01: Innovation by Making: Paradigmenwechsel und neue Innovationskulturen
Neue Digitaltechnologien erlauben eine rasche und individuelle Herstellung von Produkten, Werkzeugen oder auch Maschinen. Digitale Baukästen und Digitales Denken führen zu einer Demokratisierung von technologischer Innovation und lassen neue Innovationskulturen entstehen. Es erfolgt eine Verschmelzung von Produzent und Konsument, spezielle Maker-Kulturen entstehen und Experience Prototyping bekommt einen neuen Stellenwert. Die Breakout Session setzt sich interdisziplinär mit dem Thema Making auseinander: Was es bedeutet, was einen Maker der Zukunft ausmacht und welche Bedeutung es für die Gestaltung von Innovationsprozessen hat.
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Dr. Brigitta PALLAUF
President, Salzburg Regional Parliament, Salzburg
1967-1971 | Primary School in Gunskirchen, Austria |
1979 | Graduation from High School (Wirtschaftskundliche Realgymnasium), Austria |
1980-1983 | Teaching Assistant University of Salzburg |
1983-1986 | Associate in Law Firm |
1983 | Graduation to Doctor of Juridical Science (JSD), University of Salzburg, Austria |
1986-1990 | Employee in Bank |
1990-1996 | Sabbatical |
1996 | Graduation as Academic Expert in European Law, Schloss Hofen/Vorarlberg, Austria |
1999-2000 | Training as a mediator |
1996-2001 | Employee in Law Firm |
2001-2013 | Associate in Law Firm |
since 2009 | Member of Salzburg s Regional Parliament (Peoples Party) - Political topics: European Union, Art and Culture, Women, Family and the elderly |
since 2011 | Head of the Austrian People s Party Women s Organization Salzburg |
since 2013 | President of Salzburg´s Regional Parliament |
Substitute member of the Committee of the Regions (CoR) |
Dr. Georg BAUER
Vice-President Engineering, STRATEC Consumables GmbH, Salzburg
1983-1991 | Grammar school: Gymnasium der Salesianer, Dachsberg |
1979-1983 | Primary school, in Eferding |
1991-1996 | Diploma in Chemistry at the University of Vienna, Natural Sciences |
1996 | Diploma thesis at the institute for biochemistry, University of Vienna |
1996-1999 | PhD thesis at the institute for biochemistry, University of Vienna |
1999-2000 | Post-Doc, TU-Delft, Institute for analytical biotechnology |
2000-2003 | Scientist, november AG, Erlangen |
since 2002 | Promotion to Director R&D: Surface Sciences and roll to roll processes. |
2003-2006 | Managing Director of the newly formed identif GmbH |
2006-2009 | Director R&D, Amersports in Altenmarkt, Salzburg |
since 2009 | VP BioSciences Development, Sony DADC Austria AG in Salzburg |
Executive Director, CERIC-ERIC - Central European Research Infrastructure Consortium; Governing Board Member, EIT - European Institute of Innovation and Technology; Member, ERA Council Forum Austria; Basovizza
1988 | Ph.D. in Analytical Chemstiry, University of Ljubljana |
2004-2009 | Head of laboratory for cultural heritage at National and University Library of Slovenia |
2009-2011 | Director General of Science at Ministry of higher education, science and technology, Slovenia |
2011-2012 | Director General of Science and Technology at Ministry of Higher education, Science and Technology |
2012-2016 | Head of Developement, majority owner at MORANA RTD, d.o.o. |
Professor and Deputy Chair, Department of Cell Biology and Physiology, University of Salzburg; Co-Founder, ASciNA - Austrian Scientists in North America, Salzburg
1994-2000 | postdoctoral research fellow at the Institute of Molecular Biology Austrian Acad. Sci., Salzburg |
1998-1999 | postdoctoral research fellow at the Max Planck-Institute of Biochemistry, Department of Protein Chemistry |
2000 | venia docendi: University of Salzburg, Biochemistry |
since 2002 | Research Fellow at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Innsbruck Austria Biomedical Aging Research |
2004 | tenure, Section Head and PI at the Institute for Aging Research, Austrian Academy of Sciences |
venia docendi, University of Innsbruck, Developmental Biology | |
2012 | Research Fellow at the University Innsbruck, Faculty of Biology |
2015 | Full Professor University Salzburg, Department of Cell Biology & Physiology |
Assistant Professor, School of Information, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
2003-2004 | Research Intern, User Interface Group, Siemens Corporate Technology, Munich |
2004-2006 | Research Assistant, User Experience Group, Siemens Research, Princeton, NJ and Munich |
2006-2012 | Doctoral student and Graduate Student Research Assistant, Department of Informatics, University of California, Irvine |
2008 | Research Intern, INTEL LABS, Oregon, Portland |
2012-2014 | Post-doctoral Researcher, Fudan University, Shanghai and Intel Centre for Social Computing (ISTC-Social), UC Irvine |
since 2014 | University of Michigan |
Gerfried STOCKER
Artistic Director, Ars Electronica Linz GmbH, Linz
Media artist and musician. Graduate of the Institute for Telecommunication Engineering and Electronics in Graz. Since 1990, he has been working as an independent artist. | |
1991 | Foundation of x-space, a team for the realization of interdisciplinary projects. In this framework numerous installations and performance projects have been carried out in the field of interaction, robotics and telecommunication. Stocker was also responsible for the concept of various radio, TV and network projects and the organization of the worldwide radio and network project Horizontal Radio in 1995. |
since 1995 | Artistic director of the Ars Electronica Center and, together with Christine Schöpf, artistic codirector of the Ars Electronica Festival. |
Projects and Installations have been shown among others at: | |
EXPO - 92 Sevilla; Kunsthalle Bonn - 92; Biennale Venedig '93; ISEA '93 Minneapolis; Interactive Media Festival Los Angeles '94; Digital World Conference Los Angeles '94; SIGGRAPH '94 Orlando; ISEA '94 Helsinki; Dutch Electronic Art Festival - 94 Rotterdam; steirischer herbst '94, '95; Ars Electronica '95; SIGGRAPH '95, Los Angeles; ISEA '95 Montréal; Frankfurter Buchmesse '95; New York Digital Salon '95; Biennale Venedig '97, Millennium Dome London 2000, SIGGRAPH '02 San Antonio. |
Global Product Manager Digitalization, Palfinger AG, Salzburg
1997-2001 | Studies, Telecommunications Systems & Technology, University of Applied Sciences Salzburg |
2001-2003 | Head of Department, Webstudio & Software Development, conova communications GmbH Salzburg |
2004-2005 | Project Manager, eBusiness & Internet Services, PALFINGER Europe GmbH |
2005-2008 | Team Leader, Business Integration, PALFINGER Service- & BeteiligungsGmbH |
2008-2013 | Head of Department, Software Development, PALFINGER AG |
2010 | Certified Scrum Master |
2011 | Certified in Automated Testing |
2011-2012 | Participant of PALFINGERs Global Leadership Program |
2013-2016 | Business Unit Manager, Wind Cranes, PALFINGER Marine GmbH |
since 2016 | Global Product Manager, Digitalization, PALFINGER AG |
Mag. Dr. Manfred TSCHELIGI
Professor of Human-Computer Interaction, Center for Human-Computer Interaction, University of Salzburg; Head of Center for Technology Experience, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Vienna
1995 | Habilitation for Applied Computer Science (Venia Docendi), Faculty of Social and Economic Science, University of Vienna |
1986-2002 | Research Associate; Lecturer; Associate Professor; Head of Working Group on Human-Computer Interaction; Institute for Computer Science and Business Informatics, University of Vienna |
1995-1996 | Professor (C4), Business Informatics, University of Magdeburg |
since 1986 | Founder and Director, CURE - Center for Usability Research & Engineering |
since 2001 | Founder and Managing Partner, USECON - The Usability Consultants GmbH, Vienna |
since 2004 | Univ.-Prof., Human-Computer Interaction & Usability, University of Salzburg |
2009-2016 | Director, Christian Doppler Labor for Contextual Interfaces, University of Salzburg |
2011-2014 | Academic Director ICT&S - Center for Advanced Studies in Information and Communication Technologies & Society, University of Salzburg |
2012-2015 | Co-Head, Department of Computer Sciences, University of Salzburg |
2013-2016 | Head, Business Unit Technology Experience, Innovation Systems Department, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Vienna |
since 2015 | Director, Center for Human-Computer Interaction, University of Salzburg |
since 2017 | Head, Center for Technology Experience, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Vienna |
Scientist, Center for Technology Experience, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Vienna
2002-2007 | Studies in Educational Science, University of Salzburg and University of Innsbruck |
2008-2013 | Studies in Psychology, University of Innsbruck |
2010-2012 | Project Assistant, ICT&S Center, University of Salzburg |
2012-2015 | Ph.D. Student, Dissertation on Interrelating Materials Artifacts, Interaction Designers, and Users, Center for Human-Computer Interaction, University of Salzburg |
since 2015 | Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Center for Human-Computer Interaction, University of Salzburg |