15: Innovative Lösungen zur „neuen“ Herausforderung Integration
In Zusammenarbeit mit EIB Institute
In Zeiten von Arbeitslosigkeit und niedrigem Wirtschaftswachstum ist Migration ein kontroverses Thema im heutigen Europa. Migration öffnet aber auch neue Möglichkeiten und ist eine wichtige Ressource in Zeiten alternder Gesellschaften. Welche Projekte tragen zur Integration von Flüchtenden und MigrantInnen in die Gesellschaft und am Arbeitsmarkt in Europa bei?
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Prof. Philippe FARGUES
Director, Migration Policy Centre, European University Institute, Florence
Philippe Fargues is the founding Director of the Migration Policy Centre. He is a sociologist and demographer. He has been Director of the Center for Migration and Refugee Studies at the American University in Cairo, a senior researcher at the French National Institute for Demographic Studies in Paris, a visiting professor at Harvard, and the Director of the Centre for Economic Legal and Social Studies (CEDEJ) in Cairo. | |
He has lectured in a number of universities in Europe, America, Africa and the Middle East. |
Chairman of the Board and Founder, The Center for International Migration and Integration, Jerusalem
Arnon Mantver was the Director of JDC Israel, the Israeli arm of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, from 1995-2013. In 1989 he was appointed Director-General of the Jewish Agency s Immigration and Absorption Department and played a key role during a period of notable events in Israel's history, including the mass aliyah of Jews from the former Soviet Union and from Ethiopia. His broad experience has made him one of Israel s foremost experts on immigrant absorption. In 1998, Mr. Mantver established CIMI (the Center for International Migration and Integration) to facilitate effective migration management through knowledge exchange, capacity-building and technical assistance to government and non-governmental agencies. In 2011, the President of the State of Israel presented CIMI with the Israel Award for Combatting Trafficking in Human Beings. |
Founder, Techfugees, London
Editor At Large of TechCrunch, the biggest breaking news site about the world s hottest tech companies. Co-founder of TechHub, the co-working network for startups, and founder of the Coalition for a Digital Economy and a London Technology Ambassador. Mike has been named one of the most influential people in technology in surveys by The Daily Telegraph, GfK NOP, The Independent, Wired and The Evening Standard. He is a regular commentator on the tech business, appearing on the BBC, Sky News, and Channel 4, among others. |
Maria Luisa FERREIRA
Economic Advisor, EIB Institute, Luxembourg
Ph.D., Economics, Department of Applied Economics, University of Wisconsin, Madison | |
1984 | BA, Economics, The Portuguese Catholic University, Palma de Cima, Lisboa |
Auditor Assistant, Arthur Andersen and Co., Lisboa | |
1984-1987 | Assistant Lecturer, The Portuguese Catholic University, Palma de Cima, Lisboa |
1984-1992 | Assistant Lecturer, Universidade Nova de Lisboa |
1988 | M.Sc., Economics, Universidade Nova de Lisboa |
1988-1992 | Graduate Research Assistant, University of Wisconsin, Madison |
1989 | MA, Economics, Department of Applied Economics, University of Wisconsin, Madison |
1991 | Consultant (Land Tenure Centre), University of Wisconsin, Madison |
1992 | Ph.D., Economics, Department of Applied Economics, University of Wisconsin-Madison |
1992-1996 | Consultant (The World Bank), Population and Human Resources Division, Eastern Africa Department, Washington, D.C. |
1996-1999 | Human Resource Economist, The World Bank, Washington, D.C. |
1999 | Senior Human Resource Economist, The World Bank, Washington, D.C. |
1999-2002 | Senior Education Economist, EIB - The European Investment Bank, Luxembourg |
2002-2003 | Senior Consultant, Human Development Department, Southeast Asia Department, The World Bank Washington, D.C. |
2003-2004 | Principal Administrator, OECD - Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development, Paris |
2004-2005 | Senior Education Economist, EIB - The European Investment Bank, Luxembourg |
2005 | Invited Expert, Equity in Education Thematic review in Hungary, OECD |
2005-2007 | Deputy Economic Advisor, EIB - The European Investment Bank, Luxembourg |
2007-2012 | Economic Advisor, EIB - The European Investment Bank, Luxembourg |
2007-2008 | Invited Expert, Learning for Jobs, Thematic Review of Vocational Education and Training in Hungary, OECD |
since 2012 | General Manager and Head of Knowledge and Social Programmes, EIB Institute, Luxembourg |
Ernest RADAL
Co-founder, mobilearn, Stockholm
Managing Director, magdas - Caritas Services GmbH, Vienna
2000-2011 | Leitung Kommunikation, Caritas Österreich |
2011-2013 | Senior Consultant, Ketchum Publico |
2013-2015 | Bereichsleitung Kommunikation, LICHT FÜR DIE WELT |
Since 2015 Managing Director, magdas - Caritas Services GmbH, Vienna |
Dean, European Investment Bank Institute, Luxembourg
Graduate from Solvay Business School, University of Brussels, and has been an assistant lecturer in Economics at the University of Lisbon. | |
Previously Director for EIB Operations in Asia and Latin America (2004-2015), after having been Director of the Department for Planning and Settlement of Operations in the EIB Financial Directorate (2000-2004), and Head of the Loans Back Office at the EIB Treasury Department. Francisco de Paula Coelho joined the EIB in 1987, as a loan officer for the ACP countries after having worked for the World Bank, in Washington, DC. |