14: Sprachliche Vielfalt: Eine Ressource für individuelle und gemeinschaftliche Resilienz
Die Welt ist einem ebenso raschen wie dramatischen Wandel unterworfen. Digitale Kommunikationstechnologien, großflächige Bevölkerungsverschiebungen und der Niedergang der hergebrachten Nationalstaatenordnung werfen kritische Fragen zu sozialem Zusammenhalt, Identität, ökonomischen Interessen und Menschenrechten auf. Wie können wir auf der Mikro-, Meso- und Makroebene die effektivere Kommunikation zwischen Menschen unterschiedlicher linguakultureller Herkunft fördern, um Resilienz und gegenseitiges Verständnis zu stärken? Wir werden die kommunikativen Konsequenzen unserer ständig im Wandel begriffenen Welt ebenso erforschen wie die Bedeutung linguistischer Ressourcen wie Mehrsprachigkeit und Linguae francae.
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Dr. Joseph LO BIANCO
Professor of Language and Literacy Education, The University of Melbourne
Joseph Lo Bianco is Prof. of Language and Literacy Education at the Melbourne Graduate School of Education. He supervises PhD research projects, teaches courses in language planning and supports international research projects in several countries on language and culture studies, language planning and multiculturalism/intercultural education. Since 2011 he has served as senior research advisor a European Commission project on Languages in Urban Communities-Integration and Diversity for Europe (LUCIDE). He wrote Australia’s National Policy on Languages in 1987, the first multilingual national language policy in an English speaking country. |
Mag. Dr. Barbara SEIDLHOFER
Professor, English and Applied Linguistics, University of Vienna
Barbara Seidlhofer is Professor of English and Applied Linguistics, University of Vienna. Her research and teaching focus on English as a lingua franca, the nature of transcultural communication and sociolinguistics and pragmatics more generally. She is the founding director of the Vienna-Oxford International Corpus of English - VOICE and author of Understanding English as a Lingua Franca, Oxford University Press. From 2006-2011 she directed the Vienna team in the EU project DYLAN - Language dynamics and management of diversity. She is past editor of the International Journal of Applied Linguistics and founding editor of the Journal of English as a Lingua Franca. |
Professor Emeritus, University of London; Honorary Professor, University of Vienna
Henry Widdowson is Professor Emeritus, University of London and Honorary Professor, University of Vienna. He previously worked for the British Council in Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. He was a founding editor of the journal Applied Linguistics and for thirty years acted as applied linguistics adviser to Oxford University Press. He has lectured and written extensively on applied linguistics, discourse analysis and language education and continues to publish in these research areas. His earlier publications include Defining Issues in English Language Teaching 2003, Text, Context, Pretext 2004 and Discourse Analysis, 2007. |