09: Europe between Tradition and Modernity
The problem of the origins and development of western Modernity from Enlightenment and Secularisation has become one of the focal points in the present discussion of a dialogue between cultures. In this context it is important to pay attention to the question in which way the secularisation processes took place from the point of view of the traditions that have shaped Europe. The upheavals, which Europe experienced before and after the beginning of the 3rd Christian Millennium, are imminently connected to the way in which the process of secularization is characterised, in which the tension between Orient and Occident as well as the struggle between various religious Weltanschauungen play an important role, which pose a challenge to the sense of self-understanding of Europeans, both as individuals and as members of a society. The tension between a desire to preserve tradition and its inherent institutionalisation, has caused a rupture accompanied by social and political upheavals, so that we are now witnessing a serious and continuous potential for conflict and instability, threatening the search for a truly united, democratic and open Europe.
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Dr. Clemens ALBRECHT
Universität Koblenz-Landau
Studium der Ethnologie, Soziologie, Politikwissenschaft, Geschichte und Empirischen Kulturwissenschaft in Stuttgart und Tübingen | |
1992 | Promotion |
1991-1993 | Mitarbeiter an der Universität Tübingen im Forschungsprojekt "Wirkungsgeschichte der Frankfurter Schule" |
1993-1999 | wissenschaftlicher Assistent am Lehrstuhl für Didaktik der politischen Bildung der Universität Potsdam |
1999 | Habilitation |
Vertretungs- und Gastprofessuren an den Universitäten Heidelberg und Graz | |
seit 2002 | Professor an der Universität Koblenz/Landau |
Director, Hermann-Cohen-Academy for Religion, Science and Arts, Buchen/Odenwald; President, The Hebraic Graduate School of Europe in Berlin
International Rothberg School, Hebrew University, Jerusalem | |
Hebrew University, Department of Jewish Philosophy and Literature; Yad Vashem | |
Visiting lecturer at the Kirchliche Hochschule in Berlin and the Universities of Tübingen and Heidelberg | |
Franz-Rosenzweig-Gastprofessor at the University of Kassel | |
Karl-Jaspers-Gastprofessur, University of Oldenburg | |
Visiting Professor of Jewish Studies and Founder of the Seminar for Jewish Studies at Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg | |
Visiting Professor and Associate Researcher at Harvard Divinity School | |
Visiting Professor at Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz/Austria, Kath.-Theol. Fakultät | |
Fellow, Kolleg Friedrich Nietzsche der Stiftung Weimarer Klassik und Kunstsammlungen, Weimar | |
Visiting Professor at Universität Wien, Universität Osnabrück, Universität Karlsruhe |