence Policy; Chairman of the Board, Strategy and Security Policy, Federal Ministry of Defence and Sports of the Republic of Austria, Vienna

 studied Political Science, Philosophy and International Relations at the University of Vienna; American History, US Government, Santa Barbara City College; English, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Military Science Miklos Zrinyi Univ. Budapest.
 Teaching assignments: Department of Social Sciences at the University of Vienna; Generalstabslehrgänge and Strategischer Führungslehrgang der Bundesregierung, Landesverteidigungsakademie Wien; Diplomacy and Diplomatic History, International University Vienna; Macro Economics Corvinus Univ., Budapest