21: Warrior of the Heart – Dojo
Auf Japanisch bedeutet Dojo „Ort des Weges“. Traditionell hat dieser Ort zwei Funktionen: Er ist ein Trainingsraum, in dem spezifische Techniken einer Kunst erlernt werden (Kampfsport, Meditation, Blumen arrangieren, Musik etc.), und eine Arena für Selbstverwirklichung und individuelles Wachstum. In einem Dojo geht es darum, persönliche Kraft und Zielsetzungen mit jenen Taten in Einklang zu bringen, die wir für die Welt tun wollen und müssen. Wenn TeilnehmerInnen ihren Führungsstil im Dienste anderer und einer nachhaltigeren Welt weiterentwickeln möchten, bietet dieser Workshop die Gelegenheit, Kraft zu tanken, die gedankliche Klarheit sowie den Mut zu stärken und so ihrer Gemeinschaft und unserer Welt bewusstere und mutigere Handlungen anzubieten.
Weitere Informationen: Practising for Peace und The Dojo Within The Dojo
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Dr. Markus HEIL
Parish-Minister, Catholic Church, St. Martin
1998-2012 | Parish leader in different parrishes |
since 2012 | President of Catholic reform movement "Pfarrei-Inititiave Schweiz" / Secretary of ICRN |
since 2013 | Teacher at contemplation school via integralis, "Where ZEN and christian mystics meet" |
Parish-minister / deacon |
Chief Executive Officer; Senior Consultant; Co-founder, InterChange ApS, Silkeborg
1976 | Master of Architecture, Aalto University, Helsinki |
1976-1980 | Architect, Slotte & Schütz, Helsinki |
1980-1998 | Instructor in personal leadership & development, International Learning Center, Miami, FL |
Since 1991 Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer, InterChange ApS, Silkeborg | |
1999-2007 | Diverse professional training courses: Leadership in networked emergent systems, U-process, Leadership Coaching, Archetypes in organizations, Systems Thinking, Scenario Planning, Circle process, Appreciative Inquiry, Open Space Technology, World Café, Leadership in Living Systems |
2007-2011 | Module presenter, ALIA - Authentic Leadership in Action, Annapolis, MD |
2008-2015 | Board member, Allergica, Silkeborg |
Chief Executive Officer; Senior Process Consultant, InterChange TOMO i/s, Silkeborg
1964-1967 | Language Student, Virum High School |
1968-1969 | HH - Niles Brock Business School of Copenhagen |
1969-1971 | University of Copenhagen |
1971-1976 | Freelance Conference Organizer |
1976-1990 | PCO - Professional Conference Organizer, The International Learning Center |
1990-2018 | Chief Executive Officer and Senior Process Consultant, Interchange TOMO i/s |
Kaospilot, Educator and Community Builder, Bogotá (COL)
Rowan is guided by the question of: How to live a simple life with impact, asking the questions that really matter? He is an Aikido and Art of Hosting Practitioner, a Kaospilot, he is trained in the Disciplines of Peace and in Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability. He is currently co-developing the "Practising for Peace Dojo" with young ex-combatants in Colombia and supporting the creation of resilient and creative rural communities. He has a background in Business administration and working with innovation and sustainability. He is now living with his wife and two daughters in Colombia. |