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08: Emissionshandel: ein effektiver Weg zur Emissionsreduktion

Breakout /
in englischer Sprache

Unternehmen verlangen Investitionssicherheit, gleichzeitig erfordert der Klimaschutz mehr und andere erneuerbare Energieträger. Ist der aktuelle Handel mit Emissionen das richtige Instrument, um beides zu erreichen? Bewirkt der Handel überhaupt einen Rückgang an Emissionen in Industrie und E-Wirtschaft? Oder braucht es einen CO2-Mindestpreis?

Director, Brussel's Office, Institut Jacques Delors; Former Director, WWF European Policy Office, Brussels
Head, Section IV - Climate, Austrian Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism, Vienna
Head of Unit, Emissions Trading System - Policy Development and Auctioning, DG Climate Action, European Commission, Brussels
Head of Department, European Policy and the Study of Democracy, Danube University Krems - University for Continuing Education; Director and Founder, European Democracy Lab, European School of Governance, Krems Chair

Genevieve PONS

Director, Brussel's Office, Institut Jacques Delors; Former Director, WWF European Policy Office, Brussels

1989-1991 Member, Environment Team, Legal Service, European Commission, Brussels
1991-1995 Member, Cabinet of the President, European Commission, Brussels
1995-2010 Senior Manager, Head of several units, Directorate-General Enterprise and Industry, European Commission, Brussels
2010-2011 Head, Simplification and Administrative Burden Reduction Unit, Secretary-General, European Commission, Brussels
since 2011 Honorary Director, European Commission, Brussels
2011-2013 Judge, Administrative Court of Appeal, Paris
2013-2015 Director, Legal Service, ILO - International Labour Organization, Geneva
2015-2017 Director, WWF European Policy Office, Brussels
since 2017 Director, Institut Jacques Delors, Brussel's Office

Mag. Dr. Jürgen SCHNEIDER

Head, Section IV - Climate, Austrian Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism, Vienna

1984-1990 Diplomstudium Chemie, Universität Wien
1990-1994 Doktoratsstudium in Biochemie, Universität Wien
1994 Universitätsassistent, Universität Wien
1994-2002 Abteilung für Lufthygiene, Umweltbundesamt GmbH, Wien
2002-2004 Projektmanager, WHO - Weltgesundheitsorganisation, Bonn
2004-2007 Umweltbundesamt GmbH, Wien
2007-2014 Leitung, Bereich Wirtschaft und Wirkung, Umweltbundesamt GmbH, Wien
2011-2018 Prokurist und Mitglied, Leitungsgremium, Umweltbundesamt GmbH, Wien
seit 2018 Leiter, Sektion Klima, Bundesministerium für Nachhaltigkeit und Tourismus, Wien


Head of Unit, Emissions Trading System - Policy Development and Auctioning, DG Climate Action, European Commission, Brussels

 Peter Zapfel heads the unit "Emissions Trading System - Policy Development and Auctioning" in DG Climate Action.
 After joining the Commission in 1998 he worked for the DG for Economic and Financial Affairs and DG Environment. He has represented the Commission as a delegation member in several UN climate negotiation sessions. For several years he was responsible for the economic assessment of climate policy. He has been involved in the Commission’s work on emissions trading since 1998. In DG Environment he has coordinated a DG-internal task force for the Commission's assessment of national allocation plans for phase 2 of the EU Emission Trading System. He also served as assistant to the Deputy Director-General of DG Environment and as assistant to the Director-General in DG Climate Action. Prior to his current assignment he was Head of Unit of the Economic Analysis and Strategy Unit in DG Climate Action.
 He holds academic degrees from the University of Business and Economics in Vienna, Austria, and the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.

Dr. Ulrike GUEROT

Head of Department, European Policy and the Study of Democracy, Danube University Krems - University for Continuing Education; Director and Founder, European Democracy Lab, European School of Governance, Krems

 Since 2016 Ulrike Guérot is Professor at Danube-University Krems and head of the department for European Policy and the Study of Democracy. Core activities of the department are both interdisciplinary research and network building. The main goal is to initiate a citizen-oriented and sustainable debate on key issues surrounding today’s Europe. Since September 2017 Ulrike Guérot is holder of Alfred-Grosser visiting professorship at the Goethe-University Frankfurt. Furthermore, she founded the Berlin based think tank "European Democracy Lab. The lab seeks to rethink and redesign European democracy. Currently, the lab is building a campaign platform advocating for both the principle of political equality beyond nation states and the empowerment of regional stakeholders within the EU-setup.
 Prior to her work in Krems and Berlin, Ulrike Guérot built up the office and served as Director of the European Council on Foreign Relations and lectured at various internationally renowned universities, such as Bucerius Law School Hamburg, John Hopkins University, INSEAD Singapore and Europa University Viadrina in Frankfurt. In addition she conducted research at the Berlin Social Science Center (WZB) on the topics of democracy and democratization. In April 2016 her first book 'Why Europe needs to become a republic! A political utopia' was published by Dietz. The principal idea of the book is the creation of a ‘European Republic’ based on the concept of equality in front of the law in a union of citizens. Her latest work 'The new civil war - the open Europe and its enemies', published by Ullstein is a bestseller in Germany. In this cutting edge pamphlet she describes the great divide throughout the European societies. She has been publishing widely in Germany, English and French on European, transatlantic and global issues in various newspapers, journals and books. In times of turmoil and crisis, Ulrike Guérot aims at creating a sustainable blueprint for Europe in the 21st century, which puts the citizen first.

Politische und Rechtsgespräche

Timetable einblenden
Genre : Alle


17:00 - 18:45Eröffnung der Politischen GesprächePlenary
19:45 - 20:45Stabilität in ganz Europa sicherstellen: Was die EU und die OSZE beitragen könnenPlenary
20:30 - 21:00POLITICO Happy HourSocial


08:00 - 09:00CANCELLED POLITICO Morning BriefingPlenary
08:00 - 09:00DER STANDARD Morning BriefingPlenary
09:00 - 13:30„EU-Rechtsupdate“: Aktuelle Fragen des UnionsrechtsBreakout
09:00 - 12:00Alpbach Achtsamkeit HikeBreakout
10:00 - 12:00Breakout Session 01: Global denken, regional handeln: Die UN-Nachhaltigkeitsziele in Europa fördernBreakout
10:00 - 12:00Breakout Session 02: Beim Regieren experimentieren und das Fallbeispiel Grundeinkommen in FinnlandBreakout
10:00 - 12:00Breakout Session 03: Demografie und DemokratieBreakout
10:00 - 12:00Breakout Session 04: Digitale Diplomatie vs. digitaler KolonialismusBreakout
10:00 - 12:00Breakout Session 05: Wie wir von der Ermächtigung junger Menschen profitierenBreakout
10:00 - 12:00Breakout Session 06: Lost in Translation? Wie die EU um eine gemeinsame Stimme in der Außenpolitik ringtBreakout
10:00 - 12:00Breakout Session 07: Extremismus, Desinformation und die Rolle neuer TechnologienBreakout
14:00 - 18:00Demokratie-BootcampBreakout
14:00 - 15:30Eröffnung der RechtsgesprächePlenary
14:00 - 16:00Freiheit und Verantwortung: Zwei Seiten einer Medaille?Partner
14:00 - 16:00Security Radar 2019: Ein Weckruf für Europa!Partner
16:00 - 17:00Nachhaltig wachsen: Afrika im AufbruchPlenary
16:00 - 17:30Weltanschauung im Gerichtssaal: Wie unbefangen sind RichterInnen?Plenary
17:30 - 18:30Was lässt sich gegen die Klimakrise tun?Plenary
18:00 - 19:30Wie frei ist die Presse? Ein Blick in einige EU-MitgliedsstaatenPlenary
19:00 - 20:00Was denkt die Welt? Ein philosophisches Gespräch über GrundsatzfragenPlenary
20:00 - 23:30EmpfangSocial
20:00 - 22:00Europa-Israel-AbendessenSocial
20:30 - 21:30Weniger Freiheit für mehr Sicherheit?Plenary


08:00 - 09:00DER STANDARD Morning BriefingPlenary
08:00 - 09:00POLITICO Morning BriefingPlenary
09:00 - 12:00Alpbach Achtsamkeit HikeBreakout
10:00 - 12:00Breakout Session 08: Emissionshandel: ein effektiver Weg zur EmissionsreduktionBreakout
10:00 - 12:00Breakout Session 09: Die Macht der intelligenten Maschinen: Wie wir Algorithmen zähmen könnenBreakout
10:00 - 12:00Breakout Session 10: Wie frei soll Handel sein? Die Entwicklung europäischer Standards für Handel und ausländische DirektinvestitionenBreakout
10:00 - 12:00Breakout Session 11: Den internationalen Waffenhandel regulieren: Ein WeckrufBreakout
10:00 - 12:00Breakout Session 12: Bedeutet mehr digitale Freiheit automatisch weniger Rechtssicherheit?Breakout
10:00 - 12:00Breakout Session 13: Neue Kriege – Neue EpidemienBreakout
10:00 - 12:00Breakout Session 14: Menschenrechte unter Druck: die Rolle der VolksanwältInnen und nationaler MenschenrechtsinstitutionenBreakout
10:00 - 12:00Breakout Session 15: Sicherheit durch Freiheit: Über den Willen zur OrdnungBreakout
10:00 - 12:00Breakout Session 16: Auf dem Weg zur nachhaltigen Transformation von UnternehmenBreakout
14:00 - 15:30‚Soft Power‘ oder Verteidigungsunion? Militärische Zusammenarbeit in der EUPlenary
14:00 - 15:30Das Gerangel um den Rechtsstaat: Ist die EU auf verlorenem Posten?Plenary
14:00 - 18:00LAW-ArbeitsgruppenBreakout
14:00 - 18:00Unter uns gesprochenBreakout
16:00 - 17:30Was darf man an Universitäten (noch) sagen?Plenary
16:30 - 17:45Freiheit und Sicherheit in den internationalen BeziehungenPlenary
18:15 - 19:15Wie viel Mut braucht das Recht?Plenary
20:30 - 22:00Speakers‘ NightPlenary


09:00 - 12:00Alpbach Achtsamkeit HikeBreakout
09:30 - 11:00Brexit: Aufbruch ins UngewissePlenary
11:30 - 13:00Mit Komplexität umgehen: Einblicke aus den Alpbach Learning MissionsPlenary