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Planspiel: Who Can Have Access to the EU Labour Market? Revising the Blue Card Directive

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Ambassador (ret.); Professor, ESCP Europe, Paris; former European, Foreign and Security Policy Advisor to Chancellor Helmut Kohl, Paris/Berlin
Head, European Governance Department, Directorate of European Affairs, ENA - French National School of Administration, Strasbourg
Training Advisor, ENA - French National School of Administration, Strasburg
Training Advisor, ENA - French National School of Administration, Strasburg
Secretary General, UEAPME - European Association of Craft, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Brussels
Co-chair, ESDN - European Sustainable Development Network; Director, EU Coordination - Environment, Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management, Vienna
Counsellor-Coordinator, Permanent Representation of Belgium to the European Union, Brussels
Head, Information Office of the European Parliament in Austria, Vienna
Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Korea, Seoul
PR & Communication, Information Office of the European Parliament in Austria, Vienna
Secretary General, Austrian Society for European Politics, Vienna
Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Wiener Zeitung, Vienna
Training Advisor, ENA - French National School of Administration, Strasburg
Head, EU-Office, Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, Brussels
Deputy Head of Division, EU-Coordination and Environment, Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management, Vienna
Head of Department, EU and International Affairs, Austrian Federal Chamber of Labour, Vienna

Prof. Joachim BITTERLICH

Ambassador (ret.); Professor, ESCP Europe, Paris; former European, Foreign and Security Policy Advisor to Chancellor Helmut Kohl, Paris/Berlin

1969-1973 Studium der Rechts-, Wirtschafts- und Politikwissenschaften an der Universität des Saarlandes
1973-1976 Juristischer Vorbereitungsdienst, zugleich wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Universität des Saarlandes, Zweite Juristische Staatsprüfung
1974-1975 Studium, ENA - Ecole Nationale d'Administration, Paris
1976 Eintritt in den deutschen diplomatischen Dienst (Attaché-Ausbildung, Nuklearpolitik, kürzere Verwendungen in Madrid und Cairo); Auslandsverwendungen in Algier und Brüssel (Ständige
  Vertretung bei den Europäischen Gemeinschaften)
1985-1987 Mitarbeiter im Ministerbüro des Auswärtigen Amtes unter Bundesminister Hans-Dietrich Genscher (Europapolitik, Wirtschaft, Kultur)
1987-1993 Leiter des Europareferates im Bundeskanzleramt; europapolitischer Berater von Bundeskanzler Dr. Helmut Kohl
1993-1998 Leiter der Abteilung Auswärtige Beziehungen, Entwicklungs¬politik, äußere Sicherheit im Bundeskanzleramt; Europa-, Außen- und sicherheitspolitischer Berater von Bundeskanzler Dr. Helmut
1998-1999 Botschafter, Ständiger Vertreter der Bundesrepublik Deutschland im Nordatlantikrat in Brüssel
1999-2002 Botschafter der Bundesrepublik Deutschland im Königreich Spanien und im Fürstentum Andorra
2003-2012 Executive Vice President International Affairs Veolia Environnement SA, Paris
2009-2012 zugleich Chairman Veolia Environnement Deutschland
seit 2013 unabhängiger Consultant; Aufsichts- und Beratungsmandate privater und öffentlicher Institutionen

Dr. Veronique CHARLETY

Head, European Governance Department, Directorate of European Affairs, ENA - French National School of Administration, Strasbourg

 Véronique Charléty is in charge of international cooperation activities in European affairs at ENA. She also holds the position of Managing Chief Editor of the online review dedicated to European professionals (http://www.etudes-europeennes.eu).
 She went to the United States on several occasions for research projects (Brown University) and in Florence (European University Institute). She also lived for 5 years in Berlin as a researcher at the Marc Bloch Center, which is a French-German Research Centre for Social Sciences. Trained as an historian (masters degree), she holds her PhD in political sciences delivered at Paris I University (Panthéon Sorbonne). Most of her work and publications address mainly themes related to social and political stakes linked to the techniques and practices of cultural heritage. On this topic she published amongst others two books, Itinéraire d'un musée: le Heimatmuseum (Paris, l'Harmattan) and Berlin en musée. Changements sociopolitiques et usages du patrimoine (Bruxelles, Peter Lang). Her research raises issues regarding the writing of history, heritage policies, and the cultural construction of Europe.
 In the framework of the ENA, Véronique Charléty has developed an expertise since 2008 on the preparation of EU Presidency on which topic she has published a book in 2012 (Le système présidentiel de l'Union européenne après Lisbonne, Strasbourg, ENA, Collection "Professionnels de l'Europe"). She is also lecturer at the Institute of Political Studies (Strasbourg University) and associated to the Strasbourg research center on European issues, SAGE (Sociétés, Acteurs, Gouvernement en Europe). She is currently preparing with the Strasbourg University an Encyclopedia on European Governance to be published in French and in English by the end of 2015 (Bruylant editors).

Juliette COIN

Training Advisor, ENA - French National School of Administration, Strasburg

 Juliette Coin is currently working in the Directorate of European Affairs at ENA in Strasbourg (France) as a Training Advisor in the European Governance Department. She designs and implements professional training programmes of ENA's own initiative or tailored to a specific request from a partner institution. She also monitors tenders opportunities and prepares proposals to answer open calls related to professional training and European affairs. She focuses not only on the EU decision-making processes and challenges, but also on the EU integration process in the Western Balkans, on European benchmarks of key public policies, as well as on soft skills for effective professional success in an European and international environment.
 Prior to this position, Juliette worked one year in ENA's Training Directorate, focusing on training sessions related to European and international affairs and diplomacy, for both initial and continuing training at ENA. Before joining ENA, she had worked six years at the College of Europe in Bruges (Belgium). She graduated from the Institute for political studies in Lille (France) with a Master s degree on European affairs, and speaks fluently French and English.


Training Advisor, ENA - French National School of Administration, Strasburg

 Anya Dahmani is currently working in the Directorate of European Affairs at ENA in Strasbourg (France) as Training Advisor. After graduating in International Relations, Anya Dahmani specialises in European affairs by doing a Master degree at the Sussex European Institute (Brighton, Great Britain) during which she deepens her knowledge in the area of Justice, Freedom and Security. Anya Dahmani was a research associate in the framework of the Marie Curie Chair of Excellence at the University Robert Schuman (Strasbourg) with Professor Jörg Monar from 2008 to 2010 as well as for the 7th Framework Programme NEWGOV on new modes of governance in Europe.
 Between 2011 and 2014, she worked as Editorial secretary for the online journal Etudes européennes, targeting EU professionnals. Concomitantly from 2102 to 2014 she was project manager of the European Pole of Public Administration (PEAP). She was from 2012 to 2013, General Secretary of the NGO, Maison de l Europe Strasbourg-Alsace (MESA)


Secretary General, UEAPME - European Association of Craft, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Brussels

1976-1979 Industry Policy Department, Ministry of Economics
1979 DG Energy, Oil Market Division, European Commission
1982-1983 Energy Policy Department, Ministry of Economics
1984-1991 DG Energy, Energy Policy Division, European Commission
1991 Head of Sector, Energy and Environment (DG XVII), European Commission
1993 Head of Unit, Functioning of the Internal Market (DG XVII-A-3), European Commission
1996 Head of Unit, General Policy (DG XVII-A-1), European Commission
2000 Head of Unit, General Policy and Inter-Institutional Relations (DG TREN-A-1), European Commission
2002 Head of Unit, Economic Regulation in Air Transport (DG TREN-F-1), European Commission
2004 Head of Unit, Services of General Economic Interest, Users’ Rights and Infringements (DG TREN-A-5), European Commission
2008 Director, Nuclear Energy (DG TREN-H/ENER-D), European Commission
2010 Acting Deputy Director-General (DG ENER), European Commission
2013 retired from European Commission
2014 Secretary General, UEAPME - European Association of Craft, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Brussels


Co-chair, ESDN - European Sustainable Development Network; Director, EU Coordination - Environment, Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management, Vienna

 Studium der Handelswissenschaften, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
1986 Sponsion
1986-1988 Assistant Export Manager, Josef Riedel GmbH
seit 1988 Österreichisches Bundesministerium für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft
seit 1990 Abteilungsleiterin, Bundesministerium für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft
  Während der EU-Beitrittsverhandlungen Attaché an der Ständigen Vertretung in Brüssel
1996-1997 Ungarisches Umweltministerium
seit 2002 Gender Mainstreaming Beauftragte, Bundesministerium für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft


Counsellor-Coordinator, Permanent Representation of Belgium to the European Union, Brussels

 Piet Heirbaut is a Belgian Foreign Service officer who currently works at the Belgian Permanent Representation to the European Union where he is the Justice and Home Affairs Counsellor-Coordinator for Justice and Home Affairs.
 As a Belgian diplomat he has been posted at the Belgian Embassies in Seoul (South Korea) and Washington DC (United States). During the Belgian Presidency of the Council, he was in charge of relations with the European Parliament at the Belgian Permanent Representation to the European Union. During this presidency he also chaired the Working Party on General Affairs of the Council. In this capacity he negotiated the Regulation on the European Citizen s Initiative, a legislative file which resulted in a first reading agreement in December 2010. After the Belgian Presidency, M. Heirbaut was seconded to the European External Action Service (Division for relations with the European Parliament and the National Parliaments). He has been involved in several training sessions and seminars on relations with the European Parliament and inter-institutional relations, among others in preparation of the Danish, Cypriot and Irish Presidency of the Council.
  Hailing from Bruges, Belgium, he holds Law and Philosophy Degrees (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven / Université catholique de Louvain) and he obtained his Master of Laws (LL.M.) from the University of London (King s College School of Law).

Mag. Georg PFEIFER

Head, Information Office of the European Parliament in Austria, Vienna

1996-1999 Secretariat of the Regional Policy Committee, European Parliament
1999 Regional Policy Coordination Unit, Federal Chancellery of Austria
2000-2003 Secretariat of the Regional Policy and Transport Committee, European Parliament
2003-2006 Secretariat of the Environment Committee, European Parliament
2006-2010 Press Officer, Information Office Vienna, European Parliament
2010 Head, Information Office Vienna, European Parliament

Dr. Michael REITERER

Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Korea, Seoul

1978 Dr. jur., University of Innsbruck
1979 Diploma in International Relations, Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies, Bologna Center
1981 Research Assistant, UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Geneva; Certificate International Court of Justice, Research Session, The Hague
1982-1985 Austrian Deputy Trade Commissioner for Western Africa, Abidjan
1985-1989 Austrian Deputy Trade Commissioner for Japan, Tokyo
1985 Diplôme de Hautes Etudes Internationales, IHEID - The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva
1990-1992 Counsellor, Economic Affairs, Austrian Permanent Mission to the GATT - General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, Geneva
1992-1997 Deputy Director General, Department for European Integration and Trade Policy, Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, Vienna
1995-1998 Co-Chair (trade) of the Joint Session of Trade and Environment Experts, OECD, Paris
1996 Panelist of a WTO Dispute Settlement Panel (US/Canada - Split Run Editions)
1997-1998 Minister-Counsellor, Head of the Industrial and Commercial Affairs Section, Permanent Representation of Austria to the EU, EESC Counsellor - European Economic and Social Committee of the EU, Brussels
1998-2002 Counsellor, ASEM - Asia-Europe Meeting, European Commission, Directorate-General for External Relations, Brussels
2002-2007 Minister, Deputy Head of the Delegation of the European Commission to Japan, Tokyo
2005 Adjunct Professor for International Politics, University of Innsbruck (Dozent f. internationale Politik)
2007-2011 Ambassador of the European Union to Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein, Bern
2012-2016 Principal Advisor, Asia-Pacific Department, European External Action Service (EEAS), Brussels
since 2017 Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Korea, Seoul


Secretary General, Austrian Society for European Politics, Vienna

2001-2006 Expert for European Policy, OeNB (Central Bank of the Republic of Austria), Brussels/Basel/Paris
2006-2009 Deputy Head, Representative Office of the OeNB (Central Bank of the Republic of Austria) at the Permanent
  Representation of Austria to the European Union, Brussels
since 2009 Secretary General, Austrian Society for European Politics, Vienna

Mag. Thomas SEIFERT

Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Wiener Zeitung, Vienna

1987-1991 Bachelor degree course, Biology, University of Salzburg
1991-1998 Master degree course, Botany, University of Vienna
Staff writer, Falter, Vienna
1999-2005 Member of the Editorial Staff, Foreign Affairs Section, News, Vienna
1999 International Media Fellowship, Duke University, Durham, NC
2001 International Visitors Program, The State Department
Lecturer, Danube University, Krems
2006-2012 Member of the Editorial Staff, Foreign Affairs Section, Die Presse, Vienna
2009 Lecturer, University of Vienna
since 2012 Deputy Editor in Chief, Wiener Zeitung, Vienna

Alexandrina SOLDATENKO

Training Advisor, ENA - French National School of Administration, Strasburg

 Alexandrina Soldatenko currently works as a training advisor at the ENA s Directorate of European Affairs at ENA (2014). She designs and implements training programs on a wide range of technical issues related to European policies. She is a lecturer at the EM Strasbourg Business School in International Business Law. Before joining ENA, Alexandrina Soldatenko worked as a scientific collaborator at the International Institute of Human Rights and as a special fellow at the United Nations Institute for Training and Research. Her areas of expertise include Comparative Law, European Union Substantive Law and International Economic Law. She has a particular interest in international processes related to regulation of new technologies and is a PhD candidate at the University of Strasbourg.

Mag. Markus STOCK

Head, EU-Office, Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, Brussels

2000-2001 Junior Advisor, Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, Vienna
2001-2002 Internship, European Court of Justice, Luxembourg
2002-2005 Advisor, EU-Office of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, Brussels
2005-2012 Internal Market Advisor, Enterprise Europe Network, Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, Vienna
since 2012 Head of the EU-Office, Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, Brussels

Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Margareta STUBENRAUCH

Deputy Head of Division, EU-Coordination and Environment, Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management, Vienna

1987-1989 Research Assistent, Graz University of Technology
1989-1992 Researcher at Jungbunzlauer AG, Pernhofen
since 1992 Expert, Lebensministerium, Wien
1996-1999 National Expert, European Commission, Brussels

Mag. Valentin WEDL

Head of Department, EU and International Affairs, Austrian Federal Chamber of Labour, Vienna

1992-1997 Editor in Chief, Zeitschrift Juridikum (with Maria Windhager and Thomas Sperlich)
1998-2000 Federal Chancellery, Federal Ministry of Justice
since 2000 Chamber of Labour Vienna, Department for EU and International Affairs