06: Der Blick ins Ungewisse und die Verschiebung des Horizonts
Welche Technologien werden unser Leben maßgeblich verändern? Wie entstehen Entdeckungen, die zu einem radikalen Umdenken führen? Sind es Zufälle, die weltweite Veränderungen bewirken, oder wird die Wissenschaft von wirtschaftlichen Anforderungen gelenkt? Heute existieren Computerprogramme, die globale Trends im Innovationsbereich erkennen – wer im harten Wettbewerb bestehen möchte, muss diese rechtzeitig aufgreifen. WissenschafterInnen sprechen über ihre Arbeit und die Verwertbarkeit. Sie geben einen Ausblick in die Zukunft und zeigen, dass der Horizont nicht dort liegt, wo wir ihn zu sehen glauben.
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Dr.in Petra BOHUSLAV
Member, Provincial Government of Lower Austria for Economic Affairs, Tourism, Technology and Sports, St. Pölten
1991-1994 | Marketing Manager, Railtours Austria |
1995 | Head, Marketing and Sales Department, Rogner-Thermen Blumau, Stegersbach |
1996-2001 | Chief Executive Officer, Archäologiepark Carnuntum Ltd. |
2001-2004 | Chief Executive Officer, Congress Casino Baden |
2004-2008 | Minister for Labour, Social Affairs, Sports, Culture, Provincial Government of Lower Austria, St. Pölten |
2008-2009 | Minister for Youth, Education and Sports, Provincial Government of Lower Austria, St. Pölten |
since 2009 | Minister of Economic Affairs, Tourism, Technology and Sports, Provincial Government of Lower Austria, St. Pölten |
Ing. MSc. TEC Gerhard DREXLER
Head, Research and Development, Mondi Uncoated Fine Paper GmbH, Ulmerfeld
1980-1987 | Forschungsassistent Universität Wien |
1987-1997 | Werksleiter Neusiedler Kematen |
1997-2003 | Vice President Innovation Neusiedler AG |
2003-2008 | Innovation Director Mondi Business Paper |
since 2008 | Leiter F&E Services, Mondi Uncoated Fine Paper |
Ph.D. Pauline GAGNON
Experimental Physicist, ATLAS Experiment, CERN - European Organization for Nuclear Research; Retired Senior Research Scientist, Department of Physics, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN - Chicoutimi, Quebec
1978 | B.S. (Physics) Université du Québec à Montréal |
1988 | M.S. (Physics) San Francisco State University |
1993 | PhD (Particle Physics) University of California in Santa Cruz |
1999-2003 | Associate Research Scientist, Indiana University |
1995-1999 | Particle Physics Research Fellow, Center for Research |
1993-1995 | Ottawa Research Fellow, Carleton University |
2003-2016 | Senior Research Scientist, Indiana University |
Dr. Eugen B. HUG
Medical Director, EBG MedAustron GmbH, Wr. Neustadt
1979-1986 | Medical School, Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich, Germany |
1986-1993 | Fellowship Radiation, Oncology Residency, Massachusetts General Hospital; Boston, MA |
1993-2000 | Staff Physician, Radiation Oncology - Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Cyclotron - Boston, MA and Loma Linda, CA |
2000 | Chief of Radiation Oncology and Associate Director, Cancer Center - Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center; New Hampshire |
2007 | Director, Center for Proton Therapy and Chair of Proton-Radiotherapy - Paul Scherrer Institute, University of Zurich, Switzerland |
2011 | Medical Director - ProCure Proton Therapy Centers; New York, NY |
2012 | Founder and President (Proton Therapy Cooperative Group of North America) |
2013-2015 | President, Proton Therapy Cooperative Group (PTCOG) |
2015 | Medical Director and Co-managing Director, MedAustron Ion Therapy Center; Wiener Neustadt, Austria |
Dr. Rudolf KRSKA
Head, Center for Analytical Chemistry; Deputy Chairman, Scientific Initiative "Bioresources & Technologies", University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Tulln
1984-1990 | Study of Technical Chemistry at the Vienna University of Technology |
1988-1990 | Contractual collaborator, ESW Consulting Wruss, Vienna |
1990 | Diploma in Chemistry, Vienna University of Technology |
1990-1991 | Research Assistant at the Institute for Chemical Technology of Inorganic Materials; TU-Vienna |
1991 | Research stays: School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University, Israel and Fraunhofer Institute, Freiburg, BRD |
1991-1994 | Research Assistant at the Institute for Analytical Chemistry; TU-Vienna |
1993 | Doctoral degree in Science, Ph.D., passed with distinction |
1994 | Research stay, Food Reseach Division, Health Canada, Ottawa, Canada |
1994-1996 | Head of the Working Group for Molecular Analysis at the Centre for Analytical Chemistry, IFA Tulln |
1996 | Head of the Center for Analytical Chemistry at the Dep. IFA Tulln, BOKU |
1999 | Habilitation in Analytical Chemistry, TU-Vienna (Assoc. Prof.) |
2001-2009 | Co-Founder of the BOKU spin-offs Biopure Reference Materials and Quantas Analytics |
2002-2009 | Head of the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Mycotoxin Research |
2005-2009 | Deputy Director of the Department for Agrobiotechnology (IFA-Tulln), BOKU |
2006-2007 | Research stay, Food Science Group, Central Science Laboratory, York |
2008 | Professor of Bioanalytics and Organic Trace Analysis, BOKU |
2009-2010 | Acting Division Chief, Food Research Division, Health Canada, Ottawa |
2010-2015 | Head of the Department for Agrobiotechnology (IFA-Tulln), BOKU |
2011 | Deputy Chairman of the Scientific Initiative Bioresources & Technologies (BiRT) at BOKU/Tulln |
Junior Researcher, Project Management, Department Life Sciences - Biotechnologies, IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems
2007 | /2008 Octapharma, Vienna, Production / Quality Assurance: Change Control |
2008 | /2009 Medical Universtity Vienna, Max F. Perutz Laboratories, Dr. R. Foisner; Technical Assistant |
since 2009 | IMC FH Krems, Co-Lecturer for Laboratory Courses |
2009-2013 | PhD Student, Molecular Oncology, Medical University Innsbruck |
Pathologielabor Dr. Obrist & Dr. Brunhuber OG, Establishment of Molecular Oncology Department | |
2013 | PostDoc, Institut d'Investigació Bioèdica de Bellvitge (IDIBELL), Laboratory of Cancer Metabolism, Dr. A.Tauler / Dr. S.C.Kozma / Dr.G.Thomas; Barcelona, SPAIN |
since 2015 | PostDoc, Projekt Leader, Department Life Sciences, IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems |
Dipl.-Ing. Claus ZEPPELZAUER
Head of Department, Company and Technology, ecoplus. The Business Agency of Lower Austria, St. Pölten
Studium der Lebensmittel- und Biotechnologie, Universität für Bodenkultur Wien | |
1998-2000 | Brauereileiter, Braumeister und stellvertretender Geschäftsführer, 1. Wiener Gasthofbrauerei |
2000-2001 | Senior Consultant, Czipin & Proudfoot, früher Czipin & Partner, Internationale Produktivitätsberatung |
2001-2003 | Leiter, Abteilung Research & Development, Melbrosin International GmbH & Co KG |
2003-2004 | Gründer und Inhaber, Life Science Project Management, Unternehmensberatung für externe Projektleitung von interdisziplinären F&E - Projekten |
seit 2004 | Technopolemanager, Tulln, ecoplus. Niederösterreichs Wirtschaftsagentur GmbH |
seit 2006 | Geschäftsfeldleiter, Technopole, ecoplus. Niederösterreichs Wirtschaftsagentur GmbH |
seit 2007 | Bereichsleiter, Unternehmen & Technologie, ecoplus. Niederösterreichs Wirtschaftsagentur |
Verantwortlich für die Geschäftsfelder Cluster Niederösterreich, Internationalisierung und Technopole |
Assistant to the Department and Project Manager, Company and Technology, ecoplus. The Business Agency of Lower Austria, St. Pölten
1988-1990 | Studies, textile chemistry, Vienna |
1990-1991 | Laboratory technician, textile chemistry, EYBL, Krems |
1991-1992 | Export manager, Plant engineering-Business, Norbert Schaller GmbH, Vienna |
1993-2008 | Assistant, Division Head plant and production management, ARDEX Loosdorf |
2010-2013 | Postgraduate studies, Event Management (in-service training) |
since 2008 | Assistant, Division Head Company & Technology; Project Manager for Interreg. Europe Projects, Technopole Lower Austria and technology events, ecoplus. The Business Agency of Lower Austria, St. Pölten |