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Perspektiven für die junge Generation

Plenary /
in deutscher Sprache
Member of Parliament, Vienna
President, Austrian Sports Organisation; Former Austrian Federal Minister for Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection, Vienna
President, Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, Vienna
Austrian Federal Minister of Science, Research and Economy, and Vice-Chancellor of the Republic of Austria, Vienna
Editor-in-Chief, Kurier, Vienna Chair


Member of Parliament, Vienna

1985 Graduation, branch of study: agriculture, plant production, Studies at Vienna University of Natural Resources and Applied Live Sciences
1991-2005 Delegate to the Provincial Parliament of Burgenland
since 1991 Deputy Head of the Provincial parliamentary group of the Austrian People's Party (ÖVP) Burgenland
1998-2000 General Manager of the Provincial ÖVP group
2002-2005 Head of the parliamentary fraction of the ÖVP's Provincial parliamentary group
2005-2008 Member of the Provincial Government of Burgenland
since 2005 Member of the Chief Executive Department of the Austrian Farmers' Federation - Federal Secretary
since 2006 Head of the Farmers' Federation of the Province of Burgenland
2008-2013 Agriculture and Environment Minister of the Republic of Austria
since 2013 Member of Parliament


President, Austrian Sports Organisation; Former Austrian Federal Minister for Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection, Vienna

1975-1983 Union of Municipal Employees (Gewerkschaft der Gemeindebediensteten - GdG), responsible for youth affairs
1983-1998 Secretary General, Expert on organisational questions, Union of Municipal Employees (GdG)
1990-2007 Member of Vienna's Provincial Diet and City Council
1995-2007 First Chairman of Vienna's City Council
1998-2001 Chairman of the "Landesgruppe Wien" (Vienna's faction at the GdG)
2001-2007 (Executive) Chairman of the Union of Municipal Employees (GdG)
2003-2006 Chairman of the Social Democratic Trade Unionists (Fraktion Sozialdemokratischer GewerkschafterInnen - FSG)
Vice President of the Austrian Trade Union Federation (Österreichischer Gewerkschaftsbund - ÖGB)
2006-2008 (Executive) President of the ÖGB
2008-2009 Minister of Social Affairs and Consumer Protection of the Republic of Austria
2009-2016 Minister for Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection of the Republic of Austria
since 2016 President, Austrian Sports Organisation (Österreichische Bundesport-Organisation - BSO)

Dr. Christoph LEITL

President, Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, Vienna

1966 Founding Chairman, European Youth
1973 Ph.D., Economic and Social Sciences, Johannes Kepler University Linz
1990-2000 Member, Government of the Federal State of Upper Austria with portfolio for Economy, Finance and European Affairs
1995-2000 Member, Committee of the Regions (CoR), SME Division
2001-2005 President, Eurochambres (Association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry)
2005-2009 President, European SME Union
since 2006 Honorary President, Eurochambres
Chairman, Global Chamber Platform
 Academic Posts
 Visiting Professor at the WU Vienna University of Economics and Business (International Trade Department)
 Guest Lectures
 Princeton University
 Fudan University, Shanghai
 University of Cape Town
 T.C. Istanbul Commerce University and Marmara University
 MIT, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
 Harvard University


Austrian Federal Minister of Science, Research and Economy, and Vice-Chancellor of the Republic of Austria, Vienna

1974-1980 Studied Law in Linz (Dr. iur.); he also completed a post-graduate course in association management, Fribourg
1980-1992 Worked for the Upper Austrian Economic Chamber, where his last position was Head of the Marketing Department
1991-1997 Local Councillor, Ahorn
1992-2000 Secretary General, Austrian Economic League (Wirtschaftsbund), Vienna
2000-2008 Member, Austrian Parliament
Deputy Secretary General, Austrian Economic Chamber
2001-2008 Chairman, Economic and Industrial Affairs Committee of the Austrian Parliament
2008-2013 Federal Minister of Economy, Family and Youth of the Republic of Austria, Vienna
since 2013 Federal Minister of Science, Research and Economy of the Republic of Austria, Vienna
since 2014 Vice-Chancellor of the Republic of Austria


Editor-in-Chief, Kurier, Vienna

1973-1978 Studium der Rechtswissenschaften und der Volkswirtschaft, Universität Wien
1977-1979 Vorsitzender der Hochschülerschaft, Universität Wien, Gerichtspraxis
1979-1980 Auslandsstudium an der Johns Hopkins University, Bologna
1981 Volontariat, Europäischen Kommission, Generaldirektion Erziehung und Wissenschaft, Brüssel
1982-1984 Redakteur, Fernsehen Ausland, ORF
1984-1985 Korrespondent, Studio Bonn, ORF
1985-1986 Redakteur, Fernsehen Inland, ORF
1986-1987 Studioleiter Brüssel, ORF
1987-1991 Studioleiter Bonn, 1990 auch zuständig für DDR, ORF
1991-1995 Hauptabteilungsleiter Politik und Zeitgeschehen, ORF
  Moderator "Auslandsreport", "Inlandsreport", ORF
1995-1997 Sendungsverantwortlicher Moderator "REPORT", ORF
1997-2003 Geschäftsführer und Chefredakteur n-tv, Der Nachrichtensender, Berlin
2003-2004 Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der Puls-TV GmbH
  Produktion der ProSieben Austria News
2005-2010 Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der Brandstätter Business Communications - Agentur für Strategie, PR und Coaching GmbH.
seit 2009 Member of LEADING Advisors Group GmbH
seit 2010 Chefredakteur, Kurier
 Agenturenverbund von: Brandstätter Business Communications GmbH, brainbows Informationsmanagement GmbH, Ecker & Partner Öffentlichkeitsarbeit & Lobbying GmbH, Institut für Strategieanalysen und Kommunikationsforschung, Public Interest - Lobbying Consultants GmbH, Sophie Karmasin Market Intelligence GmbH, Wolfgang Rosam Change Communications GmbH


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