06: Schutz kritischer Infrastrukturen: NIS-Gesetz – was nun?
Das ab Mai 2018 geltende Netz- und Informationssystemsicherheitsgesetz – NISG – schafft neue Rahmenbedingungen für organisatorische und technische Informationssicherheitsmaßnahmen für Betreiber wesentlicher Dienste, die von hoher Bedeutung für die Versorgung der Bevölkerung, die Wirtschaft, die öffentliche Sicherheit und Landesverteidigung und für öffentliche Einrichtungen sind, und wo durch einen Cyber-Sicherheitsvorfall Versorgungsengpässe oder Gefährdungen eintreten würden. Im Zuge der Breakout-Session werden die Konsequenzen aus dem NISG betrachtet.
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Mag. Dr. MBA Michael STRUGL
Vice Chairman of the Board, VERBUND AG, Vienna
1982-1991 | Diploma course in Law, Johannes Kepler University, Linz |
1998-1999 | LIMAK General Management Program, Linz, Emory University, Atlanta |
2000-2001 | Degree in "International Finance", University of Toronto |
2005-2013 | Doctorate, Social and Business Sciences, Johannes Kepler University, Linz |
2018 | Stanford University Graduate School of Business, Stanford Executive Program, Stanford, CA |
1987-1995 | Press officer, ÖVP - Austrian People's Party, Provincial Party Leadership for Upper Austria |
1995-2001 | Vice-Provincial Party Leader, ÖVP - Austrian People's Party, Provincial Party Leadership for Upper Austria |
1998 | Creative Director, Zoffel-Hoff & Partner, Wiesbaden |
1997-2001 | Member, Federal Council; Chairman, Foreign Affairs Committee, Vienna |
2003-2009 | Chairman, ÖVP - Austrian People's Party Club, Provincial Parliament, Linz |
2001-2013 | Member, parliament in the Provincial Parliament of Upper Austria, Linz |
Provincial Party Leader, ÖVP - Austrian People's Party, Provincial Party Leadership for Upper Austria, Linz | |
2013-2018 | Member, Upper Austrian Provincial Government, Spokesman for Economics, Labor, Research, Science, Energy, Tourism, Regional Planning, Provincial Holding, Europe and Sport, Linz |
since 2019 | Vice Chairman of the Board, VERBUND AG, Vienna |
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Gerhard ESCHELBECK
Vice President Security and Privacy Engineering, Google Inc., Cupertino, CA
1992-1996 | Research and Teaching Assistant, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria |
1995 | Founder IDS GmbH, Austria |
1996 | PhD, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria |
1996-1997 | Director of Engineering, McAfee Software Development Center GmbH, Austria |
1997-2001 | Vice President Engineering Antivirus Products, McAfee/Network Associates, Santa Clara, California |
2000 | Habilitation venia docendi for Applied Informatics, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria |
2001-2005 | Chief Technical Officer & Vice President of Engineering, Qualys, Redwood Shores, California |
2006-2011 | Chief Technical Officer & Sr. Vice President of Engineering, Webroot Software, San Mateo, California |
2011-2014 | Chief Technical Officer & Sr. Vice President, Sophos, Oxford, UK |
since 2014 | Vice President Security and Privacy Engineering, Google Inc., Mountain View, CA |
Lecturer at Johannes Kepler University Linz and other international Universities |
EU Expert, Department for Cyber Security, GovCERTand NIS Office, Austrian Federal Chancellery, Vienna
2008-2012 | Bachelor's degree in Business Informatics, University of Vienna |
2011-2013 | Sales and customer service outdoor and alpine sport, Sport Eybl & Sports Experts GmbH |
2014-2015 | Executive assistant and system administrator, Health & Life Gesundheitsmanagement GmbH |
2012-2016 | Master's degree programme, Business Informatics, University of Vienna |
2014-2015 | Research assistant, Faculty of Computer Science, University of Vienna |
2015-2017 | Technical Solution Sales Professional, Enterprise Mobility and Cybersecurity, Microsoft Österreich GmbH |
since 2017 | EU Expert, Department for Cyber Security, GovCERT and NIS Office, Austrian Federal Chancellery, Vienna |
Associated Senior Auditor, AC - The Auditing Company, Sachverständigen-Sozietät Dr. Schwerhoff, Hamburg
Tomasz Lawicki leitet seit Juli 2015 den Arbeitskreis "Stand der Technik" beim Bundesverband IT-Sicherheit e.V., TeleTrusT, der im Mai 2016 die ‘Handreichung zum Stand der Technik im Sinne des IT-Sicherheitsgesetzes‘ veröffentlichte. Die neue Version der Handreichung befindet sich aktuell in der Überarbeitung. Er ist für die Sachverständigen-Sozietät Dr. Schwerhoff (AC) und Schwerhoff Consultants GmbH (SC) tätig. Sein Aufgabenschwerpunkt liegt insbesondere in der objektiven Untersuchung von Fragestellungen im ITK-Bereich sowie Klärung des Sachverhalts im gerichtlichen Auftrag. Zudem ist er seit 2013 zertifizierter Sachverständiger für IT-Anwendungen und -Systeme nach ISO EN DIN 17024. |
B.Sc. M.Sc. Thomas PFEIFFER
Chief Information Security Officer, Linz Strom Netz GmbH, Linz
1989-2006 | Teamleader for carrierbackbone and powerline technologies (B2B / B2C), LINZ AG |
2006-2013 | CTO, lagis Internet Service Provider GmbH, Linz |
2013-2016 | CISO, LINZ AG Telekom, Linz |
since 2016 | Lead Auditor ISO/IEC 27001, OCG Austrian Computer Society, Vienna |
Lector, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Hagenberg | |
since 2017 | Lector, University of Applied Sciences FH Technikum Wien, Vienna |
Mag. Walter UNGER
Head, Department of Cyber Defence and ICT Security, Austrian Federal Ministry of Defence, Vienna
1979-1982 | Military Academy, Wiener Neustadt |
1982-1988 | Platoon and Company Commander, Bruckneudorf |
1988-1991 | 12. General Staff Course, National Defence Academy, Vienna |
1991-1999 | AAFSA - Austrian Armed Forces Security Agency, Ministry of Defence and Sports, Vienna |
1998-1999 | Leadership course, Federal Administration Academy, Vienna |
1999-2000 | Commander of the Anti-Tank Battalion 1, Joint Forces Command, Wiener Neustadt |
2001-2009 | Head of the Counter Intelligence Division, AAFSA - Austrian Armed Forces Security Agency, Vienna |
2006-2008 | Head of the Interministerial Working Group Strategy ICT Security |
2009-2013 | Head of the ICT-Security Division, AAFSA - Austrian Armed Forces Security Agency, Vienna |
since 2013 | Head of the Cyber Defence & ICT- Security Division, AAFSA - Austrian Armed Forces Security Agency, Vienna |
since 2015 | Project Team Leader Cyber Defence Centre, AAFSA - Austrian Armed Forces Security Agency, Vienna |
since 2017 | Head of the Cyber Defence Centre, AAFSA - Austrian Armed Forces Security Agency, Vienna |
Mag. DI Dr. Edgar WEIPPL
Research Director, SBA Research gGmbH; Non-tenured Associate Professor, Institute of Information Systems Engineering, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna
2000-2001 | Assistant Professor, Beloit College, Beloit, WI |
2002-2004 | Project Manager, ISIS Papyrus, Frankfurt; New York |
2004-2006 | Assistant Professor, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna |
since 2006 | Research Director, SBA Research gGmbH, Vienna |
since 2009 | Non-tenured Associate Professor, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna |
Head, Department Secure Information Systems, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Hagenberg
1994 | Founder and CEO, UNINET it-consulting GmbH, Linz/Hagenberg im Mühlkreis |
1991-1998 | Head of department "Supercomputing", Computing Center, Johannes Kepler University Linz |
1997 | Lecturer, Computer Architecture; Computer Networks; Internet Technology, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Hagenberg |
2000 | Head of diploma program "Computer und Mediensicherheit", University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Hagenberg |
2001 | Professor for Internet- and Network-Technology; Head of Department, Secure Information Systems; University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Hagenberg |
2004 | Expert Witness at Court (Gerichtssachverständiger) for information & telecommunication technology, forensics |
2011 | Lead Scientist, Development of broadband strategy for Upper Austria |
2014 | Steering Board Member, Upper Austrian IT-Cluster, Linz |
2018 | Steering Board Member, Fiber Service OÖ, Linz |
2019 | Faculty Member of LIMAK, JKU Austrian Business School, Linz |
Head of Investor and Location Management, Business Upper Austria - OÖ Wirtschaftsagentur GmbH, Linz
2009-2011 | MA, International Marketing Management, Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences, Wels |
Head, Business Development Management, Kappa Filter Systems GmbH, Steyr | |
2011-2013 | LL.M, University of Applied Sciences for Economy and Management, Düsseldorf; Munich |
2011-2012 | Commercial Procuration, Kappa Filter Systems GmbH, Düsseldorf |
2012-2015 | Commercial Project Management, Kapsch TrafficCom AG, Vienna |
2013-2015 | Professional Finance MBA, Vienna University of Economics and Business |
2014-2017 | Dr.iur, Vienna University of Economics and Business |
2015-2016 | Head, Commercial Management North America, Kapsch TrafficCom IVHS Inc., Washington DC |
since 2016 | Head, Investor and Location Management, Business Upper Austria - OÖ Wirtschaftsagentur GmbH, Linz |