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Strategische Konzepte: Anspruch und Wirklichkeit

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German and English language
Federal Minister of Defence and Sports of the Republic of Austria, Vienna Key Note
Former Force Commander, UNAMID - African Union/United Nations Hybrid Operation, Darfur
Ambassador (ret.); Professor, ESCP Europe, Paris; former European, Foreign and Security Policy Advisor to Chancellor Helmut Kohl, Paris/Berlin
Managing Director, G2 Investment Group, New York
Director, Directorate for Security Policy, Austrian Federal Ministry of Defence and Sports, Vienna Chair

Mag. Norbert DARABOS

Federal Minister of Defence and Sports of the Republic of Austria, Vienna

1982-1988 Studium der Geschichte und Politikwissenschaft an der Universität Wien
1987 Zivildienst
seit 1987 Ortsparteivorsitzender der SPÖ Kroatisch Minihof
1987-2003 Mitglied des Gemeinderates von Nikitsch
seit 1998 Mitglied des Landesparteivorstandes der SPÖ Burgenland
1988-1991 Landesleiter des Dr.-Karl-Renner-Instituts Burgenland
1991-1998 Pressesprecher von Landeshauptmann Karl Stix
seit 1999 Bezirksparteivorsitzender-Stellvertreter der SPÖ Oberpullendorf
1998-2003 Landesgeschäftsführer der SPÖ Burgenland
1999-2004 Abgeordneter zum Burgenländischen Landtag
2000-2003 Klubvorsitzender des Landtagsklubs der SPÖ Burgenland
seit 2000 Mitglied des Bundesparteivorstandes der SPÖ
seit 2003 Bundesgeschäftsführer der SPÖ
2004-2007 Abgeordneter zum Nationalrat (SPÖ)
2007-2008 Bundesminister für Landesverteidigung
seit 2008 Bundesminister für Landesverteidigung und Sport

M.Sc. Martin Luther AGWAI

Former Force Commander, UNAMID - African Union/United Nations Hybrid Operation, Darfur

 Troop Leader, 3rd Recce Regiment
 Adjutant, 3rd Recce Regiment
 Squadron Leader, 3rd Recce Regiment
 Brigade Major, 24th Armoured Brigade
 General Staff Officer Grade 2, Headquarters Nigerian Army Armoured Corps
 Commanding Officer, 243rd Recce Battalion
 General Staff Officer 1, Headquarters Nigerian Army
 Directing Staff, Command and Staff College, Nigeria
 Brigade Commander, 23rd Armoured Brigade
 Colonel Administration and Quartering, Headquarters 3rd Armoured Division
 Colonel General Staff, Headquarters 3rd Amoured Division
 Chief Instructor, Command and Staff College, Nigeria
 Defence Adviser, Zimbabwe
 Brigade Commander, 21st Armoured Brigade
 Director Military Training, Nigerian Defence Academy, Nigeria
 Chief of Training, Operations & Plans, Defence Headquarters
 Deputy Force Commander, UNAMSIL
 Deputy Military Adviser, Department of Peacekeeping Operations, United Nations Headquarters
 Chief of Army Staff, Nigerian Army
 Chief of Defence Staff, Nigerian Armed Forces
 Force Commander, AMIS
 Force Commander, UNAMID

Prof. Joachim BITTERLICH

Ambassador (ret.); Professor, ESCP Europe, Paris; former European, Foreign and Security Policy Advisor to Chancellor Helmut Kohl, Paris/Berlin

1969-1973 Studium der Rechts-, Wirtschafts- und Politikwissenschaften an der Universität des Saarlandes
1973-1976 Juristischer Vorbereitungsdienst, zugleich wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Universität des Saarlandes, Zweite Juristische Staatsprüfung
1974-1975 Studium, ENA - Ecole Nationale d'Administration, Paris
1976 Eintritt in den deutschen diplomatischen Dienst (Attaché-Ausbildung, Nuklearpolitik, kürzere Verwendungen in Madrid und Cairo); Auslandsverwendungen in Algier und Brüssel (Ständige
  Vertretung bei den Europäischen Gemeinschaften)
1985-1987 Mitarbeiter im Ministerbüro des Auswärtigen Amtes unter Bundesminister Hans-Dietrich Genscher (Europapolitik, Wirtschaft, Kultur)
1987-1993 Leiter des Europareferates im Bundeskanzleramt; europapolitischer Berater von Bundeskanzler Dr. Helmut Kohl
1993-1998 Leiter der Abteilung Auswärtige Beziehungen, Entwicklungs¬politik, äußere Sicherheit im Bundeskanzleramt; Europa-, Außen- und sicherheitspolitischer Berater von Bundeskanzler Dr. Helmut
1998-1999 Botschafter, Ständiger Vertreter der Bundesrepublik Deutschland im Nordatlantikrat in Brüssel
1999-2002 Botschafter der Bundesrepublik Deutschland im Königreich Spanien und im Fürstentum Andorra
2003-2012 Executive Vice President International Affairs Veolia Environnement SA, Paris
2009-2012 zugleich Chairman Veolia Environnement Deutschland
seit 2013 unabhängiger Consultant; Aufsichts- und Beratungsmandate privater und öffentlicher Institutionen

Dr. Alexis CROW

Managing Director, G2 Investment Group, New York

 Dr. Alexis Crow is Managing Director at G2 Investment Group, where she is responsible for developing business and investment strategies for the firm, and for providing counsel on geopolitical issues.
 Prior to joining G2, Dr. Crow was a security expert at the London-based think-tank Chatham House (Royal Institute of International Affairs), where she led a project which facilitated dialogue between governments, business executives and thought leaders on how to effectively manage risks and secure commercial interests across cultural and geographical boundaries in flashpoints around the world.
 Previously, Dr. Crow taught courses on Strategy and the Ethics of War at the London School of Economics and Political Science. She also worked as an analyst in the European Security Programme at the Royal United Services Institute, London, UK, and managed the Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence, St. Andrews, Scotland. Dr. Crow holds a First Class MA in International Relations from the University of St. Andrews, Scotland, and a Masters and PhD in International Relations from the London School of Economics. She is fluent in French and Spanish, and has a working knowledge of Portuguese, Italian, and Russian. Dr. Crow is a frequent contributor to international print, radio and television media, including Bloomberg, The New York Times, The Financial Times, CNN, BBC, Xinhua, and France 24.

Mag. Johann PUCHER

Director, Directorate for Security Policy, Austrian Federal Ministry of Defence and Sports, Vienna

1968-1971 Military Academy
1971-1972 2nd Lieutenant, Anti Aircraft Battalion
1972-1979 Armed Forces Sports School, Company Cdr, Special Forces
1974-1975 Desk Officer, UNFICYP - United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus
1979-1982 General Staff Officers' Course in Vienna
1982-1984 Office of Defence Policy, Ministry of Defence
1984-1985 Deputy Head, Arms Control Directorate, Ministry for Foreign Affairs
1986-1987 Deputy Chief of Staff, UNDOF - United Nations Disengagement Observer Force
1987-1991 Directorate for Training, Ministry of Defence
1989 Commanding Officer Infantry Regiment
1991-1994 Deputy Head, then Military Advisor to the Austrian OSCE Delegation, Directorate for International Relations, Ministry of Defence
1994-1995 Head of Section for Arms Control, PfP - Partnership for Peace issues, Department for International Security, Ministry of Defence
1995-1997 Head of project Austrian Stand by Forces, Austrian representative in the international project groups for SHIRBRIG (UN Stand-by High Readiness Brigade) and CENCOOP - Central European Cooperation in Peace-keeping, Coordinator for International Assistance, Ministry of Defence
1997-2000 Military Advisor, Prime Minister' s Office, Federal Chancellery
2000-2001 Security Policy Department, Federal Chancellery
2001-2002 Bureau for Security Studies, Ministry of Defence
2002-2004 Director of the RACVIAC - Regional Arms Control Verification Assistance Center in Zagreb
2003-2011 Member of the Board of Directors of the CISM - International Military Sports Council
2005-2006 Austrian EU presidency team with specific responsibility for the Western Balkans, Military Policy Division, Ministry of Defence
2006-2007 Coordinator Western Balkan issues, Ministry of Defence
since 2007 Defence Policy Director, Director of Directorate General for Security Policy

Politische Gespräche

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