10: Zukünftige disruptive Technologien: Herausforderungen für die moderne Gesellschaft
Sichere PNT-Dienste sind für moderne Gesellschaften des 21. Jahrhunderts unverzichtbar. Positioning-Navigation-Timing (PNT) ist derzeit vor allem auf das amerikanische GPS-Signal angewiesen, aber auch auf andere globale oder regionale Navigationsdienste wie Galileo der EU. Aber wie sicher sind diese Dienste, insbesondere im Lichte neuester technischer Entwicklungen, gegen Angriffe, Störsignale oder Manipulationen? Luft- und Seefahrt, Lieferketten, Energievertrieb, IT-Netzwerke, die Finanzwelt, Einsatzleitungen etc. hängen von präzisen globalen Standort- und Zeitangaben ab. Wir untersuchen die derzeit verfügbaren PNT-Optionen, natürliche Bedrohungen und solche aus dem Cyberspace sowie mögliche Gegen- und Schutzmaßnahmen für verlässliche Standort- und Zeitangaben.
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Colonel, Austrian Federal Ministry of Defence, Vienna
Head of Navigation and GALILEO Unit, Ministry of Defence, Vienna | |
Head of ICT-Innovation Department, Ministry of Defence, Vienna | |
ICT-Analyst and Chief Information Security Officer, ICT-Security Counter Intelligence | |
Consultant Military Strategic Department, Ministry of Defence, Vienna | |
Consultant and ICT-Officer, Project "Management ÖBH 2010" | |
Deputy G6 and S6, KdoLuSK | |
Signal Officer, KdoLuSK | |
Signal Officer, 3rd mechBrig |
Andreas LESCH
Managing Director, TeleConsult Austria GmbH, Graz
Managing Shareholder of 1st-Relief e.U. | |
25 years experience in executive positions e.g. as Chief Information Officer, Chief Technology Officer and Managing Director |
Head, Department of Space Affairs, Austrian Federal Ministry for Transport Innovation and Technology, Vienna
since 2017 | Head, Department of Space Affairs, Austrian Federal Ministry for Transport Innovation and Technology, Vienna |
She joined the BMVIT in 2015, after working in the Ministry of Finance, the European Commission and the World Bank Group. She served in ministers’ cabinet responsible for innovation and technology. Ms. Mischkulnig holds a master degree in economics from the University of Vienna. |
B.Sc. Gerald TROST
Head, Office of Information Security Commission, Austrian Federal Chancellery, Vienna
1985-1991 | IT-Analyst, Federal Chancellery, Vienna |
1991-2000 | Head of Unit, Federal Backup System and Computer Networks, Federal Chancellery, Vienna |
2000-2002 | Head of Department, Federal IT-Coordination, Federal Chancellery, Vienna |
2003-2005 | Head of Chief Information Office, Federal Ministry for Public Services and Sports, Vienna |
since 2005 | Director, Federal Office for Information Security, Federal Chancellery, Vienna |
since 2018 | Chairman, Information Security Commission, Federal Chancellery, Vienna |
Director, CPA Competent PRS Authority, Federal Chancellery, Vienna |
Dr. Friedrich TEICHMANN
Director, Geo-Spatial Institute, Austrian Armed Forces, Vienna
1983-1989 | M.Sc.; University of Maine, Orono, ME; Mag rer. nat., University of Salzburg |
1989-1991 | Technical officer, combat and construction engineering battalion, Austrian Armed Forces, Salzburg |
1991-1996 | Research & Teaching Assistant, Geochemistry PostDoc Researcher, University of Rochester, New York, NY |
1991-1995 | Ph.D.; M.Sc., University of Rochester, New York, NY |
1996-2008 | Chief for Transformation Management; Head of Department, Communication and Information Systems; Chief Geographic Officer, Second Austrian Army Corps and Austrian Air Force, Austrian Ministry of Defense and Sport, Vienna |
1999-2001 | Master in Advanced Studies, University of Salzburg |
2001-2003 | External consultant, Geo and GIS - Implementation for disaster relief mission planning systems |
since 2002 | Lecturer, Information Technology, Space Applications and Geosciences; Universities of Applied Sciences: FH Joanneum, Kapfenberg; Vienna; Wiener Neustadt; Spittal a.d. Drau |
2005-2007 | Professional Master of Science, Danube University Krems |
2008-2010 | Commander, Regional Coordination Center EUFOR-ALTHEA Bosnia-Herzegovina, Sarajevo |
2008-2011 | Deputy Director, Communication and Information Systems Planning Department, Austrian Ministry of Defense and Sport, Vienna |
2011 | Space Study Program (SSP11), ISU International Space University, Strasbourg |
2011-2016 | Director, Information and Communication Technology Innovation Department, Austrian Ministry of Defense and Sport, Vienna |
since 2013 | Director of the Austrian Military Geospatial Institute, Austrian Ministry of Defense and Sport, Vienna |