Resilienz: Ein „Situation Room“ Experiment
Organisiert von Direktion für Sicherheitspolitik, BMLVS - Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung und Sport, in Kooperation mit FAS.research
Die Resilienz eines Staates beruht auf bestimmten Faktoren, die es auch in schwierigsten Situationen ermöglichen, handlungsfähig zu bleiben. 15 Stipendiatinnen und Stipendiaten des Europäischen Forums Alpbach werden in einem online simulierten, kollektiven Echtzeit-Entscheidungsfindungsprozess gemeinsam die Faktoren zur Bewältigung einer Krise sowie daraus ableitbare Handlungsoptionen erarbeiten und nach Prioritäten reihen. Anschließend diskutieren Experten und Expertinnen die Ergebnisse.
Die 15 StipendiatInnen und Stipendiaten werden nach dem „first come, first served“ Prinzip ausgewählt. Die Veranstaltung außerdem ist allen registrierten TeilnehmerInnen der Politischen Gespräche zugänglich; um Anmeldung wird gebeten.
Nähere Informationen und Anmeldung bei Stefan Ulmer (
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former Major General and National Security Advisor of Israel, Raanana
1966-2002 | Major General Yaacov Amidror served with the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) for 36 years |
2011-2013 | Major General Yaacov Amidror served as the National Security Advisor to the P.M of Israel and the Head of the National Security Council, for more than 2.5 years |
During his long military career, Gen. Amidror held the following positions: | |
Commander of IDF Military Colleges, including The National Defense College, Staff and Command College, and Junior (tactical) Command Academy | |
Military Secretary for the Minister of Defense | |
Director of the Intelligence Analysis Division, responsible for National Intelligence Assessment | |
Head of a large - scale technology project | |
General Amidror received a Masters Degree in Political Science from the University of Haifa and various other degrees and certificates from IDF colleges | |
2002 | After his retirement, he has served as Senior Research Fellow to the Institute for Middle East Research in Washington |
M.G Amidror is now the Anne and Greg Rosshandler Senior Fellow at the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, Bar - Ilan Universit, and he is a Distinguish Fellow of JINSA's Gemunder Center | |
He was a member of several large Israeli companies' boards as well as numerous high-tech start-ups |
Mag. Dr. MAS Johann FRANK
Director for Security Policy, Austrian Federal Ministry of Defence, Vienna
1988-1989 | One-year voluntary service with the Austrian Armed Forces (preparatory course for the military academy) |
1989-1992 | Theresian Military Academy in Wiener Neustadt, Lower Austria |
1992-1997 | Company Commander and Instructor, NBC- Defense School, Vienna |
1996-1997 | Postgraduate, Disaster Management, Austrian Research Center,Seibersdorf |
1993-1999 | Magister Philosophiae in Political Science and Philosophy, University of Vienna |
1998-1999 | Deputy Head of Division at NBC Defense School, Vienna |
1999 | Desk Officer Arms Control, Military Policy Division, Vienna |
1999-2001 | Researcher, Institute for International Peace Support , National Defence Academy, Vienna |
2002-2007 | Head of Division for Security Political Analysis, Austrian Federal Ministry of Defence, Vienna |
2007 | Department for Security Policy, Austrian Federal Chancellery, Vienna |
2007-2008 | Postgraduate: Master of Advanced Studies "Security Policy and Crisis Management" ETH Zurich (Zurich, Washington, London) |
2008-2014 | Head of Office for Security Policy, Vienna |
2013-2014 | Member, Cabinet of the Minister, Austrian Federal Ministry of Defence, Vienna |
since 2014 | Defence Policy Director, Austrian Federal Ministry of Defence, Vienna |
Mag.a Dipl.-Päd. Ute Lena FUCHS
Director-General, Business & Professional Women Austria, Vienna
1994-1998 | Dipl. prakt. Psychologie & Physiognomie, Privatuniversität, Diplomarbeit, Lizenziat |
1997 | Dipl. Pädagogin, Weiterbildung für Lehrmeister und Ausbilder gemäß Art. 11 des Bildungsgesetzes, Erziehungsdepartement Schweiz |
zertifiziert DISG Profil | |
1999-2000 | Coach & Trainer Schweiz Tourismus, Dr. Brunner Zürich |
2004 | Zertifikat in Suchtprävention, (sGS553.1) Volkswirtschaftsdepartement |
2015 | Qualitätsvorschriften und Sicherheitsmaßnahmen in digitaler Kommunikation an Weiterbildungsinstituten |
Mag. Franz LEITGEB
Director General, Planning Directorate Department, Austrian Federal Ministry of Defence and Sports, Vienna
General Director, Médecins sans Frontières, Vienna
Degree in Economics from the University of Innsbruck, Austria | |
2002 | /2003 Marketing & Controlling Daniel Swarovski Corp. AG |
2008 | Finance-Controlling Eglo Lighting International |
2009 - 2011 | Department Head Finance and Administration , Doctors without Borders/Austria |
Mag. Dr. Harald KATZMAIR
Founder and Director, FASresearch, Vienna
Studies in Sociology and Philosophy, University of Vienna | |
1992-2000 | Research Assistant, Institute for Economics, Vienna University for Economics and Business |
1995-1997 | Research Associate, Institute for Sociology, Faculty of Social- and Business Sciences, University of Vienna |
1997-2002 | Founder and Chief Executive Officer, FAS - Forschungsgesellschaft für angewandte Sozial- und Strukturanalyse OEG, Vienna |
since 2002 | Founder; Head of Science; Chief Executive Officer, FAS.research Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschungsgesellschaft mbH.,Vienna |
since 2013 | Vice-president, NEIN ZU KRANK UND ARM Foundation |
since 2015 | Member, Supervisory Board, FWF - Austrian Science Fund, Vienna |