02: Populismus und postfaktische Politik
Was verstehen wir unter ‚postfaktischer Politik‘ und wie unterscheidet sich diese von Populismus? Wie kann politische Wissensvermittlung stattfinden, wenn Charisma, Emotionen und einzelne Personen eine so entscheidende Rolle spielen? Über welche Wege ist es unter den derzeitigen Bedingungen möglich, demokratische Werte in einem Kontext von öffentlichen Debatten und ’neuen‘ sozialen Medien zu vermitteln.
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Ph.D. Susi MERET
Associate Professor, Department of Culture and Global Studies, Aalborg University, Aalborg
2001-2008 | PhD. Fellow, AMID - Academy for Migration Studies in Denmark, Aalborg University, Aalborg |
2009-2010 | Research Assistant, Department of History, International and Social Studies, Aalborg University, Aalborg |
2010-2014 | Assistant Professor, Migration Policies, CoMID - Centre for the Studies of Migration and Diversity; Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Culture and Global Studies, Aalborg University, Aalborg |
2011-2015 | Project Leader, "NOPO - Nordic Populism", Aalborg University, Aalborg |
2012-2014 | Project participant, "RAGE - Hate Speech and Populist 'Othering' through the racism, age and gender looking glass" |
2012-2015 | Project Participant, "Ideological transformations, organizational development and mainstream reactions. A comparison of populist parties in four Nordic countries", Aalborg University, Aalborg |
2013 | Field-work activity among forced and survival migrants in Rosarno; Lamezia; Riace; Hamburg; Berlin; Hanover |
2014-2015 | Post.doc., Aalborg University, Aalborg |
since 2015 | Associate Professor, Migration Processes, Ethnic Relations, Comparative Politics, Aalborg University, Aalborg |
Network partner, "Borderscapes, memory and migration: cultural representations of forced migration" |
Dr. Jan-Werner MÜLLER
Professor of Politics, Department of Politics, Princeton University, NJ
1996-2003 | Fellow, All Souls College, University of Oxford |
2003-2005 | Fellow, Modern European Thought, European Studies Centre, St. Antony's College, University of Oxford |
since 2005 | Professor of Politics, Department of Politics, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ |