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09: Freies Spiel der Innovationen oder sicherer Systemumbau?

Breakout /
in englischer Sprache

Digitale Technologien werden eine Schlüsselrolle bei der Transformation kritischer Infrastrukturen – wie etwa der Stromversorgung – spielen, welche für den Standort, unseren Wohlstand und die Leistungsfähigkeit der Gesellschaft essenziell sind. Der digitale Umbau darf jedoch nicht die Sicherheit von Versorgungsystemen gefährden. Was sind also die Anforderungen an eine sichere Energie- und Verkehrsinfrastruktur? Der Einsatz disruptiver Technologien fordert Infrastrukturbetreiber und Wirtschaft heraus, rasch gemeinsam effektive Maßnahmen, beispielsweise Innovationspartnerschaften, umzusetzen.

Bestselling Author and Pioneering Thinker, Vienna Key Note
Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Naoris SE Limited, Tortola, British Virgin Islands
Managing Director, ASFINAG Maut Service GmbH, Vienna
Head of Grid Planning, TenneT TSO GmbH, Bayreuth
Professor, Department of Engineering Cybernetics, Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim
Global Head Secure Products & Systems, SGS Digital Trust Services GmbH, Graz
Executive Producer, Factual Entertainment and Format Development, Terra Mater Factual Studios GmbH, Vienna Chair
Managing Director, Climate and Energy Fund, Vienna Chair
Public Relations Manager, Climate and Energy Fund, Vienna Coordination



Bestselling Author and Pioneering Thinker, Vienna

 Marc Elsberg was born in Vienna in 1967. He was a columnist for the Austrian daily »Der Standard« as well as a strategy consultant and creative director for advertising in Vienna and Hamburg. In 2012 he made the breakthrough with his techno-thriller Blackout and he was awarded, among other things, with the prize for the Knowledge Book of the Year. His meticulously researched and enthralling written science thriller about the effects of a total power failure in Europe dominated for months the bestseller lists. In his thriller Zero, with the power of digital algorithms and the rise of big data, he once again picks up a hot topic that profoundly changes our way of seeing ourselves in the 21st century. His third book, Helix, was released in 2016, followed by Gier in 2019. Marc Elsberg lives and works in Vienna.


Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Naoris SE Limited, Tortola, British Virgin Islands

 The youngest Global CISO in Europe, currently leading a massive cyber-tranformation on a group of global organizations with 100K+ employees, David brings a fresh leadership approach on hard problems from a threat / attackers perspective / regulators perspective. Due to his high level of knowledge of the inner workings of systems and tools, David ensures that actionable intelligence results in a strong security strategy and informed leadership when making critical business decisions. Highly experienced in leading cyber projects for Global, highly regulated organizations or with critical intellectual property - highly experienced in building compliance from scratch, data-protection regulations, GDPR, PCIDSS, ISO27k. David has excellent people management skills and technical knowledge around all Cyber Security Domains providing very strong experience in maturing the cyber environment of cyber teams / SOC / CSIRT / IRC / SNOC within the organization. David is able to influence others to his point of view with the integrity required to get the most out of individuals - from divisional CEO's, through to junior staff.

Ing. Mag. Bernd DATLER

Managing Director, ASFINAG Maut Service GmbH, Vienna

 Mr. Datler is managing director of the tolling company of ASFINAG since November 2009. Mr. Datler is responsible for technical development and operation of the Tolling systems of ASFINAG covering all highways and expressways of Austria as well as for various telematics activities within ASFINAG. In addition to that Mr. Datler is responsible for all IT-activities of ASFINAG including IT-infrastructure, applications, IT-security, Data networks and SAP. Mr. Datler has been with ASFINAG for more than 12 years, previously he worked as management and IT consultant with Cap Gemini Ernst & Young.

Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Bernd KLÖCKL

Head of Grid Planning, TenneT TSO GmbH, Bayreuth

2001 M.Sc. (Dipl.-Ing.) in electrical power engineering, Graz University of Technology, Graz
2002-2006 Ph.D. (Dr.sc.techn.) in technical sciences, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, ETH Zurich
2006-2007 Head of grid section, Austrian association of electricity companies, Vienna
2007-2011 Austrian Power Grid, market management and asset management, Vienna
since 2011 Head of grid planning, TenneT TSO, Bayreuth
TenneT representative in the ENTSO-E System Development Committee
2013-2017 Vice Chairman, TenneT TSO, Bayreuth
since 2018 TenneT representative in ENTSO-E Research, Development and Innovation Committee


Professor, Department of Engineering Cybernetics, Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim

1994 Japanese language, Osaka University of Foreign Studies, Osaka
1994-1997 Master of Engineering, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa
1998 Ph.D. exchange, Dep. of Information Engineering, University of Padova
1997-2000 Dr. of Eng., Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo
2000-2001 Research associate, Research Laboratory for Nuclear Reactors,Tokyo
2004-2005 Postdoctoral research associate, Department of Electric Power Engineering, NTNU, Trondheim
2005-2007 Postdoctoral research associate, Center for Renewable Energy, SFFE-NTNU, Trondheim
2008-2009 JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow, AIST, Tsukuba
2008-2014 Professor, Department of Electric Power Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim
2013-2014 Visiting Scientist, Columbia University, Earth Institute, New York, NY
since 2014 Professor, Department of Engineering Cybernetics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim
since 2016 Affiliated Scientist, Center of Excellence NTNU AMOS - Centre for Autonomous Marine Operations and Systems, Trondheim

Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Martin SCHAFFER

Global Head Secure Products & Systems, SGS Digital Trust Services GmbH, Graz

1997-2004 Computer Science, System Security, University of Klagenfurt
2001-2002 Security SW Engineer, IBM Research Zurich Lab, Zurich
2004-2018 Dr.techn. in Crypto & Security; Researcher & Lecturer, University of Klagenfurt
2008-2018 Multiple roles at NXP Semiconductors: security architect, cryptographer, certification expert and manager of a global security team
since 2018 Global Head of Secure Products & Systems, Digital Trust Services, SGS Digital Trust Services GmbH, Graz
since 2019 Managing Director, SGS Digital Trust Services GmbH, Graz


Executive Producer, Factual Entertainment and Format Development, Terra Mater Factual Studios GmbH, Vienna

1996-2002 Studium, Graz und USA; Moderator, Journalist, Aktueller Dienst Hörfunk, TV, ORF Landesstudio Salzburg
2002-2007 Journalist; Livereporter; Redakteur, ORF, Zeit im Bild, ORF Magazin Willkommen Österreich, Wien
2007-2012 Moderator; Sendungsverantwortlicher, ORF Magazin Newton; Analyst (Science), ORF Zeit im Bild, Wien
2012-2019 Executive Producer; Format Entwicklung, Regisseur, Moderator; Terra Mater Factual Studios, Wien

DI Theresia VOGEL

Managing Director, Climate and Energy Fund, Vienna

1998-2003 Selbständige wissenschaftliche Projekte, FTEI - Fakultätentag für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik e.V.
2001-2005 Leiterin des Wissenschaftsbereichs Umwelttechnik und Qualitätsmanagement, Lektorin, Fachhochschule Wiener Neustadt, Campus Wieselburg
2005-2010 Bereichsleiterin Strukturprogramme und Programmleiterin "Nachhaltig Wirtschaften", Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft
seit 2010 Geschäftsführerin, Klima- und Energiefonds
 laufend diverse Vorträge an Universitäten und Fachhochschulen

Mag. Katja HOYER

Public Relations Manager, Climate and Energy Fund, Vienna

1993-2001 Publizistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
2001-2004 Ecker&Partner, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Lobbying GmbH
2004-2010 Niederösterreich Werbung GmbH
since 2010 Klima- und Energiefonds der österreichischen Bundesregierung


Timetable einblenden
Genre : Alle


11:00 - 11:30Open doors: #ART TEC: Schnittstellen von Kunst, Technologie und WissenschaftCulture
11:00 - 11:30Start der Ausstellung TEC-Xperience RoomPartner
11:30 - 12:30Die Presse TalkPartner
13:00 - 13:10Begrüßung und EröffnungPlenary
13:10 - 14:00FTI-TalkPlenary
14:30 - 16:00Künstliche Intelligenz und CybersecurityPlenary
16:20 - 17:30Künstliche Intelligenz und RobotikPlenary
20:15 - 21:15Tickets nach Berlin: Falling Walls Lab Austria & Summer School on EntrepreneurshipPlenary
21:30 - 23:30AbendempfangSocial


08:30 - 09:00TU Austria Innovations-Marathon: Ideen auf Bestellung – 24 Stunden nonstopPlenary
09:00 - 18:00Junior Alpbach – Wissenschaft und Technologie für junge MenschenBreakout
09:00 - 15:00Ö1 Kinderuni Alpbach – Wissenschaft und Technologie für KinderBreakout
09:15 - 10:30Führungskräfteentwicklung in Wissenschaft und WirtschaftPlenary
10:45 - 12:15Arizona Dreams: Eine Initiative der Arizona State University digitalisiert die BildungPlenary
12:30 - 13:15Imbiss für die TeilnehmerInnen der Breakout SessionsSocial
13:15 - 17:30Breakout Session 01: Künstliche Intelligenz und Governance: Freiheit, Vertrauen, SicherheitBreakout
13:15 - 17:30Breakout Session 02: Cybersecurity, Privatsphäre, Ethik – Chancen und Risiken für eine Digitale GesellschaftBreakout
13:15 - 17:30Breakout Session 03: Wie viel Freiheit braucht eine Gesellschaft?Breakout
13:15 - 17:30Breakout Session 04: Artificial Intelligence – FIT für den Industriestandort ÖsterreichBreakout
13:15 - 17:30Breakout Session 05: (Warum) Braucht es Kunst zur Innovation?Breakout
13:15 - 17:30Breakout Session 06: Digitalisierung in der Industrie – Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten aus der Perspektive von Betriebsrat und GeschäftsführungBreakout
13:15 - 17:30Breakout Session 07: Freiheit und Sicherheit – die ersten Opfer der Digitalisierung?Breakout
13:15 - 17:30Breakout Session 08: Wie sicher ist sicher? Leben und Wirtschaften im Spannungsfeld zwischen Komfort – Geschwindigkeit – SicherheitBreakout
13:15 - 17:30Breakout Session 09: Freies Spiel der Innovationen oder sicherer Systemumbau?Breakout
13:15 - 17:30Breakout Session 10: Technologieoffensive – Turbo für Innovation und WohlstandBreakout
13:15 - 17:30Breakout Session 11: Mixed Reality – die reale Welt digital dargestellt im „virtuellen Haus der Digitalisierung“Breakout
13:15 - 17:30Breakout Session 12: Künstliche Intelligenz – Technologie der ZukunftBreakout
13:15 - 17:30Breakout Session 13: Demokratisierter Strommarkt: Freiheit zulasten der Sicherheit?Breakout
18:30 - 20:00Führung durch die Ausstellung #ART TEC: Schnittstellen von Kunst, Technologie und WissenschaftCulture
19:30 - 20:00Imbiss für die TeilnehmerInnen der KarriereloungeSocial
20:00 - 21:30Karrierelounge für StudentInnen und JungakademikerInnenPlenary


09:00 - 11:00Bioökonomie – unverzichtbar für die Zukunftssicherung der MenschheitPlenary
11:30 - 13:10If You Could Read My Mind…Plenary
13:10 - 13:15SchlusswortePlenary
13:15 - 14:00Imbiss zum Abschluss der VeranstaltungSocial