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Die USA, die EU und Russland: was ändert sich mit der neuen US-Regierung?

Plenary /
in englischer Sprache

In kaum einer Region Europas wird die Auswirkung der jüngsten US-Präsidentschaftswahl so groß sein wie in Zentral- und Osteuropa. Welchen Weg wird die transatlantische Zusammenarbeit in dieser Region gehen? Wie wird sich die Kooperation mit dem Nachbarn Russland entwickeln?

Executive Director, The Future of Diplomacy Project, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard University, Cambridge
Managing Director, Kissinger Associates, Inc., New York
Director, Institute of Europe, and Corresponding Member, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Chair, PSC - Political and Security Committee, Brussels
Executive Director and United States Special Representative for Ukraine Negotiations, McCain Institute for International Leadership, Arizona State University, Washington, D.C.
Chair, International Advisory Board, European Forum Alpbach, Vienna Chair


Executive Director, The Future of Diplomacy Project, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard University, Cambridge

 Cathryn Clüver Ashbrook is a German and American national and the founding Executive Director of the Future of Diplomacy Project at the Harvard Kennedy School (HKS), which examines the challenges to negotiation and statecraft in the 21st century. In January 2018, she was named Executive Director of the Project on Europe and the Transatlantic Relationship. From 2011-2017, she served as the Executive Director of the India and South Asia Program at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at HKS, a program which ended formal activities in 2018. Her areas of expertise include EU-US relations - including trade and security policy - and digital public policy in urban and national contexts. She served on the management team of the European Policy Centre in Brussels, where she was the Deputy Editor of its public policy journal, Challenge Europe and the think tank’s Communications Director, before joining Roland Berger Strategy Consultants as Senior Journalist and consultant in 2005. There, she worked on public policy issues (demographic change, urban competitiveness, green energy) and advised both the consultancy’s Chinese and French offices on branding and communication strategies. In 2009 she served in the second Bloomberg mayoral administration, where she implemented an online program for New York City's 1.8 million limited-English-proficiency migrants to access essential public services. She began her public service career as a legislative adviser at the European Parliament and later the UK House of Commons.

Ph.D. Thomas Edward GRAHAM

Managing Director, Kissinger Associates, Inc., New York

1984-1998 US Foreign Service Officer
1998-2001 Senior Associate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Washington D.C.
2001-2002 Associate Director, Policy Planning Staff, United States Department of State, Washington D.C.
2002-2007 Director, then Senior Director for Russia, United States National Security Council Staff, Washington D.C.
since 2007 Senior Director; then Managing Director, Kissinger Associates, Inc.
2011-2017 Senior Fellow, Jackson Institute for Global Affairs, Yale Univeristy, New Haven, CT

Ph.D. Alexey GROMYKO

Director, Institute of Europe, and Corresponding Member, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow

 Director of the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IE RAS). Professor of RAS.
 Graduated from the Faculty of History of Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU). Doctor of Sciences (History).
 Associate researcher at Ruskin College and associate visitor at St Antony’s College at Oxford University.
 Since 2000, works at IE RAS.
 President of the Association of European Studies (Russia)
 Academic focus: British studies, European integration and security, international relations.


Chair, PSC - Political and Security Committee, Brussels

since 2013 Chair, PSC - Political and Security Committee, Brussels
2011 Head of Crisis Management and Planning Department, EEAS - European External Action Service, Brussels
2009 Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Belgium to the Political and Security Committee of the EU and to the Western European Union
2007 Chief of Staff of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade of Belgium
2004 Deputy Chief of Staff of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belgium
2003 Chief of Staff of the Minister of Development Cooperation of Belgium
2000 Diplomatic Advisor to the Prime Minister of Belgium
1999 Multilateral Trade Negotiations, WTO Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Brussels
1995 First Secretary (Economic and Financial Affairs) and Head of the Foreign Investments Office Embassy of Belgium, Washington DC
1992 First Secretary (Political and Economic Affairs) Embassy of Belgium, Riyadh,
1991 Attaché, Belgian Permanent Representation to the United Nations, Geneva
1990 Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Brussels
Commercial Attaché Embassy of Belgium, The Hague
1986 Commercial Attaché for Nigeria, Benin and Togo Embassy of Belgium, Lagos
1985 Commercial Attaché Belgian Office for Foreign Trade, Brussels
1983 Cargo and Airline Services, Belgavia Brussels Airport Studies
1982 Post-Graduate - Center of Developing Countries, Catholic University Louvain-la-Neuve (U.C.L.)
1980 Masters, Political and Social Sciences, Catholic University Leuven (K.U.Leuven)


Executive Director and United States Special Representative for Ukraine Negotiations, McCain Institute for International Leadership, Arizona State University, Washington, D.C.

 Ambassador Kurt Volker is a leading expert in U.S. foreign and national security policy with over 30 years of experience in a variety of government, academic, and private sector capacities. Ambassador Volker serves as Executive Director of The McCain Institute for International Leadership, a part of Arizona State University based in Washington, DC. He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow at the Center for Transatlantic Relations at Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies, a Senior Advisor at the Atlantic Council, and a Trustee of IAU College in Aix-en-Provence, France. He is a consultant to international business, a member of the Board of Directors of CG Funds Trust, and had previously served as Managing Director, International, for BGR Group. He has taught Transatlantic Relations at The George Washington University Elliott School of International Affairs.


Chair, International Advisory Board, European Forum Alpbach, Vienna

1977 Law Studies in Vienna (Dr. iur.)
1977-1978 Postgraduate-Studies, College of Europe, Bruges
1978 Diploma of The Hague Academy of International Law, The Hague
1979 Joined the Austrian Diplomatic Service
1982-1986 Austrian Mission to the European Communities, Brussels
1986-1990 Austrian Embassy, Moscow
1991-1993 Private Office of the Austrian Foreign Minister, Vienna
1993-1995 Deputy Head of Cabinet of Foreign Ministers Mock and Schüssel, Vienna
1995-1999 Director for Security Policy and Policy Planning, Austrian Foreign Ministry, Vienna
1996-1999 Deputy Political Director, Austrian Foreign Ministry, Vienna
1999-2003 Ambassador of Austria to Belgium and Head of the Austrian Mission to NATO, Brussels
2002-2004 Special Representative of the Austrian Foreign Minister for the Western Balkans
2003-2004 Representative of the Federal Chancellor of Austria in the Commission on the Reform of the Austrian Armed Forces, Vienna
2003-2008 Political Director (Director General for Political Affairs) of the Austrian Foreign Ministry, Vienna
2008-2011 Permanent Representative of Austria to the United Nations, New York
2009-2010 Also represented Austria on the United Nations Security Council, New York (President of the Security Council in November 2009)
2011 Vice-President of the 66th General Assembly of the UN, New York
2011-2015 Ambassador, (Head of the Delegation) of the European Union to the United Nations, New York
since 2015 Managing Director for Europe and Central Asia, European External Action Service, Brussels
 Visiting Professor, College of Europe, Bruges and Natolin

Politische Gespräche

Timetable einblenden
Genre : Alle


12:00 - 16:00Professional Programme „Die Zukunft unserer Welt“Partner
13:00 - 16:00Professional Programme on Strategies of InfluencePartner
13:00 - 16:00Sicherheitspolitik zwischen den GenerationenPartner


07:00 - 10:00Professional Programme on Strategies of InfluencePartner
07:00 - 10:00Teuflische DiplomatiePartner
08:00 - 10:00Die US-Wahl 2016: ein Blick hinter die KulissenPlenary
08:00 - 09:30Kamingespräch mit Ruth Dreifuss: Frauen und MachtPartner
12:00 - 14:30Eröffnung: Werte und Visionen eines gemeinsamen EuropasPlenary
15:00 - 16:30Der Realität ins Auge blicken: das internationale System in den Griff bekommenPlenary
17:00 - 18:30Die USA, die EU und Russland: was ändert sich mit der neuen US-Regierung?Plenary


06:30 - 07:30Höhenfrühstück 03: POLITICO Morning BriefingPlenary
08:00 - 10:30Breakout Session 01: Krieg und Demokratie in der Ukraine: Wege in die ZukunftBreakout
08:00 - 10:30Breakout Session 02: Von Konflikten zur kollaborativen Governance: mit Open Data und der „Intelligenz der Vielen“ zur Innovation des öffentlichen SektorsBreakout
08:00 - 10:30Breakout Session 03: Kann ich bleiben oder muss ich gehen? Die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf MigrationBreakout
08:00 - 10:30Breakout Session 04: Militärische Kooperationen zur Bewältigung sicherheitspolitischer HerausforderungenBreakout
08:00 - 10:30Breakout Session 05: Interessensausgleich in Zeiten abnehmenden sozialen ZusammenhaltsBreakout
08:00 - 10:30Breakout Session 06: Alternative Fakten, Provokationen und soziale Spaltung: über den richtigen Umgang mit PopulismusBreakout
08:00 - 10:30Breakout Session 07: Die EU auf dem Prüfstand: 60 Jahre Konflikt und Kooperation in EuropaBreakout
08:00 - 10:30Breakout Session 08: Geoengineering: politische Folgen, technische Möglichkeiten und RisikenBreakout
08:00 - 10:30Breakout Session 09: Genome Editing: Regulierung an der Grenze zur UngewissheitBreakout
08:00 - 10:30Breakout Session 11: Spannungsfeld Innovation: Tiefgehende Veränderung schaffenBreakout
10:30 - 11:30Kamingespräch mit Talia SassonPartner
10:30 - 12:00MittagsempfangBreakout
12:00 - 14:30Breakout Session 12: Digitale Sicherheit: Social MediaBreakout
12:00 - 14:30Breakout Session 13: Neue Freiheiten, alte Zwänge? Herausforderungen bei der Integration von weiblichen Flüchtlingen in ÖsterreichBreakout
12:00 - 14:30Breakout Session 14: Wissenschaftsbasierte Politikgestaltung in Zeiten der Post-Wahrheit?Breakout
12:00 - 14:30Breakout Session 15: Migration und Kunst: Europas neues NarrativBreakout
12:00 - 14:30Breakout Session 16: Wege aus dem Dublin-DilemmaBreakout
12:00 - 14:30Breakout Session 17: Demokratie in Zentral- und Osteuropa: hinten nach oder einen Schritt voraus?Breakout
12:00 - 14:30Breakout Session 18: Missionsorientierte Innovationspolitik in der PraxisBreakout
12:00 - 14:30Breakout Session 19: Das Ende eines teuren Krieges: Alternativen zu gescheiterter DrogenpolitikBreakout
12:00 - 14:30Breakout Session 20: Die Arktis: neue Narrative für ein umstrittenes TerritoriumBreakout
12:00 - 14:30Breakout Session 21: Demokratie neu denken: Was können wir von bottom-up demokratischen Innovationen lernen?Breakout
15:30 - 17:00Sicherheit und Freiheit in der digitalen ZukunftPlenary
17:30 - 19:00Green innovation: dringend & wichtig zugleichPlenary


07:00 - 10:30Wege zur Nachhaltigkeit: von der Wahrnehmung zur VerhaltensänderungPlenary