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Special Lecture: EU und Lateinamerika zwischen Gipfel und Gegengipfel: Zwischenstaatliche Politik und zivilgesellschaftliche Alternativstrategien

Plenary /
German and English language
Director, UNESCO Chair for Peace Studies, MA Program for Peace Studies, University of Innsbruck
European Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy, Brussels
Speaker, Counter-summit "Enlazando Alternativas 2", Vienna
Ambassador, Embassy of Venezuela, Berlin; Former Labour Minister and Member of the Constituent Assembly of Venezuela
Alfonso Reyes Chair, IHEAL - Institute for Higher Latin American Studies, Sorbonne III, Paris Chair

DDr. Wolfgang DIETRICH

Director, UNESCO Chair for Peace Studies, MA Program for Peace Studies, University of Innsbruck

1986 Fulbright Scholarship for Latin American-Studies in New Orleans, USA
1988 Awarded for information on Third World Issues by the Austrian Conference of Catholic Bishops
Post-Doc-Scholarship for Advanced Research in South- and Central America
1989-1991 President of the Austrian Section of Amnesty International
1990-1992 Research Project of the Austrian Foundation for the Advancement of Scientific Research in Guatemala and Mexico
 Since 1991 Member of the Consultative Council of the Austrian Service for Information on Development Politics ÖIE
 Since 1992 Member of the International Political Sciences Association IPSA
 Since 1992 Member of the Austrian Political Sciences Association ÖGPW
1993 Consultant of the Austrian North-South-Institute in Guatemala
Consultant of the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Guatemala
1993-2010 Member of the Board of the Austrian Association for Latin American Studies
1994-1997 Austrian Program for Advanced Research and Technology APART, Austrian Academy of Sciences (Central America, Caribbean, Eastern Africa, Southern Asia)
1995-1998 President of the Austrian Association for Latin American Studies
1995-2007 Academic Director of the Austrian Institute for Latin America
1996 Consultant of the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Eastern Africa
1998-2002 Vice-President of the Austrian Association for Latin American Studies
 Since 1999 Founding Member of the International Advisory Board of the South Asian Institute for Peace Studies SAIPS, Nepal
1999-2001 Director of the International and Interdisciplinary Project "Networking Central-Eastern Europe and Latin America"
Academic Coordinator of the Festival "Feuerberge Tirol"
 Since 2000 Member of the Thematic Network on Humanitarian Development Studies, University of Deusto, Spain
2001-2009 Member of the Board of Directors of the Austrian Institute for Latin America
 Since 2001 Academic Director of the MA Program for Peace, Development, Security and International Conflict Transformation, University of Innsbruck, Austria
2002-2005 Member of the Academic Board "Latin American Studies" Danube's University Krems, Austria
Austrian Representative to the Comisión Directiva del Consejo Europeo de Investigaciones Sociales de América Latina (Member of UNESCO)
2002-2010 Board of Directors of the Austrian Association for Latin American Studies
 Since 2002 Member of TRANSCEND: A Peace and Development Network for Conflict Transformation by Peaceful Means
2004-2006 Austrian coordinator of the ERASMUS project Comunicación Intercultural en las Relaciones Económicas Internacionales Estudios Ibéricos y Latinoamericanos
Academic coordinator of REAL 2006 in the frame of the Austrian presidency of the EU
2005-2006 Austrian coordinator of the ALFA Project AMELAT XXI
 Since 2006 Member of the Advisory Council of the Galizan Institute for International Security and Peace Studies (IGESIP)
 Since 2007 Member of the International Advisory Council of the Project Paz y Conflictos en las Universidades Andaluzas e Iberoamericanas, University of Granada, Spain
 Since 2008 UNESCO Chairholder for Peace Studies at the University of Innsbruck, Austria
 Since 2008 Member of the Austrian UNESCO Commission
 Since 2011 Member of the Acadamic Advisory Board for Peace Research and Peace Education at the University of Klagenfurt
 Since 2013 Mentor and Advisory Board of Olympism4Humanity


European Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy, Brussels

1966-1970 University of Salzburg, study of law (Dr. Iuris)
1971-1978 Paul Kiefel, Freilassing/Germany (1971-72), Export Department; Gerns and Gahler, Freilassing/Germany, Director for Export Promotion
1978-1981 P. Kaufmann Inc., New York, Sales Director for Europe
1981-1983 Gerns and Gahler, Freilassing/Germany, Chief Management Assistant
1984 Austrian Embassy, Madrid, Spain
1984-1986 Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs Department of Economic Affairs, Department of Political Affairs, Department of Consular Affairs
1986 Austrian Embassy, Dakar, Senegal, First Secretary
1986-1987 Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Department for Development Co-operation
1987-1990 Austrian Embassy, Paris, Counsellor for Economic Affairs
1990-1993 Austrian Embassy, Paris, First Counsellor and Deputy Chief of Mission, Chargé d'Affairs a.i.
1993 Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Deputy Chief of Protocol
1994-1995 UN Chief of Protocol
1995-2000 State Secretary for Foreign Affairs
2000-2004 Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs of Austria
since 2004 European Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy, Brussels


Speaker, Counter-summit "Enlazando Alternativas 2", Vienna

 Studied law and political science at the University of Vienna and political anthropology in Paris where he represented the foreign students during the 1968 movement.
 Since 1970 he lived for many years in Latin America. From 1972-76 extensive travelling through South America as a documentary filmmaker of social movements in Colombia, Peru, Bolivia and Argentina. In 1978 he founded an independent press agency (Agencia Periodistica de Información Alternativa - APIA) in Nicaragua for the German speaking media. Since 1986 Dr. Gabriel became the scientific director of the Ludwig-Boltzmann-Institut für zeitgenössische Lateinamerikaforschung (Institute for contemporary studies on Latin America) in Vienna and guest professor at the universities of Zurich, Managua and Mexico. Between 1992 and 1996 he was editor in chief of "Nueva Tierra Nuestra". The scientific and journalistic work of Dr. Gabriel is focused on the organizing processes in Central and Southamerican indigenous and peasant cultures and their contribution towards the structuring of a Latinamerican Civil Society. More recently his harsh criticisme of the consequences and dangers of the globalisation of transnational capitalisme lead him to the outline of a globalized struggle for participatory democracy. 1998 he founded the so called Clean Clothes Campaign in Austria. He participated in the constitution of the first World Social Forum in january 2001 in Puerto Alegre and from 2002 on in the European Social Forum of Florence, Paris and London. Today he is one of the principle organisers of the "Summit of Alternatives" which is going to take place from may, 10th to 13th 2006 simultaneously with the presidential summit between heads of State of Latin America, the Caribbean and the European Union. From 2001 to 2005 he was the coordinator of LATAUTONOMY (www.latautonomy.org).

Mag. Dr. Berthold MOLDEN

Alfonso Reyes Chair, IHEAL - Institute for Higher Latin American Studies, Sorbonne III, Paris

2000-2001 Researcher for the Austrian Historical Commission
2001-2005 Research fellow, Association for the Advancement of Social Sciences, Guatemala
2005-2010 Project director for Cold War Memory Studies, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for European History and Public Spheres, Vienna
2010 Visiting professor for Global History, University of Vienna
2011 Visiting assistant professor / Mellon Scholar, University of Chicago
2011-2012 Executive secretary general, 54th International Congress of Americanists
2012-2014 Marshall Plan Chair, University of New Orleans
2014-2015 Alfonso Reyes Chair, Institute for Higher Latin American Studies (IHEAL), Sorbonne III, Paris

Politische Gespräche

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