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08: Smart Production and Services

Breakout /
in englischer Sprache

Die zunehmende Ausstattung von Geräten mit Intelligenz und neuen disruptiven Kommunikationseigenschaften verändert Märkte und Geschäftsmodelle dramatisch und nachhaltig. Die Digitalisierung unserer Wirtschaftswelt erfasst dabei auch tief die Welt des Produzierens und der damit einhergehenden Dienstleistungen. Wir diskutieren das Thema mit all seinen Chancen und Vorteilen, beleuchten aber auch die Konflikte und potenziellen Grenzen.
Die TU Austria als Verbund der Österreichischen Technischen Universitäten in Wien, Graz und Leoben hat sich dieser Themenstellungen schon frühzeitig angenommen und gestaltet diesen Nachmittag mit namhaften Referentinnen und Referenten aus Industrie und Dienstleistung.

Rector, Graz University of Technology; Vice President, TU Austria, Graz Introduction
Chief Architect, Data Insights Group, Microsoft Corporation, Malvern (PA)
Managing Partner, PwC Strategy& Austria GmbH, Vienna
Project Manager, Manufacturing, AT&S Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik AG, Leoben
Professor of Patient Centric Drug Design and Manufacturing, Graz University of Technology, and Research Center Pharmaceutical Engineering GmbH; Director, Pharmaceutical Business Development, Capsugel S.A., Colmar
Chief Executive Officer and Founder, easE-Link GmbH, Graz
Vice President, Contract Manufacturing, MAGNA STEYR, Graz
Professor and Deputy Director, Institute of Production Engineering, Graz University of Technology Chair
Professor and Head, Institute of Production Engineering, Graz University of Technology, Graz Coordination


Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Dr.h.c. Harald KAINZ

Rector, Graz University of Technology; Vice President, TU Austria, Graz

1977-1983 Dipl.-Ing., Civil Engineering, Graz University of Technology
1980-1985 Dipl.-Ing., Economics in Civil Engineering, Graz University of Technology
1984-1990 Assistant, Institute for Urban Water Management and Landscape Water Engineering, Graz University of Technology
1985-1990 Ph.D., technical science, Graz University of Technology
1991-1993 Project Engineer, Regierungsbaumeister Schlegel GmbH, Munich
1993-2000 General Manager, Environmental Engineering Vienna, UTW, Vienna
2000-2011 Head of Institute, Institute for Urban Water Management and Landscape Water Engineering, Graz University of Technology
2004-2007 Dean, Faculty of Civil Engineering Science, Graz University of Technology
2007-2011 Vice rector, Infrastructure and ICT, Graz University of Technology
since 2011 Rector, Graz University of Technolog


Chief Architect, Data Insights Group, Microsoft Corporation, Malvern (PA)

 Eric Charran joined Microsoft in October of 2005 as a Microsoft Services Consultant. Eric spent the first few years at Microsoft focusing on a wide array of consulting engagements involving various technologies and disciplines. These included successfully servicing customers with needs surrounding application platform core technologies including application development, business process automation and business intelligence and analytics. Eric has spent engineering time with many of the product teams at Microsoft while simultaneously landing large transformative solution architectures with customers that drive value and effect positive change.
 Currently, Eric works as the Chief Architect in the Data and Artificial Intelligence within Microsoft services. As part of the data and AI architecture group, Eric looks after topics such as the innovation and incubation of fringe or edge technologies. He also works to craft intellectual property strategies and helps customers deal with competitive and market pressures by advising executives and technical decision makers on strategies to create digital transformation within organizations.

Mag. Harald DUTZLER

Managing Partner, PwC Strategy& Austria GmbH, Vienna

1994-1999 Vienna School of Economics and Business; HEC Montréal
1998 United Nations, New York
1999 Wuppertal Institute for Energy & Ecology
since 2000 Strategy consultant, PwC Strategy& (former Booz & Company)
Member, European Retail & Consumer Industry Team
since 2010 Partner at PwC Strategy&
since 2016 Managing Director, PwC Strategy& Austria

DI (FH) Sandra LAMM

Project Manager, Manufacturing, AT&S Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik AG, Leoben

1997-2000 HBLA, Ried/Wolfgangsee
2000-2004 Urban Technologies, Joanneum University for Applied Science, Kapfenberg
2005-2012 Senior Product Engineer, AT&S Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik AG, Leoben/Vienna
2012-2015 Specialist Global Quotation Systems, AT&S Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik AG, Leoben/Vienna
2015-2017 Project Manager Manufacturing, Business Process Excellence Team, AT&S Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik AG, Leoben/Vienna
since 2017 Innovation and Funding Management, R&D department, AT&S Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik AG, Leoben/Vienna


Professor of Patient Centric Drug Design and Manufacturing, Graz University of Technology, and Research Center Pharmaceutical Engineering GmbH; Director, Pharmaceutical Business Development, Capsugel S.A., Colmar

1992-1996 Scientific Manager, Project-coordination, Sanofi-Winthrop, Munich
1995-1996 Vice Manufacturing Manager; Head of Galenical Development, Plantorgan (Sanofi-Winthrop), Bad Zwischenahn
Project Manager Manufacturing Transfer, Sanofi Winthrop, Munich
1996-1997 Manager Licensing, Asta Medica, Frankfurt
1997-2004 Business Development Manager, Capsugel, Bornem
since 2014 Director Pharmaceutical Development, Capsugel, Bornem
Professor, Patient centric Drug Product Development and Manufacturing, Graz University of Technology, Graz

Dipl.-Ing. Hermann STOCKINGER

Chief Executive Officer and Founder, easE-Link GmbH, Graz

2008-2015 MSc., Energy- and Environmental Engineering and Business Economics, Graz University of Technology
2011 Studies, Energy Engineering and Business, University of Warwick, Coventry
2011-2013 Assistant, Institute of Mechanics, Graz University of Technology
2013-2014 Mechanical Engineering and International Business, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico
2012-2013 Project Engineer, Virtual Vehicle Research Center, Graz
2015 Electrified Vehicles' Performance & CO2, BMW Group, Munich
since 2015 Founder and Chief Executive Officer, easE-Link GmbH, Graz

Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Wolfgang ZITZ

Vice President, Contract Manufacturing, MAGNA STEYR, Graz

1983-1989 Studies, Process Engineering, Technical University Graz
1992 Dissertation
Technical assistant, Magna Steyr, Graz
1994 Center Manager, Magna Steyr, Graz
1998 Head, Paint Shop, Magna Steyr, Graz
2002 General Manager, Paint Shop, Magna Steyr, Graz
2008 General Manager, Painted Body (paint shop and BiW), Magna Steyr, Graz
2011 Director, Strategy, Efficiency and Innovation, Magna Steyr production areas worldwide
since 2012 Vice President, Contract Manufacturing

Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Rudolf PICHLER

Professor and Deputy Director, Institute of Production Engineering, Graz University of Technology

1995-1999 Production Manager, Adlerwerk Lackfabrik, Schwaz
1999-2004 Production Manager, Tridonic Atco GmbH & CoKG, Fürstenfeld
2005-2007 Plant Manager, Assmann Ladenbau Leibnitz GmbH, Leibnitz
2007-2011 Managing Director, Service Center Bochum GmbH, Bochum
2011-2013 Operations Manager, STATEC BINDER GmbH, Gleisdorf
2013-2015 International Production Coordinator, Siemens AG Österreich, Graz
Lector, University of Applied Sciences FH Joanneum, Graz
since 2015 Professor, Advanced Manufacturing, Institute of Production Engineering, Graz University of Technology

Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Franz HAAS

Professor and Head, Institute of Production Engineering, Graz University of Technology, Graz

1992-1996 Assistant Professor, Institute of Production Engineering, Graz University of Technology
1997-2007 Lecturer, UAS Campus 02 and UAS Joanneum, Graz
since 1996 General manager and owner, Franz Haas GmbH, Mechanical Engineering, Stainz
2007-2013 Professor; Head of department, Mechanical Engineering, Degree Programme Automation Technology, University of Applied Sciences Graz
since 2013 Head, Institute of Production Engineering, Graz University of Technology
since 2016 Deputy Head, Mobility & Production, Graz University of Technology


Timetable einblenden
Genre : Alle


09:00 - 09:45#ART TEC: Schnittstellen von Kunst, Technologie und WissenschaftCulture
10:00 - 11:00Eröffnung der Ausstellung im Tec-Xperience RoomPartner
11:00 - 11:10EröffnungPlenary
11:10 - 12:15FTI-TalkPlenary
12:15 - 13:45Die Roboter kommen. Fürchtet euch (nicht)!Plenary
14:15 - 15:45Neue Materialien und autonome SystemePlenary
18:15 - 19:15Tickets nach Berlin: Falling Walls Lab Austria und Summer School on EntrepreneurshipPlenary
19:15 - 21:00KarriereloungePlenary
19:30 - 21:30AbendempfangSocial


06:30 - 07:00TU Austria Innovations-Marathon: Ideen auf Bestellung – 24 Stunden nonstopPlenary
07:00 - 16:00Junior Alpbach – Wissenschaft und Technologie für junge MenschenBreakout
07:00 - 13:00Ö1 Kinderuni Alpbach – Wissenschaft und Technologie für KinderBreakout
07:15 - 08:00OptogenetikPlenary
08:30 - 10:15Die nächste digitale Revolution gestalten. Auseinandersetzungen von Wissenschaft, Technologie und KunstPlenary
10:30 - 11:00Imbiss für die TeilnehmerInnen der Breakout SessionsSocial
11:00 - 16:00Breakout Session 01: Digitale Zukunft: Design als Schlüssel zukünftiger digitaler WeltenBreakout
11:00 - 16:00Breakout Session 02: Forschungs- und Innovationsförderung in Österreich: Governance zwischen Steuerung und AutonomieBreakout
11:00 - 16:00Breakout Session 03: Data-driven innovation – von der Ressource zur StrategieBreakout
11:00 - 16:00Breakout Session 04: Open science, dark knowledge: Wissenschaft in einer Zeit der IgnoranzBreakout
11:00 - 16:00Breakout Session 05: Second Machine Age: Lernende Maschinen – Autonome MaschinenBreakout
11:00 - 16:00Breakout Session 06: Vom Labor auf den Teller – das vegane BlunzengröstlBreakout
11:00 - 16:00Breakout Session 07: Braucht Industrie 4.0 eine (Aus)Bildung 4.0?Breakout
11:00 - 16:00Breakout Session 08: Smart Production and ServicesBreakout
11:00 - 16:00Breakout Session 09: Konflikt und Kooperation im Zeitalter der DigitalisierungBreakout
11:00 - 16:00Breakout Session 10: Der Paris-Lebensstil – Technologien und Chancen für den KlimaschutzBreakout
11:00 - 16:00Breakout Session 11: Konflikt, Kooperation oder beides: Wie entsteht Innovation?Breakout
11:00 - 16:00Breakout Session 12: Wettbewerb um Ressourcen als Treiber von Green TechnologiesBreakout
11:00 - 16:00Breakout Session 13: Neues Biedermeier in Europa?Breakout
16:30 - 17:30Chinas „Made in China 2025“-Strategie – Staat vor Markt?Plenary


07:00 - 08:30Komplexe Systeme managenPlenary
08:50 - 10:15Die zweite Quantenrevolution?Plenary
10:15 - 11:00GravitationswellenPlenary
11:00 - 12:00Imbiss zum Abschluss der VeranstaltungSocial