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09: Pragmatische Allianzen und globale Unordnung

Seminar /
in englischer Sprache

Seit den Anschlägen vom 11. September wandelt sich die multipolare Weltordnung zu einer globalen Unordnung. Stabile autoritäre Regime im Nahen Osten wurden gestürzt und langjährige Machtverhältnisse durch Interventionen externer Player oder aufstrebender nichtstaatlicher Akteure durcheinander gebracht, wovon einige äußerst fähige militärische Kenntnisse aufweisen. Wie können wir die politischen und strategischen Herausforderungen dieser neuen, ungeordneten Welt verstehen und bewältigen? Wie muss die Zusammenarbeit auf bi- oder multilateraler Ebene strukturiert werden, um globale Konflikte künftig zu bewältigen?

Head of Delegation, Delegation of the European Union to Turkey, Ankara
Chair, International Advisory Board, European Forum Alpbach, Vienna
Ambassador, Undersecretary, Turkish Ministry for EU Affairs, Ankara
Associated Professor; Jean Monnet Chair - EU External Relations towards the East, CES - Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra Chair

Dr. Christian BERGER

Head of Delegation, Delegation of the European Union to Turkey, Ankara

1986-1987 Operations officer with the Austrian UN-Peacekeeping Battalion on the Golan, UNDOF
1989-1994 Working with the United Nations in Gaza and Jerusalem
1994-1997 Deputy Director at the OSCE in Vienna and Secretary of the OSCE Permanent Council; Deputy Executive Secretary to the Joint Consultative Group (Treaty on Conventional Forces in Europe) and the Open Skies Consultative Commission
1997 Mr Berger joined the European institutions
1997-1999 Committee of the Regions
1999-2001 Responsible for relations with Syria, European Commission
2001-2005 Political Advisor on Middle Eastern issues
2005-2006 EU Representative to the Quartet Special Envoy Mr Wolfensohn
2006-2008 Head of the Crisis Response & Peacebuilding Unit in the EC
2009-2011 EU Representative for West Bank & Gaza office
since 2011 Director for North Africa, Middle East, Arabian Peninsula, Iraq and Iran in the European External Action Service; law degrees from Vienna and London


Chair, International Advisory Board, European Forum Alpbach, Vienna

1977 Law Studies in Vienna (Dr. iur.)
1977-1978 Postgraduate-Studies, College of Europe, Bruges
1978 Diploma of The Hague Academy of International Law, The Hague
1979 Joined the Austrian Diplomatic Service
1982-1986 Austrian Mission to the European Communities, Brussels
1986-1990 Austrian Embassy, Moscow
1991-1993 Private Office of the Austrian Foreign Minister, Vienna
1993-1995 Deputy Head of Cabinet of Foreign Ministers Mock and Schüssel, Vienna
1995-1999 Director for Security Policy and Policy Planning, Austrian Foreign Ministry, Vienna
1996-1999 Deputy Political Director, Austrian Foreign Ministry, Vienna
1999-2003 Ambassador of Austria to Belgium and Head of the Austrian Mission to NATO, Brussels
2002-2004 Special Representative of the Austrian Foreign Minister for the Western Balkans
2003-2004 Representative of the Federal Chancellor of Austria in the Commission on the Reform of the Austrian Armed Forces, Vienna
2003-2008 Political Director (Director General for Political Affairs) of the Austrian Foreign Ministry, Vienna
2008-2011 Permanent Representative of Austria to the United Nations, New York
2009-2010 Also represented Austria on the United Nations Security Council, New York (President of the Security Council in November 2009)
2011 Vice-President of the 66th General Assembly of the UN, New York
2011-2015 Ambassador, (Head of the Delegation) of the European Union to the United Nations, New York
since 2015 Managing Director for Europe and Central Asia, European External Action Service, Brussels
 Visiting Professor, College of Europe, Bruges and Natolin

Ph.D. Andrew A. MICHTA


Ambassador, Undersecretary, Turkish Ministry for EU Affairs, Ankara

1979-1980 Attaché and Third Secretary at the Department of Nuclear Energy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
1980-1981 Military Service, Third Secretary at the Cabinet of the Minister of Foreign Affairs
1981-1984 Third Secretary and Second Secretary at the Permanent Representation of Turkey to the Organization for Economic
  Co-operation and Development in Paris
1984-1986 Second Secretary and First Secretary at the Turkish Embassy in Kabul
1986-1988 First Secretary at the Department of Middle East and Africa, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
1988-1988 First Secretary at the Special Advisory Office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs
1988-1993 First Secretary and Counsellor at the Permanent Representation of Turkey to the United Nations in New York
1993-1994 Head of Section at the Special Advisory Office of the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
1994-1994 Chief of Cabinet of the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
1994-1999 Counsellor and First Counsellor at the Permanent Delegation of Turkey to the European Economic Community in
1999-2001 Head of Department for European Union Economic Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
2001-2005 Deputy Director General, Minister Plenipotentiary at the Deputy Directorate General for European Union Economic Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
2005-2009 Ambassador to Austria
2009-2010 Ambassador, Deputy Undersecretary for European Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
2010-2011 Ambassador, Deputy Undersecretary for Bilateral Political Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
2011-2017 Ambassador, Permanent Delegate of Turkey to the EU
since 2017 Ambassador, Undersecretary, Ministry for EU Affairs

Dr. Maria Raquel FREIRE

Associated Professor; Jean Monnet Chair - EU External Relations towards the East, CES - Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra

1996 Master, International Relations, University of Kent, Canterbury
2002 Ph.D., International Relations, University of Kent, Canterbury
since 2007 Researcher at the Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra
since 2015 Director, Ph.D. Programme, International Politics and Conflict Resolution, School of Economics, Centre for Social Studies; University of Coimbra
Associate Professor, International Relations, School of Economics, University of Coimbra
2016-2019 Jean Monnet Chair - EU External Relations towards the East, University of Coimbra


Timetable einblenden
Genre : Alle


15:00 - 15:45Eröffnung des Europäischen Forums Alpbach 2017Plenary
15:45 - 16:30EröffnungsredenPlenary
17:00 - 18:30Vorstellung der SeminarinhaltePlenary
18:30 - 20:00Brot und WeinSocial


Seminar 01: Die neue Seidenstraße im globalen KontextSeminar
Seminar 02: Populismus und postfaktische PolitikSeminar
Seminar 03: Konflikt um öffentliche GüterSeminar
Seminar 04: Die Energiewende durch erneuerbare Energien und Energieeffizienz: ein Gewinn für den Planeten und die WeltwirtschaftSeminar
Seminar 05: Sind wir allein im Universum?Seminar
Seminar 06: Konflikt und Kooperation: Priorität oder GegebenheitSeminar
Seminar 07: Transitional Justice: Fallbeispiele Balkan und SüdafrikaSeminar
Seminar 08: Kunst – im WiderstreitSeminar
Seminar 09: Pragmatische Allianzen und globale UnordnungSeminar
Seminar 10: Mit Bildung spielt man nicht! Eine BildungsutopieSeminar
Seminar 11: Warum wird es Schauspiel genannt?Seminar
Seminar 12: Ethisches Handeln als neues WirtschaftsparadigmaSeminar
Seminar 13: „Schmutzige Produkte“ – bewusster Konsum: die veränderte Rolle des Konsumenten durch die DigitalisierungSeminar
Seminar 14: Globale Seltsamkeiten? Klimawandel und BevölkerungsdynamikenSeminar
Seminar 16: Zeitlandschaften des 21. Jahrhunderts: Ungleichzeitigkeiten, Beschleunigung und ZeitkonflikteSeminar
Seminar 17: Die RenAIssance: Schöne Neue WeltSeminar
Seminar 18: Politik der BasisSeminar
Seminar 19: Türkei am WendepunktSeminar
Seminar 20: Wie du aus der Reihe tanztSeminar


17:00 - 18:30Türkei am WendepunktPlenary


17:00 - 20:00Storytelling: Reisen vom Konflikt zur KooperationBreakout


17:00 - 19:30Die RenAIssance: Schöne Neue WeltBreakout