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05: A European people? Perception and formation of European citizens

Seminar /
in englischer Sprache

Our perception of the political sphere is shaped by categories of  state and  nation . By thinking within these categories we may be drawn to a determined and potentially limiting path when making political decisions. The seminar offers a comparative approach (USA) to exploring the present quality of democracy and citizenship in the EU, and to clarifying the present (future) stages of its political society. Several crucial questions arise: Is the EU an emerging state? If so, a nation state or a citizen state, a federation or a confederation? A welfare state or a ‚lonely rights bearers state‘ (Glendon)? Is there a (potential) European public space and public opinion? What is the significance of civil society and political parties? Competing social and political conceptions of European citizenship will also be examined from a legal perspective and supplemented by an analysis of cases and materials taken from the European Court of Justice and the Council of Europe.

Senior Researcher and Lecturer, Department of Political Science, University of Vienna
Professor, Department of Political Sciences, University of Montenegro, Podgorica
Legal Secretary to Justice Endre Juhasz, European Court of Justice, Luxembourg Chair
Professor emeritus for Law, University of Leuven Chair

Dr. phil. Tamara EHS

Senior Researcher and Lecturer, Department of Political Science, University of Vienna

 An award-winning scholar and an expert on issues of politico-legal aspects of European integration, especially on post-national(ist) statehood with Switzerland s political system and Hans Kelsen s theory of the state as the analytical pattern. She holds a Dr.phil. In Political Science (2005) from the University of Vienna and has studied at the University of Oxford, the LSE and at Sciences Po Lille. Currently she is a senior lecturer and researcher at the Department of Political Science, University of Vienna. Her recently published book 'Hans Kelsen und politische Bildung im modernen Staat' (Manz, 2007) was awarded the Ludo Hartmann-Prize.


Professor, Department of Political Sciences, University of Montenegro, Podgorica

1977 B.A. Law School Titograd, University of Montenegro
1978-1991 Assistant at the Law School, University of Montenegro
1991 Ph.D. "Immanuel Wallerstein's World System Analysis", Law School Belgrade, University of Belgrade
1991-1996 Docent at the Law School, University of Montenegro
since 1992 Visiting Research Associate, Fernand Braudel Center , Suny-Binghamton, NY, USA
1996-2001 Associate Professor at the Law School, University of Montenegro
since 2001 Full Professor at the Law School, University of Montenegro
since 2006 Full Professor at the Department of Political Sciences, University of Montenegro
 University Courses: Political Sociology, Comparative Politics, National and International Security, World-System Analysis
 Visiting Lectures: USA, United Kingdom, Slovenia, Sweden, Finland, Hungary, Poland, Croatia

Solr BA (Hons) Mod TCD Jonathan TOMKIN

Legal Secretary to Justice Endre Juhasz, European Court of Justice, Luxembourg

2000-2003 Solicitor, McCann FitzGerald solicitors, International Financial Services Centre, Dublin 1, Ireland
2003-2004 Legal officer assisting the Deputy Secretary General, Hague Conference on Private International law, The Netherlands
since 2004 Referendaire (Legal Secretary), European Court of Justice, Luxembourg

Dr. jur. Walter VAN GERVEN

Professor emeritus for Law, University of Leuven

1961-2000 Professor of Law
1970-1976 Vice-Rector Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
1982-1988 President Belgian Banking Commission
1988-1994 Advocate-General European Court of Justice
1990-1991 President Belgian Academy of Sciences


Timetable einblenden
Genre : Alle


15:00 - 15:30Eröffnung des Europäischen Forums Alpbach 2008Plenary
15:30 - 17:00EröffnungsreferatePlenary
17:00 - 18:30Vorstellung der SeminarinhaltePlenary
18:30 - 21:00EröffnungsempfangSocial


Seminar 01: Climate change and what we need to do about itSeminar
Seminar 02: Utopias and alternative (visions of) worldsSeminar
Seminar 03: Wirtschaftsforschung und WirtschaftspolitikSeminar
Seminar 04: Geschichtliche Situationsdeutungen und historische EntscheidungenSeminar
Seminar 05: A European people? Perception and formation of European citizensSeminar
Seminar 06: Ethics and biomedicine: Analysis of decisions and value judgementsSeminar
Seminar 07: Security policy becoming a European issueSeminar


Seminar 08: Who is in control? How the brain controls our thoughts and actionsSeminar
Seminar 09: PredictabilitySeminar
Seminar 10: Public opinion, opinion research and political decision-makingSeminar
Seminar 11: Transatlantic relationsSeminar
Seminar 12: Understanding fundamentalism: An interdisciplinary analysis of „Strong Religion“Seminar
Seminar 13: Wahrnehmung von Verantwortung im „globalen Verfassungsnetzwerk“ – Möglichkeiten und Grenzen (inter)nationaler HöchstgerichteSeminar
Seminar 14: Art and PerceptionSeminar


18:30 - 19:30Special Lecture: Europa – Strategische Entscheidungen für den KontinentPlenary


15:30 - 17:00Plenarveranstaltung: Klimawandel und VorhersagbarkeitPlenary


17:00 - 18:30Plenarveranstaltung: 40 Jahre Prager FrühlingPlenary


15:30 - 17:00Plenarveranstaltung: Was blieb von 1968?Plenary