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13: Das fossile Zeitalter geht zu Ende: Globale Systeme am Scheideweg

Breakout /
in englischer Sprache

Bis 2050 wird die Weltbevölkerung auf rund neun Milliarden Menschen anwachsen. Der Klimawandel und die Verknappung von Rohstoffen werden sich weiter verschärfen. Was können wir tun um die Folgen des Klimawandels zu bewältigen und wie gehen wir in Zukunft mit Ernährungsengpässen um? Wie schaffen wir den Umstieg auf ökologisch nachhaltige Wirtschafts- und Industriesysteme? Sollen wir das bestehende System kollabieren lassen um es neu aufzubauen?

Member, Club of Rome; Professor, University of Florence
Freelancer and Director, Vienna
Austrian Federal Minister for Agriculture, Regions and Tourism, Vienna
Secretary General, PlasticsEurope Austria, Vienna
Managing Partner, brainbows informationsmanagement GmbH; Director, R20 Austrian World Summit, Vienna Chair


Member, Club of Rome; Professor, University of Florence

 Ugo Bardi is a lecturer in physical chemistry at the University of Florence, in Italy. He is engaged in research on sustainability and energy, with a special view on the concept of circular economy and on the depletion of mineral resources. He is also a member of the Club of Rome, an international think tank dedicated to sustainability. He is active in the dissemination of scientific results in sustainability and climate science in English on the blog "Cassandra’s Legacy" (www.cassandralegacy.blogspot.it)
 He is the author of numerous papers on sustainability and of several books, including "The Limits to Growth Revisited" (Springer 2011) and "Extracted - how the quest for mineral wealth is plundering the planet" (Chelsea Green, 2014) and "The Seneca Effect, why growth is slow but collapse is rapid" (Springer 2017). Ugo is an Italian citizen, lives near Florence, Italy. He is married and has a son and a daughter.

Werner BOOTE

Freelancer and Director, Vienna

 Born in 1965 in Vienna, Werner Boote started out as a cable boy. He studied drama and theater arts, journalism and sociology at the University of Vienna and at the film academy. After years of being an assistant director (to Robert Dornhelm, Ulrich Seidl, Bud Spencer, Marvin Chomsky and others) Boote began making his own films in 1993. His initial focus was on music, including the videos Anouk - Sacrifice (1999) and Andrea Bocelli - Tuscan Skies (2002). Numerous award-winning music documentaries followed, for example Kurt Rydl - The Gladiator (2007), which was nominated for the FIPA European Film Award. In 2009, his first feature film, Plastic Planet, arrived in Austrian cinemas and won the Golden Romy for "Best Documentary Feature". It went on to appear in over 80 countries and accomplished countless changes in legislation, industry and society. "It is one of those rare call-to-action documentaries that roused viewers to do something against plastics." (Variety) In the movie Population Boom (2013), Boote did away with the widespread worldview of overpopulation and called for distributive justice. The film was crowned with the Green Me Award for the Best Green documentary in Berlin. After the evocative documentary Everything´s under Control (2015) about the self-evidence of pervasive surveillance, his new film The Green Lie opens in March 2018 and premieres at the Berlin International Film Festival (Berlinale). From 1993 to 2002, Werner Boote lived and worked in Amsterdam. He now resides in Vienna


Austrian Federal Minister for Agriculture, Regions and Tourism, Vienna

 Studied journalism, communication and applied cultural studies, University of Klagenfurt
1999-2003 Assistant, Carinthia District Health Insurance Fund, Klagenfurt
2002-2006 Federal Head, Austrian Rural Youth Organisation
2003-2005 Delegate to the European Council of Young Farmers
2007-2012 Federal Chair, Austrian Young Farmers' Association
since 2009 Vice-Chair, Austrian Farmers' Federation
2014-2017 President, Eco Social Forum Europe
since 2015 Vice-Chair, Political Academy, ÖVP - Austrian People's Party
2015-2017 Federal Vice-Chair, Austrian People's Party
2017-2019 Austrian Federal Minister for Sustainability and Tourism, Vienna


Secretary General, PlasticsEurope Austria, Vienna

1980 Graduation, University of Technology, Industrial Electronics and Theory of Control, Vienna
1980-1990 Guard Control Systems, Hewlett Packard GmbH, Vienna&Boston
since 1991 Independent communications expert, Technology and Public Affairs, Vienna
since 2008 Secretary General, PlasticsEurope Austria, Vienna


Managing Partner, brainbows informationsmanagement GmbH; Director, R20 Austrian World Summit, Vienna

 Monika Langthaler-Rosenberg is scientific staff member at the "Österreichisches Ökologie-Institut" (Austrian Institute of Ecology). Between 1990 and 1999 she was member of the Austrian National Council and spokeswomen for the Green Party for environmental, energy and telecommunication issues. From 1998 to 1999 member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. Monika Langthaler-Rosenberg finished her master studies Environmental Management (MSc) at the University of London. Numerous publications in the area of waste management, chemical policy, guidelines for strategic environmental assessments, environmental economics and citizen participation. She is founder and managing partner at the consultancy firm "brainbows the information company" specialized in sustainability and energy & climate, based in Vienna. Since 2010 she is member of the advisory board "Friends of Education Africa in Austria". Since 2014 she is director of the association "R20 Austria & EU" and member of the supervisory board of Allianz Elementar Insurance Group and Allianz Elementar Life Insurance Group.

Politische Gespräche

Timetable einblenden
Genre : Alle


11:30 - 14:30My Europe – My Story: Geschichten über Europa erzählenPartner
15:00 - 16:30EröffnungPlenary
17:00 - 18:30Neue Perspektiven zur EU-ErweiterungPlenary
19:30 - 21:30GetränkeempfangSocial


06:30 - 07:30DER STANDARD Morning BriefingPlenary
06:30 - 07:30POLITICO Morning BriefingPlenary
07:00 - 10:00Alpbach Hikes: Wandern mit Pionieren – Achtsamkeit in der BildungPartner
08:00 - 10:30Breakout Session 01: Wer zahlt, schafft an? Die künftige Finanzierung der EUBreakout
08:00 - 10:30Breakout Session 02: EU-Russland-Beziehungen: Versuch einer nüchternen AnalyseBreakout
08:00 - 10:30Breakout Session 03: Citizens don’t bite: Erfolgreiche Beispiele politischer Partizipation aus ganz Europa – Ein PraxisworkshopBreakout
08:00 - 10:30Breakout Session 04: Europäische Sicherheit und die Mittelmeerregion: Eine SimulationBreakout
08:00 - 10:30Breakout Session 05: Eine Welt ohne Atomwaffen? Folgen des UN-NuklearwaffenverbotsBreakout
08:00 - 10:30Breakout Session 06: Das Empowerment von Frauen und der Jugend: Die UN-Nachhaltigkeitsziele in der PraxisBreakout
08:00 - 10:30Breakout Session 07: Demokratien unter Druck: Zivilgesellschaft und PopulismusBreakout
08:00 - 10:30Breakout Session 08: Die Sustainable Development Goals implementieren: Was können Staaten voneinander lernen?Breakout
08:00 - 10:30Breakout Session 09: Europäische Sicherheit im Zeitalter hybrider Bedrohungen: Militärisch-zivile Kooperationen neu denken?Breakout
13:00 - 14:15Souveränität in der EU: Wer entscheidet?Plenary
15:00 - 16:15Demokratien unter DruckPlenary
16:30 - 18:30Green Finance: Privates Kapital gegen den KlimawandelPartner
16:30 - 18:30Lessons from the Best: Was wir von den nachhaltigsten Regionen Europas lernen könnenPartner
16:45 - 18:15Subsidiarität auf dem PrüfstandPlenary
18:00 - 20:00Europa-Israel-AbendessenSocial
18:15 - 19:00POLITICO Happy HourSocial


06:30 - 07:30DER STANDARD Morning BriefingPlenary
06:30 - 07:30POLITICO Morning BriefingPlenary
07:00 - 10:00Alpbach Hikes: Wandern mit Pionieren – Achtsamkeit in der PolitikPartner
08:00 - 10:30Breakout Session 10: Das Schweizer Miliz-Prinzip leben: Resilienz durch BeteiligungBreakout
08:00 - 10:30Breakout Session 11: Israel: Ist Demokratie ohne Frieden möglich?Breakout
08:00 - 10:30Breakout Session 12: Demokratie im digitalen Zeitalter schützen: Ein PraxisworkshopBreakout
08:00 - 10:30Breakout Session 13: Das fossile Zeitalter geht zu Ende: Globale Systeme am ScheidewegBreakout
08:00 - 10:30Breakout Session 14: Reagieren Sie noch oder agieren Sie schon? Mit neuen Partnerschaften dem Klimawandel begegnenBreakout
08:00 - 10:30Breakout Session 15: Kultur und Identität: Wie viel Anpassung braucht Integration?Breakout
08:00 - 10:30Breakout Session 16: Nachhaltigen Systemwandel vorantreibenBreakout
08:00 - 10:30Breakout Session 17: Demokratien unter Druck: Medien und PopulismusBreakout
11:00 - 12:45Aus Grau mach Grün! Grüne Infrastruktur als ein Weg aus der BiodiversitätskrisePartner
12:30 - 13:45Globale Machtverschiebungen: Folgen für Europa und AsienPlenary
14:15 - 15:45Die Europäische Union – Russland: Was tun?Plenary
16:15 - 17:15Die Zukunft der EU: Prioritäten der österreichischen EU-RatspräsidentschaftPlenary


07:00 - 10:00Alpbach Hikes: Wandern mit Pionieren – Achtsamkeit im UnternehmenPartner
07:30 - 08:30Rechtsstaatlichkeit auf dem PrüfstandPlenary
09:00 - 10:30Biodiversität schützen und Klimawandel eindämmenPlenary