05: Managing the Protection of Resources
Seminar 05 is to be concerned with security scenarios regarding energy strategies, natural resources and human/manpower resources. These are very topical issues, especially in the light of the recent dispute over gas-supplies from Russia to Ukraine. This highlighted not only the vulnerability and exposure of certain countries to the Russian gas-supplies, but by pointing out increased security risks, it also called attention to the necessity for energy importing countries to enlarge the set of energy resources. This security of supply issue is to be tackled together with a global climate change issue, which obliges us to organise a difficult transition towards a low carbon economy . As regards human resources, the aging population in the European Union poses a serious challenge. It remains to be seen how this challenge could be coped with by increased immigration. The issue of „flexicurity“, i.e. reconciling business interests of claiming more flexibility from workers and employees demand for higher employment security, should also be tackled.
Dr. Klara FOTI
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest
The job at the Institute for World Economics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences includes the activities as follows: Managing and coordinating various research projects, preparing research papers, presenting papers at conferences, applying for projects, editing publications, etc. I participated for example in the following projects: | |
- Extent and Causes of Regional Labour Market Diversification in Hungary and Poland | |
- Comparative survey on the assistance programmes for young unemployed people in Hungary, Slovakia, Bulgaria and Poland | |
- Comparative survey on young self-employed people in the same countries | |
- Migration trends affecting Hungary | |
In addition, I managed projects on preparation of the Human Development Reports for Hungary (in 1998, 1999 and 2000-2003) |