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Sonderveranstaltung 1: Kooperationen mit Südosteuropa – Programme, Projekte, Initiativen

Hotel Böglerhof
Breakout /
in englischer Sprache

In Übereinstimmung mit dem  EU-Balkan countries Action Plan in Science and Technology und zusätzlichen speziellen Unterstützungsmaßnahmen im 6. Rahmenprogramm hat Österreich Programme, Projekte und Initiativen entwickelt, um den tatsächlichen Anforderungen der wissenschaftlichen Gemeinschaft zu entsprechen, die Humanressourcen in den betreffenden Ländern zu stärken und das innovative Potenzial der Region zu nützen. Die Arbeitsgruppe wird die Rolle von Forschung und Wissenschaft im Hinblick auf die sozioökonomische Stabilisierung und das Wachstum der Region diskutieren und konkrete Maßnahmen vorstellen, die die Rolle der Region im Europäischen Wissensraum stärken könnten.

Director of the Austrian Science and Research Liaison Office (ASO) Sofia
Austrian Developement Agency, Country Desk South East Europe
Policy Officer, Unit D.3 - Specific international cooperation activities, Directorate-General for Research, European Commission, Brussels
Director, Department of European Integration and International Cooperation, National Authority for Scientific Research, Ministry of Education, Research and Youth, Bucharest
Deputy Head, Department C1.12, Federal Ministry of Economy, Family and Youth, Vienna
Direktor des Austrian Science and Research Liaison Office (ASO) Ljubljana (im Auftrag des BMBWK)
Strategic Research Manager, ZSI - Centre for Social Innovation, Vienna
Ministry of Education and Science, Ilindenska bb, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Institute of Chemistry (Department of physical chemistry), University "Sv. Kiril i Metodij"
Executive Director, National Science Fund, Ministry of Education and Science, Sofia
Ehemals stellvertretende Sektionsleiterin sowie Leiterin, Abteilung II.6 - Internationale Forschungskooperationen, Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung, Wien Chair
Head, Department II/6 - International Research Cooperation, Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy, Vienna Coordination

Dipl.-Ing. Martin Felix GAJDUSEK

Director of the Austrian Science and Research Liaison Office (ASO) Sofia

1993-1997 Part of the faculty council at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Austrian Students Union(ÖH)
1994-2002 Engagements in LLL, NGO-Engagements, in charge of education programmes "Environmental Detectives", presentations and practical excursions (about 150 times), Students Association at university (Management and organization of events)
1998 film-events with Bulgarian Short films, TU-cine-Studio
1999 Fieldwork(6 months) in Bulgaria, grant by the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna(BOKU) University degree, Diploma study "Landscape Architecture"(2000)
since 2001 Project Proposal for the Austrian Institute of East and Southeast European Studies(5.FP, "Rural Development in the CEEC")
2000, 2001, 2002 Organization of the Austrian Bulgarian Summerschool
2002-2003 Director of the Sofia branch office of the Austrian Institute of East and Southeast European Studies
since 2004 Director of the Austrian Science and Research Liaison Office Sofia

Mag. Hans-Jörg HUMMER

Austrian Developement Agency, Country Desk South East Europe

 World University Service Austria
1999-2000 Head of Montenegro Office (Podgorica)
2001 Executive Secretary (Graz)
 Austrian Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs
2002-2003 Country Desk South East Europe
 Austrian Development Agency
2004 Country Desk South East Europe
 from 09/2004 Head of Coordination Office Belgrade

Mag. Peter Bernhard MAYR

Policy Officer, Unit D.3 - Specific international cooperation activities, Directorate-General for Research, European Commission, Brussels

1998-1999 Festival of Central European Culture, Austrian Cultural Centre, London
1999-2003 Specialisation in the field of European and International higher education, Austrian agency for international mobility and cooperation in education, science and research (ÖAD) and the Austrian Research Association (ÖFG)
2004-2008 Coordination, EU project "The South-East European ERA-NET", fourteen European ministries and three RTD funding institutions as project partners, Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI) as coordinating institution, Vienna
2007 Consultant, The World Bank
since 2008 Policy officer (SNE) in the field of International Cooperation, DG Research, European Commission

DI Iulia Cecilia MIHAIL

Director, Department of European Integration and International Cooperation, National Authority for Scientific Research, Ministry of Education, Research and Youth, Bucharest

1993-1994 Fine Mechanics Factory of Bucharest: Physicist engineer - technologist in the "Watch" department, head of the Vacuum Deposition Laboratory
1993-2004 Ministry of Education and Research. In charge with bilateral cooperation, regional cooperation, relations with International organisations
since 2004 in charge with the European research programs; Duties: management, negotiation and concluding bilateral, international, European specific programs NCP for INCO


Deputy Head, Department C1.12, Federal Ministry of Economy, Family and Youth, Vienna

 Vienna University of Business Administration and Economics (branch: International Business Administration)
1994 Graduation, Master Thesis: "The Sanctions of the US against Panama; A Case Study: Sanctions against a
  Tertiary Economy"
1994-1996 Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs: Division for Small and Medium Enterprises: Project leader of national
  programme to the "Community Initiative for Small and Medium Enterprises" (Structural Funds)
since 1996 Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Labour, Division for International Technology and Innovation
1996-2002 National Delegate/National Expert in INCO-Committee of EU- Framework Programme for FTD (DG Research)
2000-2002 National Delegate to the eContent Programme of the EU (DG INFSO)
since 2002 Project leader for the programme STRAPAMO (Formation of Strategic S&T-Partnerships
  with Central and Eastern Europe)
since 2004 Project leader for the programme "Technology Initiative Internationalization East" (Technology initiative towards
  Central and Eastern Europe), with the programme CIR-CE (Co-operation in Innovation and Research with
  Central and Eastern Europe) as the central element
2004 Traineeship in European Commission/DG Research Unit B2 - "Coordination of National Research Policies"/

Dr. Miroslav POLZER

Direktor des Austrian Science and Research Liaison Office (ASO) Ljubljana (im Auftrag des BMBWK)

1987-1992 Diplomstudium der Betriebswirtschaftslehre an der Karl- Franzens- Universität, Graz;
1992-1995 Doktoratstudium der Sozial- und Wirtschafts- Wissenschaften, Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre und -politik, Graz
1995-1996 Aufbaustudium Technischer Umweltschutz, TU Graz
 Beruflicher Werdegang:
1994-1995 Ost- Mitteleuropa- Koordinator der Koordinierungsstelle der Österreichischen Bischofskonferenz für internationale Entwicklung und Mission, Wien
1995 pädagogischer Mitarbeiter des slowenischen Bildungshauses SODALITAS, Tainach/Tinje
1996-2003 Leiter der Laibacher Außenstelle des Österreichischen Ost- und Südosteuropainstituts
seit 2004 Leiter des ASO Ljubljana (Dienstgeber: Zentrum für Soziale Innovation (ZSI), Wien), Aufgabenbereich: Unterstützung österreichisch-slowenischer Wissenschaftskooperationen und Mitwirkung bei der BMBWK-Westbalkan-Wissenschaftsinitiative

Dr. Klaus SCHUCH

Strategic Research Manager, ZSI - Centre for Social Innovation, Vienna

 Studied Geography and Economic Sciences; History and Social Sciences at the University of Vienna
1987-1992 Research fellow, Department of Economic Geography, Vienna University of Business Administration and Economics and Austrian Research Centres Seibersdorf
1992-1994 Research Assistant, Department of Economic and Social Geography, Vienna University of Business Administration and Economics
1992-1995 Lecturer, Vienna University of Business Administration and Economics and Johannes Kepler University in Linz
1994-1996 Head, branch office Sofia, OSI - Austrian Institute of East and Southeast European Studies, Sofia, Bulgaria
1996-2001 Head, unit for Third Country Co-operation, BIT - Bureau for International Research and Technology Co-operation in Vienna/Austria (INCO-NCP)
1997 Lecturer, master class "Central and Eastern Europe", Vienna University of Business and Economics
  Topic: Transformation of the Economic Geography and Regional Development in the CEECs
1998 Lecturer, Regional Competitiveness, Vienna University of Business and Economics
1999 Consultant, PHARE-Project "Polish Participation in EU-RTD Programmes", Poland
since 2001 Senior Researcher, Centre for Social Innovation (CSI), Vienna (Managing Director from 2002-2012)
since 2006 Lecturer, "Design, Evaluation and Monitoring", University of Vienna
Lecturer, postgraduate SOQUA course for vocational education in social scientific research
2012 Member of the International STI Cooperation Expert Group of DG Research and Innovation

Dr. Viktor STEFOV

Ministry of Education and Science, Ilindenska bb, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Institute of Chemistry (Department of physical chemistry), University "Sv. Kiril i Metodij"

 Completed studies in 1984, University "Sv. Kiril i Metodij"
 Postgraduate studies completed in 1992, University "Sv. Kiril i Metodij"
 Doctoral studies completed in 1997, University "Sv. Kiril i Metodij"
1986-1998 Assistant lecturer for subjects in the field of physical chemistry, University "Sv. Kiril i Metodij"
 in 1993, 1994, 1996 Dept. of chemistry and physics at King s College, London, England
1997 Faculty of Chemistry, Sofia, Bulgaria
1998 Assistant Professor, University "Sv. Kiril i Metodij"
1998-2002 Head of Department of physical chemistry, Faculty of Science
1999 nstitute of Inorganic Chemistry at the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
2000, 2002 nstitute of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Siegen, Germany
2001 University of Janina, Greece
2003 Associated Professor, University "Sv. Kiril i Metodij", in the following subjects: Selected topics of physical chemistry, Spectroscopic methods (IR, Raman, NMR, UV, Mass Spectrometry), Sources and use of chemical information
 Current position: Head of the Department of Science, Ministry of Education and Science, Republic of Macedonia

Dr. Albena VUTSOVA

Executive Director, National Science Fund, Ministry of Education and Science, Sofia

since 1991 National Science Fund, General secretary
1993-1996 University of world economy-Sofia, Study of Financial Management
1999 HRK Germany and ERASMUS University Netherlands, NATO-Internship on Research evaluation
since 1999 Coordination Council of Association at the Council of Ministers, Head of Work Group 17 for EU association
  negotiations on Chapter 17 "Science and Researches"
Ministry of education and Science, National Coordinator for EU Sixth Framework Programme
2002 Twente University, Course for European research evaluation
2004 Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS), European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC)
 Ministry of Education and Science, Director Department "Scientific research and projects"

Dr. Anneliese STOKLASKA

Ehemals stellvertretende Sektionsleiterin sowie Leiterin, Abteilung II.6 - Internationale Forschungskooperationen, Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung, Wien

1970-1971 Austrian newspaper "Kurier"
1971-1991 Administrative Assistant, Vienna University of Technology
1984 Ph.D. Degree, Medieval History, University of Vienna
1991 Department for International Research Co-operation, Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture
1994-2011 Head, Department for International Research Co-operation, Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture
2009-2011 Deputy Director General, Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research


Timetable einblenden
Genre : Alle


08:00 - 09:30Technologiebrunch gesponsert durch Tiroler ZukunftsstiftungSocial
11:00 - 12:00EröffnungPlenary
12:00 - 13:30Wo kommen wir her?Plenary
14:00 - 16:30Die Welt von MorgenPlenary
18:00 - 18:30Verantwortung für anderePlenary
18:30 - 19:30Know-how der Ersten Welt, Lösungsansätze der Dritten Welt: ein Vergleich der ErgebnissePlenary
19:30 - 21:30Abendempfang gesponsert durch Alcatel AustriaSocial


07:00 - 13:30Arbeitskreis 01: Technologische Potenziale zur Erreichung der Klimaschutzziele mit oder ohne Kyoto-Protokoll-RatifizierungBreakout
07:00 - 13:30Arbeitskreis 02: Kohlenstoffarme EnergieversorgungBreakout
07:00 - 13:30Arbeitskreis 03: Neue Formen der Organisation: Best Practice-Methoden des Change Management – die Kunst, den Wandel zu managenBreakout
07:00 - 13:30Arbeitskreis 04: Grenzen überschreiten: Hürden überwinden – Disziplinen überbrücken – Kulturen überdenkenBreakout
07:00 - 13:30Arbeitskreis 05: Weltraumpolitik: eine neue strategische Herausforderung für EuropaBreakout
07:00 - 13:30Arbeitskreis 06: Von Wien nach Lissabon? – Herausforderungen für die Innovationspolitik auf EU- und nationaler Ebene im Lichte des neuen EU-Aktionsplans für Innovation und der österreichischen Bestrebungen nach einer InnovationsstrategieBreakout
07:00 - 13:30Arbeitskreis 07: Mensch und Maschine – Wechselbeziehungen in der WissensgesellschaftBreakout
07:00 - 13:30Arbeitskreis 08: Sicherheit und Identifikation: Biometrie – ist es vermessen zu vermessen?Breakout
07:00 - 13:30Arbeitskreis 09: Lost in Technology? – Frauenkarrieren in Forschung und TechnologieBreakout
07:00 - 13:30Arbeitskreis 10: Herausforderungen der WiederherstellungsmedizinBreakout
07:00 - 13:30Arbeitskreis 11: Verkehrstelematik – Chancen für eine mobile GesellschaftBreakout
07:00 - 13:30Arbeitskreis 12: MyLifeBits – Digitale Unsterblichkeit und ihre GrenzenBreakout
07:00 - 13:30Sonderveranstaltung 1: Kooperationen mit Südosteuropa – Programme, Projekte, InitiativenBreakout
07:00 - 13:30Sonderveranstaltung 2: The Politics of Technology: A Primer on Innovative Developments that Governments Should Embrace to Kick-Start GNPBreakout
07:00 - 13:30Sonderveranstaltung 3: Medical Schools in the International Context – Challenges and OpportunitiesBreakout
14:00 - 15:00Wissenschaftspolitik: die Hauptakteure in Wissenschaft und Forschung – Wettbewerb und Kooperationen, Voraussetzungen für den Erfolg „Präkompetitive Forschung“Plenary
15:00 - 16:00Wissenschaftspolitik: die Hauptakteure in Wissenschaft und Forschung – Wettbewerb und Kooperationen, Voraussetzungen für den Erfolg „Kompetitive Forschung“Plenary
18:00 - 20:00Informationstransfer und -verarbeitungPlenary


07:00 - 07:45The Ig Nobel PrizesPlenary
07:45 - 08:00Alpbach 2004 – Mein persönliches ResümeePlenary
08:00 - 08:30Alpbach 2004 – Resümee Junior AlpbachPlenary
09:00 - 10:30Seeing Beyond the Light: Technik und Patientennutzen am Beispiel der molekularen BildgebungPlenary
10:30 - 11:15SchlussreferatPlenary
11:30 - 12:00Schlussempfang gesponsert durch Microsoft ÖsterreichSocial