Von Österreich ins Silicon Valley – Cyber-Sicherheit als globaler Faktor
In seiner Funktion als Vizepräsident für Sicherheit und Datenschutz bei Google leitet Gerhard Eschelbeck ein Team von mehr als 600 Ingenieuren, die für Aufbau und Wartung der Werkzeuge und Systeme verantwortlich sind, welche Google-Anwender und ihre Daten schützen.
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Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Gerhard ESCHELBECK
Vice President Security and Privacy Engineering, Google Inc., Cupertino, CA
1992-1996 | Research and Teaching Assistant, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria |
1995 | Founder IDS GmbH, Austria |
1996 | PhD, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria |
1996-1997 | Director of Engineering, McAfee Software Development Center GmbH, Austria |
1997-2001 | Vice President Engineering Antivirus Products, McAfee/Network Associates, Santa Clara, California |
2000 | Habilitation venia docendi for Applied Informatics, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria |
2001-2005 | Chief Technical Officer & Vice President of Engineering, Qualys, Redwood Shores, California |
2006-2011 | Chief Technical Officer & Sr. Vice President of Engineering, Webroot Software, San Mateo, California |
2011-2014 | Chief Technical Officer & Sr. Vice President, Sophos, Oxford, UK |
since 2014 | Vice President Security and Privacy Engineering, Google Inc., Mountain View, CA |
Lecturer at Johannes Kepler University Linz and other international Universities |
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Andreas KUGI
Head, Automation and Control Institute, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna
1986-1992 | Electrical Engineering (Dipl.-Ing.), TU Graz |
1992-1995 | PhD in Automatic Control (Dr.techn.), JKU Linz |
1995 | /1996 Military service in Austria |
2000 | venia docendi, Habilitation in Control Systems Technology and Control Theory, JKU Linz |
1992-2002 | Research assistant, Associate Professor, JKU Linz |
2002-2007 | Full professor for System Theory and Automatic Control, Saarland University, Germany |
since 2007 | Full professor for Complex Dynamical Systems and Head of the Automation and Control Institute (ACIN), TU Wien |
since 2016 | Head Complex Dynamical Systems, Austrian Institute of Technology |