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12: Nichtübertragbare Krankheiten – wie man sie kontrolliert und verhindert (Teil der Alpbach Learning Missions)

Seminar /
in englischer Sprache

Die sogenannten nichtübertragbaren Krankheiten oder NCDs (noncommunicabel diseases, z.B. Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen, Krebs, chronische Atemwegserkrankungen und Diabetes) sind zu einer globalen Epidemie geworden. 41 Millionen Todesfälle pro Jahr belasten die Gesundheitssysteme in armen wie reichen Nationen massiv. Die Alpbach Learning Mission wird sich auf Gesetze, Regulierungen und die Einbindung des Privatsektors konzentrieren, um NCDs zu verhindern und einzudämmen; dabei sind interdisziplinäre und vielfältige Ansätze vorgesehen.

Dieses Seminar wird nach der Seminarwoche als Alpbach Learning Mission (ALM) fortgeführt.

Lecturer & Research Fellow, MCI Management Center Innsbruck
Remote Care Specialist, MED-EL Elektromedizinische Geräte Gesellschaft m.b.H., Innsbruck
Director, Division of Noncommunicable Diseases and Promoting Health through the Life-course, WHO Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen
Director, Health Sector, Earth Institute, Columbia University
Lecturer & Research Fellow, MCI Management Center Innsbruck
Professor in Health Economics; Head, Department of Health Management and Health Economics, University of Oslo Chair
Head of Department, Nonprofit, Social & Health Management, MCI Management Center Innsbruck Chair

Dr. Raffael HEISS

Lecturer & Research Fellow, MCI Management Center Innsbruck

 Raffael Heiss is a postdoctoral researcher at the Management Center Innsbruck (MCI) and a founding member of the MCI Center for Social & Health Innovation. Previously, he was a PhD candidate and uni:docs fellow at the Department of Communication, University of Vienna. He defended his PhD thesis "Political Actors on Social Media: Content, Exposure and Effects" in October 2018 with honors. His general research interests include digital media, political & health communication, and civic engagement. Furthermore, he has conducted multiple projects in the field of citizen science and is an active proponent of the advancement of public participation in science. His research has appeared in some of the most important SSCI-ranked journals in communication, such as "New Media & Society", "Information, Communication & Society" or "Communication Research".

MA Cherisse MARK

Remote Care Specialist, MED-EL Elektromedizinische Geräte Gesellschaft m.b.H., Innsbruck

 Cherisse is a native of Trinidad and Tobago and has pursued her tertiary education both in the United states and Austria. She graduated 2006 from Wheeling Jesuit (Wheeling West Virginia) with a Bachelor´s degree in Nuclear Medicine, then went on to various clinic´s in Trinidad and Tobago (2007, 2008). In 2009 she worked as a research and teaching assistant in the Biomedical Engineering department at the University of Trinidad and Tobago. She holds a Master´s degree from Management Centre Innsbruck and graduated from International HealthCare Management programme in 2012. Cherisse works at MED-EL GMBH HQ in the field of telemedicine. Her focus has been on delivering aftercare services to Cochlear implant users, by continuously combining existing technologies to ensure patient compliance and autonomy. She focuses on promoting equitable care especially to those who are burdened by lack of accessibility and believes that accessibility and technology is a means of promoting better outcomes especially in emerging markets.


Director, Division of Noncommunicable Diseases and Promoting Health through the Life-course, WHO Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen

2007-2012 Chief Executive Officer, South Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority, Hamar, Norway
Chairman of the Steering Comittee, National Senior Executive Leadership Programme
2012-2013 Director, Ministry of Health and Care Services, Oslo, Norway
2013-2014 Senior Adviser, Office of Assistant Director-General, NMH, WHO headquarters, Geneva
Acting Director, Department of Management of NCDs, WHO headquarters, Geneva
2014-2018 Head of Secretariat for the Global Coordination Mechanism on the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases (WHO GCM/NCD), WHO headquarters, Geneva
since 2018 Director, Division of Noncommunicable Diseases and Promoting Health through the Life-course, WHO Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen

MD Dr. Sonia SACHS

Director, Health Sector, Earth Institute, Columbia University

 Sonia Ehrlich Sachs, is a pediatrician, an endocrinologist and public health specialist. She received a BA from Harvard University, an MD from the University of Maryland Medical School, and an MPH from Harvard School of Public Health. Since 2005, Dr. Sachs has led the effort at Columbia University’s Earth Institute to design and implement low-cost primary health systems in low-income rural Africa and India. Her focus is on systems delivery, primarily for improvement of maternal and child health, at local and national scales. Sachs coordinated the health sector of the Millennium Villages Project, an integrated rural development initiative in ten countries in sub-Saharan Africa, designed as a proof of concept to help poor rural communities accelerate reaching the Millennium Development Goals. Dr. Sachs is also the Director of the One Million CHW Campaign advocating for professionalized Community Health Workers.

Dr. Claudia ZOLLER

Lecturer & Research Fellow, MCI Management Center Innsbruck

2008-2014 Diploma (Mag.) International Business Management, University of Innsbruck, Austria
2011 Study abroad at University of Queensland, Australia awarded with "Dean’s Commendation for High Achievement"
2015-2018 Ph.D. student (Dr. rer. pol.), Economics: Design and Behavior, University of Cologne, Germany
2015-2017 Research Assistant, Economics: Design and Behavior, Chair: Prof. Dr. Matthias Sutter, University of Cologne, Germany
Lecturer, "Principles of Microeconomics" (B.Sc.), University of Cologne
2017-2018 Research Fellow, Max-Planck-Institute for Research on Collective Goods, Bonn, Germany
2018 Lecturer, "Fundamentals of Health Economics - Microeconomics" (MA), Management Center Innsbruck
since 2018 Post-doctoral researcher, Center for Social & Health Innovation, Management Center Innsbruck, Austria

Dr. Oddvar KAARBOE

Professor in Health Economics; Head, Department of Health Management and Health Economics, University of Oslo

 Oddvar Kaarboe is a Professor in Health Economics at the University of Oslo where he has been a faculty member since 2014. He is the chair of the Department of Health Management and Health Economics, Programme Director of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master of Health Economics and Management, and Research Director of the Norwegian Centre of Health Service Research (NORCHE). Oddvar completed his PhD at the University of Bergen in 2000 within the field of Game Theory. His research interest lies in the use of economic incentives ranging from theory to design to evaluation of reforms and incentive schemes in the health care sector and its organizations. Currently he is heading the official governmental evaluation of the "Extended Free Choice of Providers Reform" in the Norwegian hospital sector. Oddvar lives with his wife, a professor of management accounting. Together they have three (grown-up) children. He is a passionate cyclist, competing in national and international master events. He has represented Norway in four UCI Master Would Championships.

Dr. Siegfried WALCH

Head of Department, Nonprofit, Social & Health Management, MCI Management Center Innsbruck

1988-1994 Business Administration, Social and Economic Sciences Faculty of the University of Innsbruck
Member, Interdisciplinary Research Group for Sustainable Tourism, Institute of Geography, University of Innsbruck
1994-1998 Ph.D., Institute for Service Marketing, Free University of Berlin
1996-2009 Co-founder and Managing Partner - Consulting & Leadership Training - SVWP Communication Management Ltd.
since 2005 Professor and Head of Department "Nonprofit, Social & Health Management", MCI Management Center Innsbruck
since 2012 Co-initiator and Board Member, Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree European Health Economics & Management, organized by Erasmus University Rotterdam, MCI Management Center Innsbruck, University of Oslo & University of Bologna


Timetable einblenden
Genre : Alle


15:00 - 17:30SchnitzeljagdSocial
18:00 - 19:30WillkommenPlenary
19:30 - 21:30Brot und WeinSocial


09:30 - 13:00Vorstellung der SeminarinhaltePlenary
20:00 - 21:00Special Lecture: Globales MuckrakingPlenary


Seminar 16: Partizipative Führung – Techniken des Dialogs und der Ko-KreationSeminar
Seminar 17: LEADfit – die Kunst der FührungSeminar
Seminar 18: Human-Centered Design: Neue Gestaltungsansätze für offene und nachhaltige GesellschaftenSeminar
Seminar 19: Das Leben ist (k)ein Spiel – Critical Game DesignSeminar
Seminar 20: Wie Achtsamkeit resilient(er) machen kannSeminar
Seminar 21: Warrior of the Heart – DojoSeminar
Seminar 22: Wer bist du? Spoken Word: Wie man sich gut vor Menschen ausdrücktSeminar
Seminar 23: „It does matter where“ – Raum fühlen, Raum hinterfragenSeminar
Seminar 24: Die ganze Welt ist BühneSeminar
Seminar 25: Die ganze Welt ist BühneSeminar
Seminar 26: Dramatic Thinking: Kunst als Mittel, um die eigenen Ideen klarer zu kommunizierenSeminar
Seminar 27: Singen – Hören – Gestalten – LeitenSeminar
Seminar 28: Musik – eine soziale Utopie?!Seminar
Seminar 29: Die ganze Welt ist BühneSeminar


Seminar 01: Innovationen in der Pflanzenzucht – Chance oder Risiko für die Sicherung unserer Ernährung?Seminar
Seminar 02: Europa und die Herausforderung der DesintegrationSeminar
Seminar 03: Freiheit und Sicherheit: Daten, Fakten und Stimmen aus AfrikaSeminar
Seminar 04: Chancen und Risiken von UrbanisierungSeminar
Seminar 05: Freiheit und Sicherheit im Zusammenhang mit FrauenrechtenSeminar
Seminar 06: Die globale wirtschaftliche KampfzoneSeminar
Seminar 07: Visual Culture: Bilder der Macht und Macht der BilderSeminar
Seminar 08: Politik und Religion: Räume und Grenzen der FreiheitSeminar
Seminar 09: Quantentechnologien – eine neue Ära der InnovationSeminar
Seminar 10: Die EU und ihre Nachbarn – EU-Außenpolitik zwischen Ehrgeiz und PragmatismusSeminar
Seminar 11: Wassersicherheit für Mensch und Natur – von jetzt bis 2050 (Teil der Alpbach Learning Missions)Seminar
Seminar 12: Nichtübertragbare Krankheiten – wie man sie kontrolliert und verhindert (Teil der Alpbach Learning Missions)Seminar
Seminar 13: Wie gelingt der Übergang zu einer Low-Carbon-Gesellschaft? (Teil der Alpbach Learning Missions)Seminar
Seminar 14: Intellektuelle Selbstverteidigung (Teil der Alpbach Learning Missions)Seminar
Seminar 15: Digital Democracy Lab (Teil der Alpbach Learning Missions)Seminar


15:00 - 18:00Seminar 16-29Seminar


09:30 - 12:30Seminar 1-15Seminar
15:00 - 18:00Seminar 16-29Seminar


10:30 - 12:00Feierliche Eröffnung des Europäischen Forums Alpbach 2019Plenary
12:00 - 14:00Seminar 1-15Seminar
15:00 - 17:00Seminar 16-29Seminar


09:30 - 12:30Seminar 1-15Seminar
15:00 - 18:00Seminar 16-29Seminar


09:30 - 12:30Seminar 1-15Seminar
15:00 - 18:00Seminar 16-29Seminar
20:15 - 21:45International EveningPlenary


09:30 - 12:30Seminar 1-15Seminar