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10: How the culture transformed the evolution of humans

Seminar /
in englischer Sprache


Lecture 1 Friday August 20

13:30-14:10 Culture Is Essential
Reading: Richerson and Boyd, Chapter 1


Lecture 2 Saturday August 21

13:30-14:10 Culture Exists
Reading: Richerson and Boyd, Chapter 2


Lecture 3 Sunday August 22

13:30-14:10 Culture Evolves
Reading: Richerson and Boyd, Chapter 3


Lecture 4 Monday August 23

13:30-14:10 Culture Is an Adaptation
Reading: Richerson and Boyd, Chapter 4


Lecture 5 Tuesday August 24

13:30-14:10 Culture Is a Maladaptive
Reading: Richerson and Boyd: Chapter 5



Dr. Merlin W. Donald „A Mind So Rare: the evolution of human consciousness“ (Norton, 2003)

Many of papers are available (on request) from the web, in pdf format. These are listed on website – http://psyc.queensu.ca/faculty/donald/sel-pubs.html or http://psyc.queensu.ca/faculty/donald/donald.html

Dr. Peter J. Richerson: All recent papers are available on web site: www.des.ucdavis.edu/faculty/richerson/richerson.htm

The reader relatively unfamiliar with the topic would do well to start with:

Built For Speed, Not for Comfort: Darwinian Theory and Human Culture, with

Robert Boyd. 2001. In History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 23: 423-463. Adobe pdf file.

Professor, Department of Psychology, Queens University, Kingston, Canada Chair
Professor, Department of Environmental Science and Policy, U.C. Davis Chair


Professor, Department of Psychology, Queens University, Kingston, Canada

1968 Ph.D. McGill University, Montreal, Canada
1968-1970 Post-Doctoral Fellow, Yale University, New Haven, Conn.
1970-1972 Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology, School of Medicine, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut (Cross Appointment)
1972-1973 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Queen's University
1974-1982 Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Queen's University
1980-1990 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Queen's University (Research Cross Appointment)
since 1982 Professor, Department of Psychology, Queen's University
since 1995 Professor, Faculty of Education, Queen s University (Cross-Appointment)


Professor, Department of Environmental Science and Policy, U.C. Davis

1965 B.S. (Entomology)
Student at Marine Biology Laboratory
1967 TeVega Program, Stanford University
1969 Ph.D. (Zoology), University of California, Davis
1967-1969 N.S.F. Pre-doctoral Fellow
1969-1971 Postdoctoral Researcher, U.C., Davis
1971-1977 Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies, U.C. Davis
1977-1983 Associate Professor
1977-1980 Associate Director, Institute of Ecology
1983-1990 Director
1977-1978 Visiting Professor, Energy and Resources Program, U.C: Berkeley
1984 Forestry and Environmental Studies, Duke University
1991 Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Bielefeld, Germany


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