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14:00-14:50 Legal Tech-Talk: Digitalisierung und Recht (Sophie Martinetz & Alberto Sanz de Lama, DE)
15:00-15:50 Braucht es ein internationales Tribunal für IS-KämpferInnen? (Claudia Fenz & Sabine Matejka, DE)
16:00-16:50 Rechtstaatlichkeit und Zivilgesellschaft in Zentral- und Osteuropa (Kim Lane Sheppele, EN)
17:00-17:50 Die rechtlichen Folgen des Brexit: Ein Blick hinter die Kulissen (Gregor Schusterschitz, Daniel Schade EN)
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Dr. Mag. Peter TECHET
Claudia FENZ
Judge, Khmer Rouge Tribunal, Phnom Penh
Ms. Claudia Fenz (Austria) has been the international judge to serve in the Trial Chamber of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) since September 2014. Judge Fenz had served as a reserve judge in the Trial Chamber since 2006. | |
Judge Fenz holds a Doctorate of Law from the University of Vienna. In 1984 she was appointed judge in the domestic criminal justice system, holding judicial office for over 20 years in investigation, trial and appeals courts. In 2004, she was appointed an international judge with the UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo, dealing with organized crime, serious ethnically-motivated crime and war crimes. She then served as Head of the Rule of Law section within the EUPOLCOPPS Mission in Palestine, which provides support to the Palestinian police and criminal justice sector (2006-2008). |
Founder, Future Law; Founder and Managing Director, Seinfeld Professionals, Vienna
2000 | Graduation from law, University of Vienna |
2000-2002 | Executive Production Assistant, diverse film productions |
2002-2004 | In-House Lawyer, Bertelsmann/ Fremantle Media, Berlin; London |
2004-2007 | Media Finance, Barclays Corporate Banking, London |
2007-2008 | Head of Global Referal Unit, Barclays Corporate Banking, London |
2008-2011 | Head of Corporate Business Services, Bawag PSK, Vienna |
since 2012 | Founder; Managing Director, Seinfeld Professionals, Vienna |
since 2016 | Founder, Future Law, Vienna |
Mag.a. Sabine MATEJKA
President, Austrian Associaton of Judges, Vienna
1993 | Studium, Anglistik und Geschichte, Universität Wien |
1994-1999 | Studium, Rechtswissenschaften, Universität Wien |
1999-2000 | Gerichtspraxis, Wien |
2000-2004 | Assistentin der Geschäftsführung und Projektmanagerin, EU Projekte in den Beitrittskandidatenländern im Bereich Gerichtsorganisation, Zivilprozessrecht, Konsumentenschutz, Insolvenzrecht, Asylrecht, CLC - Center of Legal Competence, Wien |
2004-2008 | Richteramtsanwärterin, Oberlandesgericht, Wien |
2008 | Ernennung zur Richterin |
Sprengelrichterin, Bezirksgericht Favoriten, Bezirksgericht Leopoldstadt, Wien | |
2009-2019 | Richterin, Bezirksgericht Leopoldstadt, Wien |
2012-2016 | Ausschussmitglied, Sektion Wien, Vereinigung der österreichischen Richterinnen und Richter, Wien |
2013-2017 | Vizepräsidentin, Vereinigung der österreichischen Richterinnen und Richter, Wien |
seit 2017 | Präsidentin, Vereinigung der österreichischen Richterinnen und Richter, Wien |
seit 2019 | Vorsteherin, Bezirksgericht Floridsdorf, Wien |
MBA lic.oec Alberto SANZ DE LAMA
Chief Executive Officer, LexisNexis, Vienna
1989-1993 | Business Administration, University Zurich |
1999-2000 | MBA, INSEAD, Fontainebleau |
1992-1998 | Procter & Gamble, Brand Manager, Geneva/Vienna |
1999 | McKinsley & Company, Consultant, Vienna |
2000-2003 | Mobipay, VP Europe, Madrid |
2003-2009 | eBay , Country Manager, Austria and Switzerland, Madrid/Vienna |
2009-2015 | AutoScout24 Group, Managing Director, Munich |
since 2015 | LexisNexis, Chief Executive Officer, Vienna |
Dr. Daniel SCHADE
Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Political Science, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg
2012-2016 | PhD researcher, The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), United Kingdom |
2014 | Vice-Chairman, Project for Democratic Union (PDU), Munich, Germany |
2016-2017 | Postdoctoral Researcher in International Relations, Vienna School of International Studies, Austria |
since 2017 | Visiting lecturer, Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po Paris), France |
Postdoctoral Fellow in Political Science, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany | |
since 2018 | Policy Fellow, Das Progressive Zentrum, Berlin, Germany |
Professor of Sociology and International Affairs, Woodrow Wilson School and University Center for Human Values, Princeton University, Princeton, NY
Kim Lane Scheppele is the Laurance S. Rockefeller Professor of Sociology and International Affairs in the Woodrow Wilson School and the University Center for Human Values and served as Director of the Program in Law and Public Affairs at Princeton University from 2005 until 2015. She joined the Princeton faculty in 2005 after nearly a decade on the faculty of the University of Pennsylvania School of Law, where she was the John J. O'Brien Professor of Comparative Law. Scheppele's work focuses on the intersection of constitutional and international law, particularly in constitutional systems under stress. After 1989, Scheppele studied the emergence of constitutional law in Hungary and Russia, living in both places for extended periods. After 9/11, Scheppele researched the effects of the international "war on terror" on constitutional protections around the world. Her many publications on both post-1989 constitutional transitions and on post-9/11 constitutional challenges have appeared in law reviews, social science journals and multiple languages. In the last two years, she has been a public commentator on the transformation of Hungary from a constitutional-democratic state to one that risks breaching constitutional principles of the European Union. |
Austrian Ambassador to the Permanent Representation of Austria to the European Union, Brussels
1996-2000 | Referent im Völkerrechtsbüro, Außenministerium, Wien |
2000-2003 | Presseattaché, Österr. Botschaft Prag |
2003-2005 | Gesandter-Botschaftsrat, Österr. Botschaft Den Haag |
2006-2009 | Leiter Rechtsabteilung der Ständigen Vertretung Österreichs bei der EU, Brüssel |
2009-2010 | stellv. Leiter der Abteilung Europarecht, Außenministerium Wien |
2010-2014 | Leiter Abteilung Völkerrecht, Außenministerium Wien |
2014-2015 | Gesandter (AStV I), Ständige Vertretung Österreichs bei der EU, Brüssel |
2015-2019 | Österreichischer Botschafter in Luxemburg |
2017-2019 | Österreichischer Brexit-Delegierter, Luxemburg/Brüssel |