08: Technologierezeption von neuen Bildungswerbenden – ein Plädoyer für transkulturelle Kompetenz als neue Aufklärung
Wenn Digitalisierung und Internettechnologien Motoren zukünftiger Arbeitswelten und einer aktuellen Lernkultur sind, haben die Schulen eine neue Aufgabe bekommen: Jugendliche aus MigrantInnen-Milieus sind oft nicht so technologieaffin, wie Arbeitsplätze in westlichen Gesellschaften dies erfordern. Die Schulen tun sich schwer, „Digital Skills“ in umfassender Weise zu vermitteln. Wenn nun die persönliche Haltung zum Lernprozess dies noch erschwert, werden digitale Kompetenzen und die Vertrautheit mit westlichen Lebens- und Arbeitswelten umso schwerer erreichbar. Ist dies wirklich so – oder werden hier nur Vorurteile geschürt? Ist eine moderne Interpretation einer neuen Aufklärung, die gesellschaftliche Werte vor allem auch hinsichtlich der Genderfrage erfasst, dabei nützlich?
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Dipl.-Ing. Michael BOLTZ
Professor, Secondary Technical School for Textile Industry and Data Processing, Vienna
1996-2004 | Technical Mathematics, Technical University in Vienna |
2005-2008 | Project Manager, Department Program and System Engeneering, Siemens AG Austria |
2008-2013 | Insurance Mathematician, Department Actuary, Skandia AG Austria |
2013-2014 | Teacher, Mathematics and Physics at the GRG 15 "Auf der Schmelz", Vienna |
since 2014 | Teacher, Applied Mathematics and Natural Science, HBLVA Spengergasse, Vienna |
Founder, CR-Communication, Vienna
Lecturer, Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Vienna | |
Lecturer, Teacher Training College, Burgenland, Kärnten Niederösterreich, Oberösterreich, Steiermark, Tirol, Wien | |
Lecturer, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Vienna | |
Lecturer, Medical University of Vienna | |
Lecturer, Karl Ladsteiner University of Health Sciences, Krems | |
Lecturer, University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt, Salzburg, Pinkafeld |
Dipl.-Pol. Carsten JOHNSON
Academy Manager, Cisco Systems GmbH, Berlin
Territory Manager, Cisco in Deutschland | |
Diplom, Politikwissenschaften, Freien Universität Berlin |
Planning Officer, The Adult Education Authority of Göteborg
Labor Market & Adult Education Authority, Gothenburg City |
Dipl.-Ing. Martin MÜLLER
Professor, School Center Ungargasse, Vienna
since 2010 | Technical College Ungargasse, Vienna - Teacher |
Trainer for Sourcing workshops | |
2006 - 2010 | Semperit AG Holding, Vienna - Head of Group Purchasing |
1997 - 2006 | Ericsson Austria AG, Vienna different jobs - latest: Manager Sourcing, Market Unit Central Europe |
1996 - 1997 | Herz Armaturen Austria, Assistent of General Manager, responsible for production & Technic |
Mag. DDr. Christiane SPIEL
Professor, Head, Department of Applied Psychology: Work, Education, Economy, Faculty of Psychology, University of Vienna
1975 | Dr. phil. in History, University of Vienna |
1975-1978 | High School Teacher, Mathematics and History, Vienna |
1976 | Mag.rer.nat. (Diplom) in Mathematics, University of Vienna |
1980-1989 | Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Vienna |
1985 | Dr.rer.nat. in Psychology, University of Vienna |
1989-1992 | Research Scientist, Max-Planck-Institute for Human Development and Education, Berlin |
1990-1995 | Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Vienna |
1995 | Habilitation (venia docendi) in psychology, University of Vienna |
1995-2000 | Invited Visiting Professor of Applied Psychology und Methodology, Department of Psychology, University of Graz |
1998-1999 | Provisional Vice-Rector for personal development and higher education, University of Graz |
since 2000 | Chair Bildung-Psychology and Evaluation, University of Vienna |
2004-2006 | Funding Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, University of Vienna |
since 2006 | Head, Department of Applied Psychology: Work, Education, Economy, Faculty of Psychology, University of Vienna (before 2011: Department of Economic Psychology, Educational Psychology and Evaluation) |
Dipl.-Ing. Mag. Dr. Christian DORNINGER
Head, Directorate of Technical, Vocational and Adult Education, Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Vienna
1979 | University degree, Technical Physics, Vienna University of Technology; Teaching degree in Mathematics and Physics |
1977-1981 | Research visit, Nuclear Physics, SIN, Switzerland |
1982-2005 | Lecturer, University of Hagen; Teacher for mathematics and physics |
1985-1988 | Educational Officer, Vienna Board of Education (Stadtschulrat) |
1988-2000 | Adviser, Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Sports |
2000-2011 | Head of Department, ICT and Computer Based Learning |
2011-2013 | Head of Department, Secondary Technical schools and Colleges for Higher Vocational Education |
Deputy Head of Division, Vocational Education, Adult Education and School Sports | |
2013-2017 | General Director, vocational education and training and adult education |
Ing. Mag. Christian SCHRACK
Expert on School and Research, Division II/8 - IT Didactics and Digital Media, Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Vienna
1977-1985 | Master of Business Administration; Industrial Design, Vienna |
1985-1991 | Key account manager, IT business; Product development, office furniture industry |
1991-2004 | Teacher, business administration, marketing and tourism management; coordinator, e-marketing course; EU-programmes; pilot projects, Austrian Federal Ministry of Education; laptop classes, Tourism School Vienna; Hertha Firnberg Schools |
2004-2007 | Co-ordinator, E-Learning activities, advanced training for teachers, Pedagogical Institute and University of Teacher Education, Vienna |
since 2007 | Expert on School and Research, Division II/8 - IT Didactics and Digital Media, Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Vienna |