Art Meets Science and Technology – Wege einer neuen Aufklärung
Auf der Suche nach Innovation, originären Denkansätzen und kritischem Diskurs funktioniert Kunst als Katalysator, um gesellschaftliche wie auch wissenschaftliche und technologische Entwicklungen zu testen und zu hinterfragen. Welche Wege finden Kollaborationen und Austausch zwischen Kunst, Wissenschaft und Technologie, um sich heutigen Herausforderungen zu stellen?
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Monica BELLO
Head of Arts@CERN, CERN - European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneva
2005-2007 | Curator and Content coordinator, Res-Qualia, Barcelona, Spain |
2005-2008 | Founder; Curator, La Capsula, Caracas, Venezuela |
2008-2010 | Head of Education, Laboral Centro de Arte, Gijon, Spain |
2010-2015 | Artistic Director, VIDA-International Competition for Art and Artificial Art, Fundacion Telefonica, Madrid |
since 2015 | Head, Arts@CERN, Geneva |
Assistant Professor, School of Information, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
2003-2004 | Research Intern, User Interface Group, Siemens Corporate Technology, Munich |
2004-2006 | Research Assistant, User Experience Group, Siemens Research, Princeton, NJ and Munich |
2006-2012 | Doctoral student and Graduate Student Research Assistant, Department of Informatics, University of California, Irvine |
2008 | Research Intern, INTEL LABS, Oregon, Portland |
2012-2014 | Post-doctoral Researcher, Fudan University, Shanghai and Intel Centre for Social Computing (ISTC-Social), UC Irvine |
since 2014 | University of Michigan |
General Director and Artistic Director, Austrian Museum of Applied Arts / Contemporary Art; Head, Vienna Biennale, Vienna
1978-1983 | Studium der Rechtswissenschaften, Politikwissenschaft und Kunstgeschichte an der Universität Wien |
1982-1983 | Promotion zum Dr.iur. und zum Dr.phil. |
1979-1984 | Assistent an der Rechtswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Wien |
seit 1984 | Bundesministerium für auswärtige Angelegenheiten, Auslandsposten: Abidjan (1985), Genf (1986-90), Bonn (1991-93), New York (seit 1999) |
1993-1999 | Bundesministerium für auswärtige Angelegenheiten, 1996-99: Leiter der Abteilung für Europarecht; zusätzlich 1997-99: Leiter der Abteilung Europäischer Rat und Rat Allgemeine Angelegenheiten; ASTV II; multilaterale Handelspolitik; Außenwirtschaftsbeziehungen betreffend Mittelmeerraum, Naher Osten, Golfregion, Afrika |
1999-2007 | Direktor, Austrian Cultural Forum, New York |
2007-2011 | Geschäftsführer |
seit 2011 | Direktor, Museum für Angewandte Kunst / Gegenwartskunst, Wien |
Gerfried STOCKER
Artistic Director, Ars Electronica Linz GmbH, Linz
Media artist and musician. Graduate of the Institute for Telecommunication Engineering and Electronics in Graz. Since 1990, he has been working as an independent artist. | |
1991 | Foundation of x-space, a team for the realization of interdisciplinary projects. In this framework numerous installations and performance projects have been carried out in the field of interaction, robotics and telecommunication. Stocker was also responsible for the concept of various radio, TV and network projects and the organization of the worldwide radio and network project Horizontal Radio in 1995. |
since 1995 | Artistic director of the Ars Electronica Center and, together with Christine Schöpf, artistic codirector of the Ars Electronica Festival. |
Projects and Installations have been shown among others at: | |
EXPO - 92 Sevilla; Kunsthalle Bonn - 92; Biennale Venedig '93; ISEA '93 Minneapolis; Interactive Media Festival Los Angeles '94; Digital World Conference Los Angeles '94; SIGGRAPH '94 Orlando; ISEA '94 Helsinki; Dutch Electronic Art Festival - 94 Rotterdam; steirischer herbst '94, '95; Ars Electronica '95; SIGGRAPH '95, Los Angeles; ISEA '95 Montréal; Frankfurter Buchmesse '95; New York Digital Salon '95; Biennale Venedig '97, Millennium Dome London 2000, SIGGRAPH '02 San Antonio. |