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Plenum: Universitäts- und Forschungsstandort Europa

Plenary /
Nobel Laureate for Physics; Professor of Theoretical Physics, Spinoza Institute, Utrecht University
George Vasmer Leverett Professor of Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge
Senior Vice President of Siemens AG
Nobel Laureate in Chemistry; Professor, Collège de France, Paris; Director, Laboratoire de Chimie Supramoléculaire at ISIS, Strasbourg
Associate Professor of Medicine, University of Vienna Vice President R&D Austria, Therapeutic Proteins, Baxter Hyland Immuno
Stv. Vorsitzender, Rat für Forschung und Technologieentwicklung, Wien

Dr. Gerard 'T HOOFT

Nobel Laureate for Physics; Professor of Theoretical Physics, Spinoza Institute, Utrecht University

 Studied Physics and Mathematics at the University of Utrecht
1969 Staff member at the Institute for Theoretical Physics at Utrecht University, then Assistant Professor
1976 Morris Loeb Lecturer at Harvard University
1976-1977 Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) at Stanford University
since 1977 Full professor at Utrecht University
1988 Guest professor of Boston University
1989 Guest professor of Duke University, Durham NC
 Simon Stevin Leerstoel, Antwerpen, Belgium


George Vasmer Leverett Professor of Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge

 Studied Physics at the University of Chicago
1978 Postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Washington
1985 Assistant Professor of Physics, University of Washington
1986 Associate Professor of Physics, University of Washington

Dr. Jürgen KNORR

Senior Vice President of Siemens AG

 Studied Electrical Engeneering at the Technical University, Berlin
1957 engineer in development of Industrial Switchgear, Siemens AG
1957-1974 Head of management for Product Development and Design in different strategic business units within Siemens AG
1974-1984 General Management of 3 business divisions within Siemens:Electrical Equipment Division for production and office buildings, airports, theaters, etc.; Lighting Division; automotive Electronics
1984-1987 built-up world leading Technology and Industrial Volume Production of semiconductors. Installed new waferfabs and design centers
1987-1996 Senior Vice President of Siemens AG, Member of Executive Board of Siemens AG
 Since 31.3.1998 President of MEDEA (Microelectronics Development for European Applications)

Dr. Jean-Marie LEHN

Nobel Laureate in Chemistry; Professor, Collège de France, Paris; Director, Laboratoire de Chimie Supramoléculaire at ISIS, Strasbourg

 Studied physical, chemical and natural sciences at the University of Strasbourg
1960 Junior Member, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Guy Ourisson's laboratory
1960-1966 Researcher, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
1963 Thèse de doctorat d'Etat sur la résonance magnétique nucléaire de triterpènes
1964 Laboratory of Robert Burns Woodward at Harvard University
1966-1969 Assistant Professor, Chemistry Department of the University of Strasbourg
1970 Promoted Associate Professor and then Full Professor, Université Louis Pasteur (ULP) of Strasbourg
1970-1979 Professor, Université Louis Pasteur (ULP) of Strasbourg
1972/1974 Visiting professor, Harvard University
1979 Elected to the chair of "Chimie des Interactions Moléculaires", Collège de France, Paris
Professor, Collège de France, Paris
2002-2004 Director, Institut de Science et d'Ingénierie Supramoléculaires (ISIS) at ULP, Strasbourg

Dr. Hans Peter SCHWARZ

Associate Professor of Medicine, University of Vienna Vice President R&D Austria, Therapeutic Proteins, Baxter Hyland Immuno

 studied Medicine at the University of Vienna
1988 Assistant Professor of Medicine, II. Department of Medicine, University of Vienna
1988-1995 Head, Clinical Research, Hemostasis and Thrombolysis. Immuno AG, Vienna
1995-1997 Head, Biomedical Research, Vascular Biology, Immuno AG, Vienna
1997 Associate Professor of Medicine ("Ao.Univ.Prof."), University of Vienna
1997-1998 Director, R&D, Blood Products and Therapeutic Proteins, Immuno AG, Vienna
1998-2000 Vice President, Global R&D, Plasma Proteins, Baxter AG (former Immuno AG), Vienna
2000-2001 Vice President, R&D Austria, Therapeutic Proteins, Baxter AG, Vienna; Member of the Plasma SBU Senior Management Team
 Seit 2001 Vice President R&D Austria, BioPharmaceuticals, Baxter AG, Vienna

Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Peter SKALICKY

Stv. Vorsitzender, Rat für Forschung und Technologieentwicklung, Wien

 Studium der Technischen Physik in Wien
 Außerordentlicher Professor für Kristallphysik an der Technische Univeristät Wien
1975-1976 Professeur Associée an der Universität Pierre et Madame Curie, Paris
seit 1979 o. Prof. für Angewandte Physik an der Technische Universität Wien
1989-1990 Dekan der Technisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät, Technische Universität Wien
seit 1991 Rektor der Technische Universität Wien
1995-1999 Präsident der Österreichischen Rektorenkonferenz
2010 Stellvertretende Vorsitz des Rates für Forschung und Technologieentwicklung


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