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17: Die EU und ihre südlichen Nachbarn: Kooperation nach der Flüchtlingskrise

Breakout /
in englischer Sprache

Während die EU und ihre Mitglieder laufend Initiativen und Hürden einrichten, bleibt der Kern der Herausforderung Migration im Mittelmeerraum ungelöst. Wie können die EU und ihre südlichen Nachbarn besser zusammenarbeiten, um die Ursachen der Flüchtlingskrise und die daraus entstehenden Probleme zu bekämpfen?

Ph.D. Candidate in Political Sociology, Department of Sociology, University of Amsterdam
Representative of the Netherlands, PSC - EU Political and Security Committee, Brussels
Managing Director Middle East and North Africa, EEAS - European External Action Service, Brussels
Senior Research Fellow and Head, EU Foreign Policy, CEPS - Centre for European Policy Studies, Brussels Chair

Katharina NATTER

Ph.D. Candidate in Political Sociology, Department of Sociology, University of Amsterdam

1994-2007 French Baccalauréat and Austrian Matura (Summa Cum Laude) Lycée Français de Vienne / Vienna, Austria
2007-2010 Bachelor in Political Science, Minor  European studies (Cum Laude) Undergraduate campus of SciencesPo Paris / Nancy, France
2009-2010 Year abroad in Cairo, Egypt
2010 Intern at Daily News Egypt, International Herald Tribune / Cairo, EG
2010-2012 Master in Political Science, Minor  Middle East-North African studies (Cum Laude), SciencesPo Paris / Paris, France
2011 Intern at Migration and Integration in Europe, Bertelsmann Foundation / Berlin, DE
Intern at Center for Migrations and Citizenship, French Institute of International Relations (IFRI) / Paris, FR
2012 Intern,International Center on Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) / Vienna, AT
2012-2013 Trainee at European Commission, Unit SG.D.3 / Brussels, BE
2013-2014 Consultant at Inter-Governmental Consultations on Migration, Asylum and Refugees, International Organization for Migration (IOM) / Geneva, CH
2013-2015 Research Assistant, International Migration Institute, University of Oxford / Oxford, UK
2015-2019 Doctoral Researcher, Department of Sociology, University of Amsterdam / Amsterdam, NL
(expected) PhD in Political Sociology, University of Amsterdam, Department of Sociology / Amsterdam, the Netherlands
 Provisional thesis title:  Immigration policy-making in Morocco and Tunisia (2000-2015): Politics and policies beyond the Western liberal-democratic polity.
 Thesis title:  The formation of Morocco s policy towards irregular migration (2000-2007).


Representative of the Netherlands, PSC - EU Political and Security Committee, Brussels

1996-1999 Policy Advisor Surinam, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Hague
1999-2001 Trade Secretary, Dutch Embassy, Moscow
2001-2005 Senior Policy Advisor EU Enlargement, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Hague
2005-2009 Deputy head Economic Section (EU and international economic affairs, bilateral economic cooperation and trade and investment promotion), Dutch Embassy, Berlin
2009-2013 Head Political Affairs Section (Cabinet of the Political Director) and European Correspondent, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Hague
since 2013 Ambassador, Representative to the Political and Security Committee of the European Union, Permanent Representation of the Netherlands to the European Union, Brussels


Managing Director Middle East and North Africa, EEAS - European External Action Service, Brussels

 Nick Westcott has been Managing Director for the Middle East and North Africa in the European External Action Service, since September 2015. From February 2011 to September 2015 he was the Managing Director Africa in the EEAS. Prior to that he served as British High Commissioner to Ghana and non-resident Ambassador to the Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso, Niger and Togo from January 2008 to January 2011, Chief Information Officer and Head of IT Strategy at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office from 2002- 2007, Minister-Counsellor at the British Embassy, Washington (1999-2002), Deputy High Commissioner in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (1993-6); and First Secretary Economic at the UK Representation to the EU in Brussels (1984-9). He has also held a number of jobs at the FCO in London, including Head of the Economic Relations Dept, in which role he was responsible for managing the Birmingham G8 Summit in 1998. He has a PhD in African studies from Cambridge University and is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, and was made a Companion of the Order of St Michael and St George in December 1998.


Senior Research Fellow and Head, EU Foreign Policy, CEPS - Centre for European Policy Studies, Brussels

 Steven Blockmans is Head of EU Foreign Policy at the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), a Brussels-based think tank which has been consistently ranked among the 10 best in the world. He is also Professor of EU External Relations Law and Governance at the University of Amsterdam. His latest book deals with "The Obsolescence of the European Neighbourhood Policy" (Rowman & Littlefield 2017). Steven is the (co-)editor of 15 academic volumes, including "The EU's Role in Global Governance" (Oxford University Press 2013). He served as the leading author of Task Forces on "More Union in European Defence" chaired by Javier Solana (2015) and "Regroup and Reform: Towards a More Responsive and Effective European Union" chaired by Danuta Hübner MEP (2017). For the past 20 years, he has advised governments of countries in wider Europe and in Asia on their relations with the European Union. Blockmans holds a PhD in international law from Leiden University.

Politische Gespräche

Timetable einblenden
Genre : Alle


13:00 - 14:00EröffnungPlenary
14:30 - 16:30Die globale Strategie der EU für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik: Hält sie, was sie verspricht?Plenary
15:00 - 19:00Resilienz: Ein „Situation Room“ ExperimentPartner
17:00 - 18:30Demokratie auf Abwegen?Plenary
18:30 - 19:30Verleihung des Europa-StaatspreisesPartner


06:00 - 07:00KorrespondentInnenfrühstückPlenary
07:30 - 10:00Breakout Session 01: Digitalisierung und PolitikBreakout
07:30 - 10:00Breakout Session 02: Resilienz: Führen in KrisensituationenBreakout
07:30 - 10:00Breakout Session 03: Digital handeln, real denken: Ist das Internet ein demokratischer Raum für alle?Breakout
07:30 - 10:00Breakout Session 04: Den Unternehmergeist fördernBreakout
07:30 - 10:00Breakout Session 05: Liberté – Égalité – Solidarité: Wertesysteme im Wandel im 21. JahrhundertBreakout
07:30 - 10:00Breakout Session 06: Impact & Collaboration: Neue Paradigmen staatlicher SteuerungBreakout
07:30 - 10:00Breakout Session 07: Zwischen zwei Stühlen: Osteuropäische Staaten und ihre Beziehungen zu EU und RusslandBreakout
07:30 - 10:00Breakout Session 08: Aufklärung in Europa: Ein neuer Gesellschaftsvertrag für das digitale Zeitalter?Breakout
07:30 - 10:00Breakout Session 09: Warum brauchen wir eine gemeinsame europäische Kulturdiplomatie?Breakout
10:00 - 11:30MittagsempfangSocial
10:30 - 11:30Kamingespräch mit Hanan AshrawiPartner
11:30 - 14:00Breakout Session 12: Richtung Kreislaufwirtschaft: Rohmaterialen für die Zukunft des Planeten sparenBreakout
11:30 - 14:00Breakout Session 13: Die Stadt der Zukunft: Inklusiv, vernetzt, resilientBreakout
11:30 - 14:00Breakout Session 14: Klimawandel, Katastrophen, Migration: Wie rüsten wir uns für neue Risiken?Breakout
11:30 - 14:00Breakout Session 15: Innovative Lösungen zur „neuen“ Herausforderung IntegrationBreakout
11:30 - 14:00Breakout Session 16: Europäische Wohlfahrtsstaaten neu definieren: Einklang zwischen EU und MitgliedstaatenBreakout
11:30 - 14:00Breakout Session 17: Die EU und ihre südlichen Nachbarn: Kooperation nach der FlüchtlingskriseBreakout
11:30 - 14:00Breakout Session 18: Und was haben WIR davon? Über die Umsetzung der UN-Nachhaltigkeitsziele in EuropaBreakout
11:30 - 14:00Breakout Session 19: Die Vertrauenslücke überwindenBreakout
11:30 - 14:00Breakout Session 22: Zusammen oder zerrissen: Welche Werte sichern unsere Zukunft?Breakout
14:00 - 16:00EmpfangSocial
16:00 - 17:30Die Türkei zwischen regionalen Bestrebungen und HerausforderungenPlenary
18:00 - 19:00Brexit und die Zukunft EuropasPlenary


06:00 - 07:00Höhenfrühstück: Strategien der EinflussnahmePlenary
06:30 - 07:30Die UN-Nachhaltigkeitsziele: Was große Unternehmen tun müssen, um den Stein ins Rollen zu bringenPlenary
07:30 - 08:00COURAGE in Zeiten miteinander verflochtener Krisen: Ein Versuch, Kunst und Wissenschaft zu verbindenPlenary
08:30 - 10:30Die UN-Nachhaltigkeitsziele: Welche Social Entrepreneurs die Nase vorn habenPlenary