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06: Images of Europe

Seminar /
German and English language

The seminar is intended to make participants aware of the complex processes of stereotyping national charac-ters in literary texts and of the significant role of litera-ture in the genesis and dissemination of images and self-images of nations, national cultures, and continents – Europe in particular. That topic will be illustrated and examined through the analysis of (excerpts from) books of travel and fiction in which such images are promi-nently used, and various film versions of „international novels“ in which encounters between representatives of Europe and other cultures figure prominently.
A reading list and a list of films as well as a reader con-taining significant excerpts will be provided. Participants are encouraged to prepare themselves by advance read-ing for the seminar, which will offer both a historical survey of the development and historical variability of collective images, as well as an analysis of twentieth-century examples.


Henry James, „Daisy Miller“, Penguin Classics Edition

Thomas Mann, „Tonio Kröger“, can to be find in Vintage Classics Paperback „Death in Venice and other Stories“

Graham Greene, „The Third Man“, Vintage Classics Paperback Edition

Univ. Prof. für Moderne Europäische Literaturgeschichte, Univ. Amsterdam; wiss. Direktor "Huizinga-Institut" (nationales Forschungsinstitut für Kulturgeschichte) Chair
o. Univ.-Prof. am Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik Chair

Prof. Dr. Joep LEERSSEN

Univ. Prof. für Moderne Europäische Literaturgeschichte, Univ. Amsterdam; wiss. Direktor "Huizinga-Institut" (nationales Forschungsinstitut für Kulturgeschichte)

1979 MA Aachen, Komparatistik/Anglistik
1980 MA University College Dublin, Anglo-Irish Studies
1986 Promotion Phil. Fak., Universität Utrecht
1986-1990 "universitair docent" bzw. "universitair hoofddocent", Univ. van Amsterdam
seit 1990 Lehrstuhl für Moderne Europäische Literaturgeschichte, Univ. van Amsterdam
seit 1995 wissenschaftlicher Direktor des "Huizinga-Instituut"
2003 Erasmus Lecturer, Harvard University


o. Univ.-Prof. am Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik

1967 Dr. phil., Universität Graz
1973 Habilitation für Englische Philologie, Universität Graz
1974 o. Univ.-Prof. für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Universität Wien
 seitdem zahlreiche Lehrverpflichtungen an in- und ausländischen Universitäten


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