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Public Diplomacy

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in englischer Sprache
Author, Researcher and Government Advisor, London
Management Consultant, U.S. Department of State; Professorial Lecturer, School of Media and Public Affairs, George Washington University, Washington, D.C.
Head, European Commission Representation in Austria, Vienna
Ambassador of the Republic of Latvia to Spain, Madrid
Ambassador, Legal Adviser, Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs, Vienna
Director, Diplomatic Academy, Vienna Chair

Prof. MA Simon ANHOLT

Author, Researcher and Government Advisor, London

since 2000 Independent Policy Advisor to 53 Governments
since 2001 Vice-Chairman, UK Foreign Office Public Diplomacy Board
since 2005 Publisher, Anholt-GfK Roper Nation Brands Index/City Brands Index
since 2006 Founder-Editor Emeritus, Journal of Place Branding & Public Diplomacy
2009 Winner, Nobels Colloquia Prize for Economics
since 2014 Publisher, Good Country Index


Management Consultant, U.S. Department of State; Professorial Lecturer, School of Media and Public Affairs, George Washington University, Washington, D.C.

 Holds a Ph.D. in communications from the University of Illinois, an MA in broadcasting and BS in electrical engineering from Penn State. He has taught at the Foreign Service Institute, American University, the University of Illinois, the Pennsylvania State University, the University of Maryland, San Antonio College, and the Pakistani Information Academy.
 He was named by President Clinton as Associate Director of the United States Information Agency in 1994. During a 30-year career as a Foreign Service Officer with the United States Information Agency, he served in Brussels, Rome, Tokyo, Karachi, and Islamabad. He established and directed the American Forces Radio and Television Service in Turkey as a Lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force.
 Barry Fulton is a board member of InterMedia and of the Salzburg Global Seminar. He is a senior consultant for PRO-telligent, LLC and a member of the Washington Institute of Foreign Affairs.

Mag. Richard KÜHNEL

Head, European Commission Representation in Austria, Vienna

1989-1994 Studium der Rechtswissenschaften, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz; Auslandssemester in Lyon, Florenz, Princeton
1994-2004 Diplomatischer Dienst, Außenministerium, u. a. in Tokio, New York
2004-2008 Kabinett der Kommissarin für Außenbeziehungen und Europäische Nachbarschaftspolitik Dr. Benita Ferrero-Waldner
seit 2008 Vertreter der Europäischen Kommission in Österreich

Ph.D. Rolands LAPPUKE

Ambassador of the Republic of Latvia to Spain, Madrid

1982 Doctor's Degree in Neurosciences, University of Strasbourg
1993-1996 First Secretary, then Counsellor at the Latvian Embassy in Germany, Bonn
1996-1997 Head of State Protocol
1997 Counsellor Policy Planning Group
1998-1999 Charge d'Affaires in Portugal
1999-2002 Ambassador in Portugal
2003-2007 Ambassador in France, non-residing Ambassador to Morocco and to Andorra, Permanent Representative at the UNESCO
2007-2009 Ambassador at Large, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia


Ambassador, Legal Adviser, Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs, Vienna

 Law studies, University of Graz
1972-1973 UN Forces Cyprus
1977-1978 College of Europe, Bruges
1975-1979 Assistant Professor, Institute for International Law and International Relations, University of Graz
1979-1982 Legal Adviser's Office, Pol. Department, MFA
1982-1985 Austrian Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Geneva
1985-1987 Austrian Embassy to Romania, Bucharest
1985-1986 Political activity, Austrian presidential election campaign
1987-1991 Austrian Embassy to the United States of America, Washington D.C.
1991-1994 Austrian Embassy to Hungary, Budapest
1994-1999 Head, International Law Department, Austrian Ministry of European and International Affairs, Vienna
1999-2004 Austrian Ambassador to Egypt, Cairo
2004-2005 Austrian Ambassador to Portugal, Lisbon
since 2005 Director General, Legal Adviser, Austrian Ministry of European and International Affairs, Vienna


Director, Diplomatic Academy, Vienna

1963-1968 Universität Wien, Rechtsfakultät
1968 Promotion zum Dr. iur.
1968-1970 Diplomatische Akademie in Wien
1970 Eintritt in das Bundesministerium für auswärtige Angelegenheiten
1970-1972 Völkerrechtsbüro
1972-1973 Legationssekretär an der österreichischen Delegation in Berlin (West)
1973-1978 Botschaftssekretär an der österreichischen Botschaft in Washington
1978-1981 Völkerrechtsbüro
1981-1984 Gesandter-Botschaftsrat an der österreichischen Botschaft in Belgrad
1984-1987 Gesandter-Botschaftsrat an der österreichischen Botschaft in Kairo
1987-1992 Gesandter, stellvertretender Leiter des Völkerrechtsbüros, Leiter der Abteilung "Allgemeines Völkerrecht"
1992-1996 Botschafter, Ständiger Vertreter Österreichs beim Europarat (1993 Vorsitzender des Ministerdelegiertenkomitees)
1996-1999 Leiter der Abteilung für Amerika im Bundesministerium für auswärtige Angelegenheiten (1998 Leiter der Task Force für transatlantische Beziehungen während des österreichischen EU-Vorsitzes)
1999-2005 Leiter des Völkerrechtsbüros
2002-2005 Stellvertretender Generalsekretär
2005-2008 Staatssekretär im Bundesministerium für europäische und internationale Angelegenheiten
 Seit 2009 Direktor, Diplomatische Akademie, Wien

Politische Gespräche

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