16: Nachhaltigen Systemwandel vorantreiben
In Kooperation mit Club of Rome
Das aktuelle System der liberalen Marktwirtschaft und eine oft orientierungslose Politik in geschwächten Demokratien destabilisieren zunehmend Natur und sozialen Zusammenhalt. Es braucht neue wirtschaftliche und politische Modelle um wirtschaftlichen Wohlstand von Wachstumsparadigmen und Kapitalflüsse von natürlichen Ressourcen zu entkoppeln. Diversität und Resilienz sollten eine Schlüsselrolle bei der Neudefinition von Governance-Strukturen spielen um nachhaltige Entwicklung und den Wohlstand aller BürgerInnen zu ermöglichen. Welche Strategien, Transformationswege und Indikatoren gibt es, um die Vision Nachhaltigkeit zu erreichen?
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Honorary President, Club of Rome, Former Co-Chair, International Resource Panel, Emmendingen
Earlier stations: Professor of Biology, University President, Director, UN Centre for Science and Technology for Development, New York, Director, Institute for European Environmental Policy, President, Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment, Energy. 1998-2005 MP, Germany, Chair of the Bundestag Environment Committee. 2006-2008 Dean, Bren School for Environmental Science and Management, UC Santa Barbara, California. |
Ph.D. Michael K. DORSEY
Member, Club of Rome; Energy investor and equity partner, Univergy North America and Univergy - Think Green India, Detroit
1994-1996 | Master studies, Environmental Policy, Yale University, New Haven |
1996-1998 | Master studies, Anthropology, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore |
since 1996 | Co-Founder & Director, Center for Enviornmental Health, Oakland |
1999-2005 | PhD, Environmental Policy, University of Michigan |
since 2017 | Director, Univergy Solar/ThinkGreen, Hyderabad, India |
since 2018 | Advisor, Impact PPA, Washington D.C. |
Dr. Maja GÖPEL
Member, Club of Rome; Secretary General, German Advisory Council on Global Change, Berlin
1996-2001 | Diploma, Media-Planning, -Developing, -Consulting, Universities of Siegen, Sevilla and Fribourg |
2002-2004 | Lecturer, Institute Political Sciences and European Studies, University of Hamburg |
2002-2006 | Volunteer Campaigner and Trade Expert, Friends of the Earth, Berlin |
2002-2007 | PhD, Global Political Economy, Hegemony Theory, Institutionalism, Universities of Hamburg, Kassel, Toronto |
2006-2008 | Campaign Manager Climate/Energy, World Future Council, Hamburg |
2008-2012 | Director Future Justice, World Future Council, Brussels |
since 2013 | Head Berlin Office, Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy, Berlin |
2014 | Regular Lecturer, Master programme Strategic Sustainability Management, University for Sustainability Eberswalde |
Occasional Lecturer, University of Witten-Herdecke & Leuphana University Lüneburg | |
since 2017 | Secretary General, German Advisory Council on Global Change, Berlin |
Dr. Petra KÜNKEL
Full Member, Club of Rome; Co-Founder and Executive Director, Collective Leadership Institute GmbH, Potsdam
Petra Kuenkel is an accomplished author in the field of sustainability transformations and a leading strategic advisor to pioneering international multi-stakeholder initiatives that tackle common goods and aim at transformative change. As a Full Member of the International Club of Rome and the founder and executive director of the Collective Leadership Institute, she promotes the scaling-up of collective leadership and collaboration skills for change agents in sustainability transformations from the private sector, public sector and civil society. She has developed a science and practice based breakthrough methodology for transformative change and is an expert in strategy designs for complex cross-sector partnering and large-scale multi-stakeholder initiatives. An industrial psychologist by profession, her teaching areas include applied systems thinking and leadership in complex systems. With projects all over the world, the Collective Leadership Institute (CLI) is an internationally operating non-profit organization focusing on thought leadership, executive education and sustainability transformation support. |
Member, Club of Rome, Professor of Sustainability Science, University of Iceland, Reykjavík
Kristin Vala Ragnarsdottir works on natural resources and their link with the economy, developing indicators for wellbeing economy, circular economy, sustainability indicators for soil, tourism, wellbeing, finding fabric for sustainable communities with focus on food security, and imagining sustainable futures. Her most recent interests are developing an economic framework and impact strategies that aid achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals, casting light on corruption in natural resource management, and investigating the direct links between population, food and phosphorous. |
Co-President, Club of Rome, Senior Advisor and Facilitator, Corporate Purpose, Sustainability and Low Carbon Solutions, Brussels
Sandrine Dixson-Declève has close to three decades of experience in European and international politics and business, with a special focus on climate change, the environment, sustainability, green growth and energy. She is also a lecturer and has been an advisor to international organisations, including the UN, OECD, OPEC and European Institutions. Until recently, Sandrine was Chief Partnership Officer for the UN Agency Sustainable Energy for All and prior to that the Director of the Prince of Wales’s Corporate Leaders Group and the EU office of the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership. She has also worked with the CEOs of some of the world’s largest companies, and continues to serve as a special advisor to corporate executives, governments, academic institutions and NGOs. |