Die eigene Stimme entdecken, Ohren und Verstand öffnen sowie musikalische Ereignisse anleiten mit dem singenden Ensemble dieses Seminars. Es sind keine musikalischen Vorkenntnisse erforderlich: wer gerne singt und Spaß hat Musik zu machen, kann mitmachen! Dieses Seminar untersucht die Möglichkeiten, die in Ihrer Stimme verborgen sind (Körper, Atmung, Ausdruck, Stimmtechnik) und das Wunder, wenn Ihre Stimme mit den Stimmen anderer verschmilzt. Mit Hilfe von Chorimprovisation und Kompositionsmethoden erschaffen wir spontan Musik. Jede/r kann die Gesten von Dirigenten erlernen, von klassischer bis improvisierten Musik, die erforderlich sind, um Ihre Vorstellungen zu realisieren. Das Seminar lädt alle TeilnehmerInnen ein, Wörter aus Ihrer Sprache, Texte, Lieder oder einfache Chorstücke aus ihrem jeweiligen kulturellen Umfeld mitzunehmen und gemeinsam zu erarbeiten. Teamarbeit, Selbstdisziplin, Konzentration, ein proaktiver Ansatz und die Fähigkeit, Kompromisse einzugehen, sind erforderlich, um gute musikalische Ergebnisse zu erzielen – genau wie in jedem anderen Lebensbereich. Dieses Seminar bietet die Möglichkeit, alle oben genannten Fähigkeiten durch spielerische und unterhaltsame musikalische Erfahrung zu stärken.
President, Soharóza Nonprofit Association, Budapest | |
Chair | |
Artistic Director, Arnold Schoenberg Choir, Vienna | |
Chair | |
President, Soharóza Nonprofit Association, Budapest
| Dr. Dóra Halas is a music conductor, pedagogist and collective choral composer, who works with musical ensembles - both amateur and professional - , choirs and theatre companies to produce brand new music for each performance. She uses and deconstructs already existing music from around the world, writes her own minimalist compositions, but most of all embraces the ideas and concepts coming from the group members themselves through her own methods of collective brainstorming, improvisation and musical construction. Dóra Halas (b. 1978) spent her childhood in Syria, Cyprus and Hungary - hence her openness to the different cultures and people of the world. She received her first master degree majoring in English Language and Linguistics at the ELTE University of Budapest, then gained a master degree in Choral Conducting and Music Teaching at the Budapest Music Academy, and also a DLA (Doctor of Liberal Arts) title specializing in choral improvisation. After working with traditional choirs and receiving international prizes, she moved onto a more experimental field. The ensembles she founded all revolve around her newly developed methodology of collective choral composing, which she likes to call KOMP. Her current and most successful ensemble is Soharóza, who have premiered innovative performances, fusing different arts and genres. |
Artistic Director, Arnold Schoenberg Choir, Vienna
| Erwin Ortner was a member of the Vienna Boys’ Choir and later a student at the Music Academy in Vienna, studying with, among others, Hans Swarowsky and Hans Gillesberger. From 1980 to 2016 Ortner thought as professor of choral conducting and choral voice training and from 1996 to 2002 was dean of the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna. Ortner is the founder and artistic director of the Arnold Schoenberg Choir. Numerous recordings and prizes document his close and enduring collaboration with Nikolaus Harnoncourt. At the Grammy Awards in 2002 Harnoncourt and the ASC’s recording of Bach’s Matthäus-Passion was awarded best choral performance, honouring both the conductor and the choir’s director. As a conductor, Erwin Ortner has worked with Maurizio Pollini in New York, Paris and Tokyo, while his appearances as a guest conductor demonstrate the breadth of his activities at home and abroad. Ortner is also sought after as a lecturer, giving renowned courses in choral and orchestral conducting worldwide. In 2010 he took over the artistic directorship of the Imperial Chapel in Vienna, which has existed since 1498. |