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03: Ungleichheit und Resilienz in der digitalen Ökonomie

Breakout /
in englischer Sprache

Gegenwärtige technologische Veränderungen (Digitalisierung, Industrie 4.0, Internet of Things) finden vor dem Hintergrund von Ungleichheiten bei der Einkommensverteilung statt, die in den letzten Jahren bedeutend angestiegen sind. Firmen, Regionen und Gesellschaften entwickeln sich auch sehr unterschiedlich und sehen sich großen Herausforderungen gegenüber, was die Teilhabe an technologischer Veränderung und ihre Vorteile betrifft. In den letzten Jahren wurden diese Phänomene daher Gegenstand intensiver politischer Diskussionen und wissenschaftlicher Untersuchungen, um diese Entwicklungen besser verstehen zu können. Das Thema wird von nationalen und internationalen Experten sowohl vom wissenschaftlichen Standpunkt als auch aus wirtschaftlicher und strategischer Sicht diskutiert.

Policy Officer, Directorate-General Research and Innovation, European Commission, Brussels
Research Associate, WIFO - Austrian Institute of Economic Research, Vienna
Senior Policy Analyst, Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation, OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Paris
Director, POLICIES - Institute for Economic and Innovation Research, Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, Vienna Chair
Scientific Fellow, POLICIES - Institute for Economic and Innovation Research, Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, Vienna Coordination



Policy Officer, Directorate-General Research and Innovation, European Commission, Brussels

1993-1997 B.Sc. Honours, Economics and Business Administration, Universidad Comercial de Deusto, Bilbao
1997-1998 Senior Honours, University of St. Andrews
1998-1999 M.Sc., European Studies, Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-neuve; Project Manager Assistant, CERRM - Centre Européen de Ressources sur la Reconversion et les Mutation, Brussels
1999-2000 Consultant, Strategy Division, Business and Government Competency Centre, Arthur Anderson, Bilbao
2000-2005 Ph.D., Economic Geography, LSE London School of Economics and Political Sciences, London
2001-2005 Teacher Assistant, LSE London School of Economics and Political Sciences, London
2002 Internship, DG RTD, European Commission, Brussels
2004 Ph.D. exchange programme, European University Institute, Florence; Internship, Social Statistics Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations, New York, NY
2005-2006 Programme implementation consultant, UNCTAD/WTO International Trade Centre, Geneva
2006 Senior consultant, Intrasoft International, Brussels
2007-2009 Economist, Science and Technology Policy Division; Centre for Educational Research and Innovation, OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
2009-2011 Policy officer and economist, DG Research and Innovation, European Commission, Brussels
2011-2014 Senior Economist and Associate Director, Global Competitiveness and Benchmarking Network, World Economic Forum, Cologny
2014-2015 Senior Economist, DG Research and Innovation, European Commission, Brussels
2015-2016 Regional Director for Latin America, Economist Intelligence Unit, The Economist Group, London
since 2016 Senior Economist; Team Leader, DG Research and Innovation, European Commission, Brussels

Dr. Agnes KÜGLER

Research Associate, WIFO - Austrian Institute of Economic Research, Vienna

2008-2010 Master of Science, IHS - Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna
2010-2015 Doctoral programme, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Vienna
Teaching and Research Associate, Institute for Economic Policy and Industrial Economics, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Vienna
since 2015 Lecturer, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Vienna
Research group, Industrial Economics, Innovation and International Competition, WIFO - Austrian Institute of Economic Research, Vienna

M.Phil. Alistair NOLAN

Senior Policy Analyst, Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation, OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Paris

 Alistair Nolan is a Senior Policy Analyst in the OECD’s Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation. For the past two years Mr.Nolan has managed OECD work examining the impacts of new technologies on production, leading to the 2017 book "The Next Production Revolution: Implications for Governments and Business." He is currently working on various aspects of public policy towards Artificial Intelligence. Other recent work he managed has examined the role of intangible assets in innovation and growth, leading to the book "Supporting Investment in Knowledge Capital, Growth and Innovation". For a number of years he specialised in the assessment of all aspects of public policy towards entrepreneurship. Mr. Nolan helped prepare the OECD’s 1998 flagship publication "Fostering Entrepreneurship" and edited two OECD books on business incubation. He is also the author of the 2003 OECD book "Entrepreneurship and Local Economic Development", which reviews knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship and sets out detailed programme and policy guidance for central and local governments. Mr. Nolan also specialised in the evaluation of public policy, and is the editor and co-author of the 2005 OECD publication "Evaluating Local Economic and Employment Development: How to Assess What Works in Programmes and Policy". For three years Mr. Nolan worked in the OECD’s Directorate for Education to develop a programme to objectively measure the generic skills of the working age populations in OECD countries. The PIAAC Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies provides a unique data set with which to examine the relationships between the stock and distribution of adult skills and a broad range of economic, employment and social outcomes. Prior to joining the OECD Mr. Nolan worked for the UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organisation, where he occupied a variety of posts in research, policy and the design of technical co-operation.

Mag. Wolfgang POLT

Director, POLICIES - Institute for Economic and Innovation Research, Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, Vienna

1977-1985 Study of Economics and Business Informatics, University of Vienna
1985-1992 Research Fellow, Institute for Research on Socio-Economic Development and Technology Assessment of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
1992-1999 Senior Research Fellow, Department of Technology Studies of the Austrian Research Centers Seibersdorf
1996-1998 Full time Consultant, OECD/Directorate Science, Technology and Industry/Division for Science and Technology Policy in Paris
since 2000 Head, Viennese Office, INTERREG - Institute of Technology and Regional Policy and of the Viennese office of JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
since 2006 Authorised representative, JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
since 2010 Head of POLICIES, Institute for Economic and Innovation Research of - JOANNEUM RESEARCH Ltd., Graz/Wien/Klagenfurt

M.Sc. Maximilian UNGER

Scientific Fellow, POLICIES - Institute for Economic and Innovation Research, Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, Vienna

2012 Junior Fellow, WIFO Austrian Institute for Economic Research, Vienna
2012-2013 Research Assistant, IMK Macroeconomic Policy Institute, Hans-Böckler-Foundation, Düsseldorf
2013-2014 Public Management Internship, Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy, Vienna
since 2014 Scientific Fellow, POLICIES - Institute for Economic and Innovation Research, Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, Vienna


Timetable einblenden
Genre : Alle


09:00 - 10:00Open doors: #ART TECCulture
09:00 - 10:00Start der Ausstellung TEC-Xperience RoomPartner
11:00 - 11:10Begrüßung und EröffnungPlenary
11:10 - 12:00FTI-TalkPlenary
12:20 - 13:40Präzisionsmedizin – die Antwort der Medizin auf Diversität?Plenary
14:00 - 15:30ErnährungswissenschaftPlenary
18:15 - 19:15Tickets nach Berlin: Falling Walls Lab Austria & Summer School on EntrepreneurshipPlenary
19:15 - 20:30Die Presse Karrierelounge für StudentInnen und JungakademikerInnenPlenary
19:30 - 21:30AbendempfangSocial


06:30 - 07:00TU Austria Innovations-Marathon: Ideen auf Bestellung – 24 Stunden nonstopPlenary
07:00 - 16:00Junior Alpbach – Wissenschaft und Technologie für junge MenschenBreakout
07:00 - 13:00Ö1 Kinderuni Alpbach – Wissenschaft und Technologie für KinderBreakout
07:15 - 08:30Seattle never sleeps: Ein junger, boomender Innovationsstandort zu Gast bei den TechnologiegesprächenPlenary
08:45 - 10:15Die Zukunft ist digital – wie human wird sie sein?Plenary
10:30 - 11:00Imbiss für die TeilnehmerInnen der Breakout SessionsSocial
11:00 - 16:00Breakout Session 01: Wettlauf um Schlüsseltechnologien – Europas Potenziale?Breakout
11:00 - 16:00Breakout Session 02: Digitalisierung und Diversität – eine Chance für den WirtschaftsstandortBreakout
11:00 - 16:00Breakout Session 03: Ungleichheit und Resilienz in der digitalen ÖkonomieBreakout
11:00 - 16:00Breakout Session 04: Gentherapie – Eingriff in die Natur oder zukünftiger HoffnungsträgerBreakout
11:00 - 16:00Breakout Session 05: Batterien der nächsten Generation: Europäische Spitzentechnologie für einen Durchbruch in der ElektromobilitätBreakout
11:00 - 16:00Breakout Session 06: Schutz kritischer Infrastrukturen: NIS-Gesetz – was nun?Breakout
11:00 - 16:00Breakout Session 07: Industrielle Energiewende: Resilient durch Innovation?Breakout
11:00 - 16:00Breakout Session 08: Digital literacy for all – Alle sollen digital fit seinBreakout
11:00 - 16:00Breakout Session 09: Gesellschaftliche Konsequenzen digitaler MonokulturenBreakout
11:00 - 16:00Breakout Session 10: Zukünftige disruptive Technologien: Herausforderungen für die moderne GesellschaftBreakout
11:00 - 16:00Breakout Session 11: Digitales Leben in einer physischen Welt: Digitalität neu denkenBreakout
11:00 - 16:00Breakout Session 12: Die Erneuerbarkeit gesellschaftlicher RessourcenBreakout
11:00 - 16:00Breakout Session 13: Resilienz – Gesellschaft und KrisenbewältigungBreakout
16:30 - 17:30Global Talk: #MakeInIndia – Indien auf der Überholspur?Plenary


07:00 - 08:30Cyborgs – wenn Technologie unter die Haut gehtPlenary
08:50 - 09:50Die Resilienz der Demokratie und demokratischer MedienPlenary
09:50 - 10:15Öffentlich-rechtliche Strategien in Zeiten der digitalen DisruptionPlenary
10:30 - 11:15Die Physik der alltäglichen DingePlenary
11:00 - 12:00Imbiss zum Abschluss der VeranstaltungSocial